Sentences with phrase «human gut»

The phrase "human gut" refers to the digestive system in our body, specifically the long tube that starts from our mouth and ends at our anus. It helps break down the food we eat and helps absorb nutrients. Full definition
The bugs in human guts are a hot topic these days.
Even in the well - studied human gut microbiome, it was estimated, on average, 43 % of species abundance could not be captured by available microbial reference analysis methods.
Previous studies have shown links between human gut bacteria and increased risk of a wide variety of diseases including diabetes, autism, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer.
Over the last five years a ton of research has been performed on human gut flora and its importance to overall health.
Last year, researchers found that replacing the bacteria in mouse intestines with human gut flora decreased the amount of fat absorbed by the gut.
The diversity was restored with another dose of the original human gut bacteria, delivered by fecal transplant.
The mice, raised with no natural bacteria of their own, all received a fecal transplant of the same donor human gut bacteria.
... but the good news is that human gut flora is resilient and it's actually fairly easy to repair the damage if you have the right strategies and knowledge.
«Reduction in dietary diversity impacts richness of human gut microbiota: Dietary diversity necessary for a healthy gastrointestinal microbiome.»
Methodology challenges in studying human gut microbiota — effects of collection, storage, DNA extraction and next generation sequencing technologies — Marina Panek — Scientific Reports
«Collinsella provencensis» sp. nov., «Parabacteroides bouchesdurhonensis» sp. nov., and «Sutterella seckii» sp. nov., three new bacterial species identified from human gut microbiota — Niokhor Dione — New Microbes and New Infections
Ellagic acid metabolism by human gut microbiota: consistent observation of three urolithin phenotypes in intervention trials, independent of food source, age, and health status.
The detection of several strains of Treponema in the Matses suggests this type of bacteria has been present in human guts for a long time, because it was also found in the GI tracts of the Hadza hunter - gatherers in Tanzania and in nonhuman primates.
Bravo reconstitutes the healthy human gut microbiome and the brain microbiome.
Now it seems that increasing levels of one type of human gut microbe can help people shed excess weight.
While normal human gut flora doesn't ferment erythritol, unabsorbed erythritol in the small intestine can cause a problem for people with small intestine bacterial overgrowth.
Researchers report that human guts harbor viruses as unique as the people they inhabit; the viral lineup differs even between identical twins.
For us, however, watching the Millennium Falcon hyperjump across the big screen will bring only one question to mind: how would all of this interplanetary space travel affect human gut flora?
Using a «gnotobiotic mouse model» — where mice were «colonized with a synthetic human gut microbiota composed of fully sequenced commensal bacteria» — Desai et al reported on the effects of different diets with different fibre content.
March is optimistic that the lactobacilli will also work in humans because, when he exposed lab cultures of healthy human gut cells to the bacteria, they turned into insulin - making cells too.
This, along with other analyses to rule out confounding factors like genetics, geography and antibiotic usage, suggested a simple explanation for why the captive primate guts looked more like human guts on the inside — they weren't eating enough plants.
Researchers have found human gut bugs such as Escherichia coli in ape droppings — not surprising, as these bacteria persist in the environment, where eco-tourists with diarrhoea deposit them.
Market Integration Predicts Human Gut Microbiome Attributes across a Gradient of Economic Development — Keaton Stagaman, mSystems
One postdoc presents data on her efforts to develop an organoid model for small - cell lung cancer; another reports progress on culturing hormone - secreting organoids from human gut tissue.
Not only did captive monkeys lose most of their natural wild gut bacteria, but they very consistently all acquired the same new and less diverse set of bacteria — the same bacteria living in our own modern human guts.
This behavior is one of the few clear - cut examples of diet manipulation by parasites and may have implications to human health in that there may be a similar, albeit still undiscovered, manipulative power in human gut parasites, they note.
The researchers modified an ordinary laboratory strain of the ubiquitous human gut microbe Escherichia coli, enabling the bacteria to not only record their interactions with the environment but also time - stamp the events.
Quantitative Assessment of Shotgun Metagenomics and 16S rDNA Amplicon Sequencing in the Study of Human Gut Microbiome.Laudadio I. OMICS
Differential human gut microbiome assemblages during soil - transmitted helminth infections in Indonesia and Liberia — Bruce A. Rosa, Microbiome
After the US government shutdown, today's Digest features several human gut microbiome, food microbiology papers and many news pieces.
Drs. Sempel and Seneff point out that indispensable human gut bacteria do, in fact, possess the shikimate pathway, and are thereby susceptible to harm from glyphosate.
Studies have shown that vitamin B12 can help improve digestion by contributing to the «structure and function of human gut microbial communities» (21.)
The new paper, titled «Using Machine Learning to Identify Major Shifts in Human Gut Microbiome Protein Family Abundance in Disease,» was presented last month at the IEEE International Conference on Big Data.
For their experiments, the team collected 53 common bacterial species from human guts and seeded them in sterile mouse guts, one microbe at a time.
Infection and Microbiome: Impact of Tuberculosis on Human Gut Microbiome of Indian Cohort — Utkarsh Sood — Indian Journal of Microbiology
Human Gut Bacterial Communities Are Altered by Addition of Cruciferous Vegetables to a Controlled Fruit - and Vegetable - Free Diet.
They detected more than 1,600 different enzymes capable of degrading carbohydrates — similar to the complexity in the normal human gut.
Using Machine Learning to Identify Major Shifts in Human Gut Microbiome Protein Family Abundance in Disease
It also actively promotes healthy human gut.
Using a «gnotobiotic mouse model» — where mice were «colonized with a synthetic human gut microbiota composed of fully sequenced commensal bacteria» — Desai et al reported on the effects of different diets with different fibre content.
E Le Chatelier et al., «Richness of human gut microbiome correlates with metabolic markers,» Nature 29, no 500 (2013): 541 - 6.
Many microbes, such as human gut bacteria and some disease - causing bacteria, have genes similar to the cyanobacterial clock genes.
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