Sentences with phrase «human ideas»

Making religion serve human ideas of peace can deny religion's orientation to something larger than this world.
If men will evil and if society is shaped by human ideas and actions, then social purposes will be molded in evil ways.
Many of those who believe these wonderful truths about the gospel, have not yet believed in Jesus for eternal life, but are instead, believing in themselves, their good works, their «being a good person», their religious activity in a particular church, or a whole variety of others human ideas about how to receive eternal life.
It has failed to distinguish God's Word from the all too human ideas about science, history, and cosmology that abound in the Bible.
In his list of revolutionary human ideas, Colin Barras includes lunar calendars, implying these allowed people to plan for seasonal events (25 October, p 32).
Denmark's flexicurity is also another one of those pragmatically human ideas that makes one wonder whether we're coming at things all wrong here in North America.
aka do what religion has done for thousands of years when there is a conflict of human ideas over the super beings human interpreted meanings.
Usually when theologians say that the Bible is a human book, they mean that the Bible has human authors who use human words to discuss human ideas to human readers with human ways of thinking.
Ho «mose «xuality as an «orientation» was unknown in the history of human ideas until the late Nineteenth Century.
if you still think these are human ideas ----- Did God require the assistance of human beings to create the universe, and all life within it?
This paper is being prepared for the «Sixth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Human Ideas on Ultimate Reality and Meaning,» to be held in Toronto, Canada, on August 21 - 24, 1991.
Researchers are building new tools to harness the crowd for creative pursuits — and even building in algorithms that can take human ideas and «evolve» them in directions that people may never have thought of.
Clearly you can mock human ideas about God and the Bible, though, when those ideas are mistaken or absurd.
Syms uses captured memories in the form of memes, GIFs, film clips, and text to share Martine's feelings and emotions and express a full range of complex human ideas.
Usually the basic human idea is to have some return on the money, which is invested over a long term as in the case of a Term Insurance Plan too.
These stories do profoundly shape human ideas about masculinity, but rest assured, your dog is immune from such pressures.
In his list of revolutionary human ideas, Colin Barras includes lunar calendars, implying these allowed people to plan for seasonal...
We do this to make dogs and dog owners conform to human ideas of territory.
Just as conversation draws out the best of human ideas, trust and respect draw out the best of human action.
What we can't do is make up a god to fit our human idea of what he should be.
If we look at the adventure of human ideas we notice that our thoughts have been developing from narrower to broader concepts of possibility.
This is to argue for God, to free God from some human ideas that do injustice both to God and to us.
«In the haphazard sprawl of a city, only the astronomically rich and walled - off can pretend that our human ideas of order — like the geometric grid of roads laid over the Great Plains, or the forced cleanliness of suburban shopping centers — are stable.
Why imply that Kurt isn't trying to live good... But human idea of «good» falls short... People need Jesus as a savior because we can not work our way there... Believing and trusting Jesus is all that is required.
Then let us know if you still think these are human ideas.
The word «religion» in actual practice is applied to a great variety of human ideas, acts, and institutions.
If the Bible is nothing more than a true and accurate record of human ideas, then it doesn't help us much at all in knowing anything for sure about God, ourselves, our condition, or anything of eternal significance.
To drop those human ideas and let the Holy Spirit take over and set the goals, vision and leadership is risky — but is what God called us to do.
The God of the Bible is free and dangerous, offending our human sense of propriety and our human ideas of justice both negatively and positively.
Though their ideologies survived, mainly because they're human ideas.
Such a view reduces prayer to magic; it is nothing more than the attempt to conform the world and everything in it to human ideas.
Cf. Söderblom, Missionens Motiv och kulturvärde in ur religionens historia (Stockholm, 1915), p. l94: «Mission means that the encounter between the great human cultural types, that is the great povvers of human ideas, becomes as deep and central and manysided as possible.»
From the book of Job, I learn that we are in a poor position to judge so easily how cosmic creating can be possible at all, let alone be such that our human ideas of rewards and punishments can be met.
God as a human idea overlaps very significantly with secular Fate.
Our human idea of heaven might be walking an adored dog in the forest, but there is no indication that is anything like God's plan.
This principle is simply that no human idea or institution or condition can ever be made final, ultimate, or absolute, but that every such finite order must remain under the criticism of higher possibilities, at every level of achievement.
That result led Macer to conclude that the number of human ideas is finite, and hence could be tabulated and mapped.
Fasting is not a human idea, it is a necessary part of the human life if you want to gain optimal health.
Whether online or otherwise, these information cocoons perpetuate self - reinforcing ideas, sources of information, and tightly coupled connections to specific individuals, groups, and institutions that inhibit people's ability and willingness to consider differences of opinion that flow within the kaleidoscope of human ideas and experiences.
The task of our writing company and our writers is to materialize the human ideas in such understandable and valuable form.
Think of the entire fiasco from the dog's perspective without adding in your own beliefs of human ideas such as freedom and love.
Featuring three new sculptures, the show explores the archetypal language of form emerging from both the natural world and the realms of human ideas and culture.
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