Sentences with phrase «human hope»

No place affords a more striking conviction of the vanity of human hopes, than a public library.
But it reaches even further, as a stirring portrait of fleeting human hopes.
Every day, newspapers across the country run classified ads by humans hoping to be reunited with lost cats.
The majority of humans you hope will read your resume are not trained to appreciate great art.
These commands issuing from a divinity beyond the reach of reason connect us with the universality of humanity and with common human hopes for the redemption of what is dearest to us as simple human beings.
Yet in every particular human hope there is a link to a victory which transcends earthly fortune and misfortune.
However, with Detroit: Become Human hopes are high within Quantic that this will be their most successful offering yet.
Many of those who heard Him speak of it were accustomed to think of the Kingdom of God as that which would come at long last, when all the highest human hopes would reach fulfillment, and God's purpose for man would be achieved.
Many a modern man looks at this universe in bewilderment, convinced that it has nothing to do with human hopes and that he means nothing to it.
Rosemary Radford Ruether, Liberation Theology: Human Hope Confronts Christian History and American Power.
Human history will no longer support human hopes.
There is much current disillusionment over the ineffectuality of existing social institutions, but also great readiness to follow leadership that seems capable of helping realize more extensive human hopes.
And at the same time, they remind us of the humility of the mystery that condescends to meet us in the concreteness of our ordinary human hopes and desires.
It is quite understandable, then, that whenever human hope fails and despair about the future grows, there is often a resurgence of attempts to find refuge in either hedonistic or ascetic flights from history.
And yet, the astronomical number and fractal diversity of viruses could be an insurmountable gap, and the goal of finding viral killers before they begin their rampage may be little more than an ambitious human hope that wilts under nature's reality.
Based on the Kazuo Ishiguro novel, this haunting drama may be set in a parallel reality, but what it has to say about human hopes and societal ambition is deeply relevant.
The Swan Thieves is a story of obsession, history's losses, and the power of art to preserve human hope.
Hermelinde Hergenhahn Proposal for Bagman & Straight Ladies In hundreds of very small, or very large drawings Hermelinde explores human hopes and fears, with relentless humour and ambiguity.
Visualized, these stock markets may take the shape of a turbulent ocean with waves made of human hopes, dreams, greed and fear.
Christian hope which gathers up all particular human hopes and yet is deeper than they is founded upon the fact of the present creative and redemptive working of God in human life.
Or, that's what Detroit: Become Human hopes to convince you.
How can any human hope to know another's heart?
It is not the horizon of all human hope and longing.
If this be a theology of hope, then it must be of other than human hope, even of other than Christian hope; for why should any of us put any trust in the hope of humans?
It does so by sacramentally concealing itself in the concrete objects of our human hopes.
The essence of the message is that in and through the Cross, where all human hope is silenced and all human dreams are vanquished, God speaks the Word of life in death.»
The Human Enterprise (New York: Appleton - Century - Crafts, 1940), 369; cf. his Natural Laws and Human Hopes (New York: Henry Holt, 1926).
Rather, what is needed in Indianapolis and Atlanta and everywhere today, like what was needed in ancient Jerusalem, lies deep underneath such issues: the truth about human hurt and human hope.
It is not true that human hope must be stifled and suffocated by our frustrated cynicism.
The faith question with which the churches then grapple as they seek unity is that of the ground of human hope.
If we say that the ultimate ground of all human hope lies in Jesus Christ, what does that mean for our life together as God's people?
«I would not for my life destroy one star of human hope, but I want it so that when a poor woman rocks the cradle and sings a lullaby to the dimpled darling, she will not be compelled to believe that ninety - nine chances in a hundred she is raising kindling wood for hell.»
Christian hope which gathers up all particular human hopes and yet is deeper than any is founded upon the fact of the present creative and redemptive working of God in human life.
Instead, the rationale appears to be that an extended life span would simply satisfy many private desires: first, hardly anyone wants to die; second, as a basic human good, life is worth extending indefinitely; and, third, it would be remiss of science not to respond to that ancient expression of human hope and desire.
If it is removed from the social fabric the coming of God is likely to be interpreted in a purely historical rather than sacramental manner, frustrating the reach of God into our human, social world, undermining the human hope that God can answer our deepest yearning.
The French dramatic theorist Antonin Artaud, in speaking about the French classical theater, which had become formal and aloof from the issues of human hope, wrote, «In the anguished, catastrophic period in which we live, we feel an urgent need for a theater in which events do not exceed, where resonance is deep within us, dominating the instability of the times.»
This fallen world is not eternal but the human soul and human hopes are eternal.
20) Max Otto, The Human Enterprise (New York: Appleton - Century - Crofts, 1940), p. 369; cf. his Natural Laws and Human Hopes (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1926).
But how exactly can humans hope to flourish?
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