Sentences with phrase «human differences»

The answer rather is to learn to respect and be tolerant towards one another regardless of human differences such a culture, heritage, opinion, and belief.
Just as there is no moral quality in the fact that persons are born male or female, so these other human differences are facts.
Otherwise, conflict is the essential process through which parent and adolescent broker human differences that inevitably arise between them.
And they can also explain that conflict in a marriage is not only normal, but essential, if parents are to address and resolve inevitable human differences that will arise between them.
The outcome is based to some extent on innate human differences, to some extent on human motivation and to some extent on professional intervention.
Diversity is about the wealth around human differences — including gender, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and life experiences.
Of course, there are obvious and hugely important human differences between the events of 9/11 and the Ash Cloud.
11:30 am — The Power of Human Difference In the research for the FT Innovative Lawyers reports, diverse teams, both in the inherent and cognitive sense, are most likely to innovate.
Parlin remains in front of a classroom, as passionate about teaching as he was on the day he spoke up at the Committee on Human Differences meeting.
Burlington High School's mission is to develop lifelong learners and engaged community members who think creatively and critically and who respect human differences in an increasingly diverse society.
The abolition of desire from the human spirit would produce a static life where human differences would not be allowed or noticed.
There brothers and sisters, in an atmosphere undisturbed by physical attraction, gradually begin to sense some of the deeper and truly human differences and complementarities between the sexes — and so to appreciate and respect the different way of being a man or a woman.
says glycobiologist Ajit Varki, who studies ape - human differences at the University of California at San Diego.
It's a political film which says that we all need to grow up and accept the realties of the modern world, and that to embrace rather than repel human difference will make everyone more content in the end.
The mantra that «all children can learn to the same high levels,» said Shanker, «is news to parents, teachers, and the public; it defies everything we know and appreciate about human differences
Through anti-bias education, early childhood educators can create learning communities that support human differences.
From its increased significance at the height of European colonialism to the foundations of Enlightenment - era pseudoscience, the concept of race has been used to categorize humans along the lines of shared characteristics in order to understand human difference.
Recent papers on process thought and feminism have used the term «androgynous to depict the range of maleness / femaleness expressed in both humans and God.1 In a similar sense, «gynandrous» has been proposed.2 To be sure, the aim is to capture, by means of an appropriate term, the rich texture of human differences, that one is neither strictly «female» or «male» but a creative combination of the qualities historically assigned to both.
Parlin had disclosed his sexual orientation to colleagues at the suburban Boston high school the previous spring — fittingly, at a meeting of the Newton South Committee on Human Differences.
«The suggestion that differences in [neurochemical profiles] are correlated with particular ape — human differences in temperament and behavior remains a hypothesis, although a strongly - founded one,» he says.
The distinctive impetus for anthropological study has been and continues to be the conviction that human differences are significant and worthy of investigation.
The human difference is this: If the Messiah has not yet appeared, then the world is still profane, and our task is to wrest him forth, to go and fetch him, so to speak — to do what is necessary to bring him on.
Racist attitudes of this kind are not instinctive, automatic responses to human differences.
The healing factor that saved the early Christians was the realization that drawing nearer to Christ reduced the importance of human differences and brought the worshipers closer to one another.
Recent papers on process thought and feminism have used the term «androgynous to depict the range of maleness / femaleness expressed in both humans and God.1 In a similar sense, «gynandrous» has been proposed.2 To be sure, the aim is to capture, by means of an appropriate term, the rich texture of human differences, that one is...
The conviction that there is a diversity of structures of existence as well as a diversity of modes of existence within each structure is partly a function of reflection on human differences and partly a function of a priori considerations.
I'm going to tell you a little about myself by way of introduction and how I happened to get into the work that I do — of working primarily with congregations and occasionally with other religious organizations around issues of human differences.
Any judgment on human nature runs into the problem of human differences.
It has at the same time scanned the earth, making note of human differences.
Bynum claims not only that the church was not dualistic about body and soul, but that it stressed the importance of human difference and particularity.
They believe that not only is human difference a healthy fact of life, but that individuals should understand the past and present dynamics of ethnic identity, relationships and groups, not only because it will make them more sure of themselves, but also because it will strengthen the democratic nature of tire total society.
Because nuclear war is unthinkable to everyone, the call for peace transcends and ignores every human difference, making us one.
The human difference is not in terms of the dynamics of existence, but in terms of the intensity of that dynamic.
Parental conflict doesn't mean divorce (as so many children today fear), it means parents are working to architect a marriage that can accept the human differences between them.
This is in stark contrast to the public realm, which is characterised by the diversity of human difference, and where plural appeals prevail.
Note that (in reference to Krings et al. 2007) because two modern human sequences are 24 bases apart, while the smallest Neandertal / human difference is only 22, this does not mean that the Neandertal sequence is within the range of modern humans.
She's an expert on matters of identity and human difference.
Nature, Human Nature, and Human Difference: Race in Early Modern Philosophy [Justin E. H. Smith] on.
If there's anything tying together the detours and roadblocks that comprise Big Holiday, it's the film's big, bold, screaming celebration of human difference.
GOPNIK: Yeah, so one of the big scientific ideas of the book is about the value of variability, the inherent value of human difference.
The challenge Bob Parlin put before the Committee on Human Differences 20 years ago is as relevant as ever.
It would have helped enormously, he told the Committee on Human Differences, if he'd had even one openly gay teacher in high school to serve as a role model.
Programs such as «Human Differences: What Keeps Us Apart?»
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