Sentences with phrase «human embryonic cells»

He also said that no federal dollars could be used in research on new human embryonic cell lines.
• News of Embryonic Stem Cells • A University of Wisconsin team used human embryonic cells to form cells that manufacture platelets as well as red and white blood cells.
To get more cells, researchers from Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass., grew clusters of human embryonic cells in a precise cocktail of growth factors and other cell - regulating chemicals that took several years to work out, says Robert Lanza, the firm's vice president of research and scientific development.
However, in 2007 Professor Wilmut announced that he had decided to change to an alternative method of research pioneered in Japan, known as direct reprogramming or «de-differentiation», which could create human embryonic cells without using human eggs or cloning human embryos.
Other groups had discovered hemangioblasts in mouse and human embryonic cells as well as in adult human bone marrow and umbilical cord blood.
Seeing red For the latest technique, the researchers used a nanowire to inject diamond crystals into a human embryonic cell.
L: We use adult stem cells, and we use the human embryonic cell lines that the government has already approved.
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