Sentences with phrase «human impact on the environment»

Not only are people more conscious about the significance of human impact on the environment, but eating together is also an extremely intimate part of a relationship.
While these strategies represent a marked improvement over land development patterns over the past decades, they tend to rely on minimizing human impact on the environment, striving only to be «less bad.»
Dead zones typically form near coastlines where human impact on the environment is most severe.
In his current exhibit at Open Source, Swell, Francesco Simeti explores human impact on our environment — in particular, our local waterways and watersheds in Brooklyn.
«We can use this information to look at questions about climate change or human impact on environments by seeing how, over time, the ranges of insect species have changed.»
What once may have been regarded as Kafkaesque are now critical tenants of the Anthropocene, the epoch in which autonomous human identity is no longer privileged and the degree of human impact on the environment widely acknowledged.
[3] Thus, environmental policy focuses on problems arising from human impact on the environment, which retroacts onto human society by having a (negative) impact on human values such as good health or the «clean and green» environment.
As a LEED AP I have years, studying the effects of human impacts on the environment in OTHER more rational ways.
Taken together, these trends mean that the total human impact on the environment, including land - use change, overexploitation, and pollution, can peak and decline this century
The scientists believe their work will be of benefit to other studies of animal species, not just in the southern hemisphere, but the northern one too, where human impacts on the environment is even greater.
Francesco Simeti presents Swell, a theatrical installation at Open Source Gallery that explores human impact on the environment.
Polyethylene is one of the most widely used materials in the world, and the discarded plastic bag has become one of the most potent symbols of human impact on the environment.
Organic production is a production system designed to minimize the human impact on the environment, while ensuring the agricultural system operates as naturally as possible.»
David Rand and Martin Nowak discuss the use of the public goods game — a financial game that tests self - interest versus social responsibility — to gain insights into collaborative group behaviour in the context of human impact on the environment (14 November 2009, p 28).
Biography Dr. Wood is a disease ecologist interested in how parasites and pathogens respond to human impacts on the environment.
Human impacts on the environment are intensifying, raising vexing questions of how best to allocate the limited resources available for biodiversity conservation.
One looking at the environments, one looking at the adaption of polar bears and penguims to the environments and another looking at the human impact on the environment.
Items covered How the climate is changing with time laps charts showing the changes in Sea ice melting Ice sheet melting Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere Global temperature change Students will also explore a future technology on how to reduce the human impact on the environment.
Art for the Environment, curated by Camilla Palestra, will present work from six artists with practices that explore the nature of human impact on our environment.
On view through April 7, After Industry will immerse audiences in an aesthetically rich experience, while also providing a platform to engage with important underlying themes, including consumerism, human impact on the environment, and the effects of mass production.
Likewise, the landscapes in the show are quite beautiful and serene on the surface, but they depict the continuing aftermath of industrialization and human impact on the environment.
Ann Arbor Art Center's current exhibition, Written Into Rock, explores imagery associated with the Earth, geology, and human impact on the environment.
Human impact on the environment is so large and move's in rhythms to slow for any photo to capture effectively the horrors that surrond us.
Called «Many Heavens, One Earth,» the meeting is intended to generate commitments for actions by religious organizations, congregants and countries that could reduce emissions of greenhouse gases or otherwise limit the human impact on the environment.
Others are working on ways to cut the human impact on the environment as inventors or entrepreneurs.
In 2009, researchers identified nine global priorities linked to human impacts on the environment, and identified two, - climate change and the integrity of the biosphere, - that were vital to the human condition.
Technology and human ingenuity have dramatically reduced the human impact on the environment.
More robust indicators are needed to quantify the human impacts on the environment, the authors suggest.
In other words, the human impact on the environment can be positive, vital and good — even regenerative.
Instead, we encourage an affirmative design agenda, one that allows the human impact on the environment to be positive, vital and good.
Human impact on the environment The ecosystem of public parks often includes humans feeding the wildlife.
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