Sentences with phrase «human esophageal cancer»

In research published in BioMetals, UJ3 is shown to be as effective against human esophageal cancer cells, as a widely - used chemotherapy drug in use today.
One of these, UJ3, is as effective as the industry - standard drug Cisplatin in killing cancer cells in laboratory tests done on human esophageal cancer, breast cancer and melanoma.

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In 2006 Pfizer started early human testing on one of these new, targeted drugs called crizotinib (now sold as Xalkori), concentrating on a mutation of a gene called MET, implicated in several cancers, including esophageal and stomach cancer.
That said, some observational studies in humans have shown that vinegar consumption is linked to decreased esophageal cancer in China, but increased bladder cancer in Serbia (24, 25).
There is definitely clinical human data demonstrating beneficial effects of various phytonutrients on various cancers; berries for esophageal cancer and flax for prostate cancer come to mind.
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