Sentences with phrase «human gum tissue»

In a new study, researchers injected human gum tissue extracted during oral surgery into the molars of fetal mice.

Not exact matches

Pets are prone to the same dental problems as humans: gingivitis (gum inflammation), periodontitis (a disease of the oral cavity that affects the gum, bone and tissues around the teeth), pyorrhea (an inflammation of the gum and tooth socket that leads to loose teeth and pus); and plaque, which is a build - up of materials on the tooth enamel that can cause cavities and more serious periodontal disease.
As in humans, the presence of bacteria causes bad breath (bacteria stinks), and the accumulation of tartar causes irritation and inflammation to the gums around the dog's teeth (gingivitis, under the form of red, swollen gums), which in turn may lead to periodontal disease (the loss of the connective tissue fibers, ligaments and bone surrounding the teeth and responsible for supporting them) and eventually tooth loss due to gradual loss of supporting structure — see photo, something known as gingival recession.
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