Sentences with phrase «human institution»

Even in the best of human institutions, of which marriage can serve as a supreme example, there can be damage when somehow the intention to share life fully is absent.
It could be expected that institutional living would favor certain diseases — it occurs in human institutions as well.
It has also produced the social sciences, with their novel ways of understanding human institutions and processes.
Natural human institutions like families, churches and nations have no place in this brave new world.
It's tougher to live well when human institutions in which our relational places and so personal happiness are most readily found — such as the family — are more unstable than ever.
The distinction between the church, a broken human institution like every other, and the transcendent reality to which it points comes through clearly in the comments of many persons interviewed by researchers.
Marriage is the primordial human institution, a reality that existed long before the establishment of what we now know as the state.
The more time I spend in them, listening to stories of inmates and seeing the terrible impact of incarceration, the more I believe prison is the most irrational of human institutions.
Many of us struggle to «lower the knob,» and will eventually succeed, but because we are involved in human institutions, that isn't necessarily quick and easy.
Like it or not, we all operate «startups,» which Ries defines as human institutions operating in times of extreme uncertainty.
The Church is continuously portrayed as a purely human institution in an already «graced» world.
The Book of Marriage undertakes to provide an overview of one of the greatest human institutions at a time when its future is uncertain.
A coerced whip - line vote that imposes a radical and philosophically incoherent agenda on a country not at all sure it wants to go down that road is «democratic,» whereas a free vote on whether the state can re-define a basic human institution at its whim is undemocratic?
... one can change human institutions, but not man; whatever the general effort of a society to render citizens equal and alike, the particular pride of individuals will always seek to escape the [common] level... In aristocracies, men are separated from one another by high, immovable....
It is how human institutions can be shaped to correspond to human nature — to man's nature as an innovator.
There, Paul unwinds a sixteen - chapter - long argument to drive home one essential point: No merely human institution — no matter how clever, pure, or sensitive to its members» «needs» — can remit a single, small sin.
But one can take full account of the sinfulness of human institutions without concluding that participation in them necessarily implies sin.
God's kingdom is not built on human institutions or promises, but is built and planted in God's grace - filled will to make it happen.
The sometimes almost desperate conservatives must be taught to understand, not only theoretically but instinctively and in their spiritual life, that the Church does not exist outside time and history; that she is indeed founded on the grace of Christ, but is nevertheless a very human institution burdened by history.
Such a position leads to the condemnation of Modernism as well as of Roman Catholicism on the charge that both have deviated from the true Christian theological task, the former by humanizing the Word of God in the attempt to interpret it by means of man's psychical, social or cultural experience and in terms of the analysis of his existence, the latter by imbedding the absolute Word of God in the channels of a sacramental and hierarchical human institution.
Because even the finest human institutions have a way of rotting from within.
It assumes that Truth is to be found, and that God is not hiding it from us, that the Church is no mere human institution, that God is bigger than human mistakes.
Indeed, if marriage is not simply another economic institution determined by the laws of the market, but a fundamental human institution that corresponds to our nature as self - giving and procreating persons, marriage remains a vital institution for all people, whatever their income and economic interests.
Marriage is the first social human institution seen in Scripture, as Adam and Eve serve as the paradigm for future communions joined in God's sight, to love one another and be unified physically and spiritually, leaving their parents and joining together.
This false teaching is what has replaced the true church established by Christ with this man created human institution we mistakenly refer to as the church, which is controlling, manipulative, abusive, and often times corrupt.
Is the church one among many human institutions committed to the achievement of certain socially approved ends, or is the church a divinely created community in which God makes himself known in a unique and supremely authentic way?
I think the only way we can BE «outside the church» is if we narrowly define church as the worldly human institution as manifest in the world.
«Such a change would alter the intrinsic nature of marriage as the union of a man and a woman, as enshrined in human institutions throughout history,» it argues in its submission to the government's consultation.
Although we need to get the science and engineering right, the biggest danger in the area of global climate change lies in the difficult task of crafting human institutions that are up to the job.
Because schools are human institutions shaped by a variety of forces and influences that may or may not be within their control, some «give» is required to address exceptional circumstances that will inevitably arise.
Written with charm and wit, No Cheating, No Dying investigates one of the most universal human institutions — marriage.
Whether acting through government or private legal systems, juries are our most fail - safe human institution for manifesting justice in a peaceful society.
Social capital is «everything else» around a business, technology or product: knowledge of it, adoption of it, supportive customs and laws, integration into existing human institutions, and so on.
Marriage is the oldest human institution, dating back to the Garden of Eden.
He rooted this realism in the writings of St. Augustine on the observable presence of sin wherever men live and act — even in the courts of law, even in marriage, to name two of the better human institutions.
But despite recognizing the increasing fragmentation and lack of meaning within society during this period, «modern artists» still believed that works of art could provide the answer - art could do what other human institutions couldn't do - and provide the coherence and meaning which had been lost.
It is painted as a purely human institution and, worse than that, an institution that fails in its hypocritical aims.
In my view, understanding human institutions and practices as primarily technical matters can be treacherous.
But there is yet another story to be recited - that of the tragic fate that awaits any reformer who sets out to cleanse a great human institution.
... one can change human institutions, but not man; whatever the general effort of a society to render citizens equal and alike, the particular pride of individuals will always seek to escape the [common] level... In aristocracies, men are separated from one another by high, immovable barriers, in democracies, they are divided by a multitude of small, almost invisible threads that are broken every minute and are constantly changed from place to place.
The priests» shortcomings continually remind us that ultimate justice flows neither from human institutions nor ecclesiastical insight, nor even from the sensible practice of a moral life.
By «perspective» I mean the realization that things will never be perfect In this world, that the ultimate good is unobtainable, that there is no such thing as a human cause or human institution without error and sinfulness, that only God deserves our ultimate loyalty.
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