Sentences with phrase «human flaws»

Instead of focusing on the concepts of moral hazard, religious communities experience ethics in terms of human flaws and redemption.
I also feel like the book is so very child focused that I felt a huge amount of guilt as a parent with human flaws.
These simple human flaws can turn a good company into a dead company.
Did you ever think that maybe religion is the product of a fundamental human flaw?
This means, only sharing the positive, special things about them, and hiding their authentic human flaws.
These are three varied and distinct characters we accept because they have admirable qualities, as well as human flaws.
I also hoped to capture how the history of civilization is repetitive too, with the same vastly destructive power struggles playing out across the generations, arising from the same innate human flaws.
The people at the New Republic may have wondered about how Glass got the materials for his articles, but they are blinded by their understandable human flaws which are cunningly exploited by Glass.
Even if the film took a page from No Country For Old Men and went scoreless, the film would still keep you as intensely focused on it's deeply human characters with deeply human flaws and tendencies.
«He was so excited about creating an anti-heroic woman who was really driven by these very, very pure human flaws
I see them as saints of a sort — despite their normal human flaws — who alleviate suffering through laughter.
Those all - too - human flaws contribute to a broader portrait of an artist who understood, perhaps more astutely than his peers, the cultural moment in which they were immersed as identity politics and the popularity of the photographic medium shifted to center stage.
In an interesting twist, architect and design theorist Benjamin Bratton employed Negroponte's logic to reflect on human flaws, arguing that artificial intelligence is not exciting because it allows humans to teach machines to think, but rather because it enables machines to teach humans how to think better.
Making the world's (mostly non --RRB- reaction all the more tragic, in the sense of a horrific outcome due to ineradicable human flaws.
Most of these «Abephobes» are libertarians and neo-Confederates who blame Lincoln for a host of modern ills; some, it seems, also idealized Lincoln as youths and became permanently disillusioned after learning that he was not wholly above the usual run of human flaws.
And those writings have proven, often, to be riddled with human flaws and contradictions.
Sure Ezio has swagger, but Altair's very human flaws and his ability to overcome them made him cheer him on through every bit of sarcasm.
This is a human flaw, not a biblical one.
It assumes these human flaws and has devised controls that dramatically minimize (can't eliminate) these kind of errors.
I see the human flaw in interpretation.
I think it is the human flaw of take care of self and keep to self.
It's not a human flaw.
This isn't just a human flaw; exposing rats to cocaine also increases their impulsivity during delay discounting tasks.
I admire the human essence, the human flaw, the human simplicity, once it is given shape and form within.
Curiously, its main shortcoming parallels the human flaw that is its main theme: our yearning to leave often loses out to our inability to let go.
These are simple but compelling films about people who get in over their heads, who make poor choices consistent with their human flaws and suffer the consequences.
From there the Spanish director Nacho Vigalondo turns the film into a dark romantic comedy that focuses on human relationships and human flaws.
Anomalisa, co-directed by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson, is tragic in its unflinching depiction of human flaw, those choices we make that end up shaping our world for the better or worse.
He's great fun, often brilliantly written as something of a (shiny metal) mirror to Stark's human flaws.
Writer - director Coogler should be commended for not deifying Oscar as a martyr or whitewashing any of his human flaws.
It's a parade of human flaws and cavalier attitudes, as each person recognizes the imminent threat and calculates how much personal exposure they have to the calamity.
When Wozniak sternly tells Jobs, «Computers aren't supposed to have human flaws — I'm not going to build this one with yours,» it takes us nearly an hour to realize the happy tragedy that the same logic doesn't apply to Lisa.
I admired Stephen's tenacity and he had human flaws that were relatable.
And index investing forces us to fight back even harder against our inner Cro - Magnon, because it runs up against a host of human flaws.
The tendency to hoard is a natural instinct and human flaw.
The sculptures are meant to hit the viewer over the head with their abjectness, unable to house any hopes and aspirations, these ruined structures stand as silent sentinels to unfulfilled dreams and human flaws.
However, holidays can also be a difficult time for many families, and heightened stress and tension can highlight our human flaws.
Two parents who can recognize their imperfections and who know that they are mutually dependent can augment each other's efforts, and protect the children from the undue influence of the human flaws and limitations of each other simply by providing a different perspective and experience.
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