Sentences with phrase «human judgment»

The value of human judgment that is enhanced by machine analysis and predictions will increase.
The goal of predictive coding is to use computers to substitute software judgment for human judgment.
Overall, we get inferior decisions and outcomes in crucial situations when we rely on human judgment and intuition instead of on hard, cold, boring data and math.
And as much as AI is a useful tool, it will never replace human judgment, he said.
It seeks a system that uses as much human judgment as possible and captures a full, vivid, multifaceted picture of school quality.
In many cases, we're using data science in combination with human judgment, which I think is really unique about Stitch Fix.
Collective human judgment informed by reliable evidence is a much better way to assess teaching and learning in schools than data - driven judgment based on high - stakes standardized tests.
Collective human judgment informed by reliable evidence is a much better way to assess teaching and learning in schools than data - driven judgment based on high stakes standardized tests.
Not only was this time - consuming, but human judgment also was prone to mistakes and bias.
The book is about the systematic errors that limit human judgment.
And, he points out, other countries have managed to incorporate human judgment into their evaluation systems successfully.
I agree with most observers who believe that some degree of human judgment will always remain necessary in recruiting.
We discuss how additional research could help educators use these measures more effectively, and we pose new questions, the answers to which depend not on empirical investigation but on human judgment.
He presented a statement signed by 272 scientists in 37 countries that urges the retention of human judgment in decisions on targeting and the use of force.
Of course, in the end, in anything involving human judgment, there's a little subjectivity, but College Insider's poll and definition of who is and isn't included carries a bit more weight than blog commenters.
With factor investing, you're taking human judgment out of the mix — and with it the potential taint of emotion — and replacing it with systematic investing based on historical evidence and academic theory.
It is especially hard when one is dealing with fundamental presuppositions that have influenced human judgments for so many centuries.
My view is this: there will be a series of scandals out of this, and there will be a return to the rating agencies, where human judgment takes in the factors that can't be crunched into an equation.
We also recognize some unique features are hard to quantify, so we used human judgment when number - crunching produced very close scores.
As a result, Colossus does not allow human judgment to play as much a role in determining claims payouts as was the case a generation ago.
First, given that 70 - 80 % of invoice adjustments are «discretionary» — that is, they are made by humans and driven by human judgment calls — it makes every sense that firms understand who is reviewing their invoices and identify the specific patterns of those reviewers.
That is defensible only if one is certain that the baseline level of possible robotic error in civilian protection exceeds that baseline level of human error... I, for one, would not bet against the possibility that for some military applications, we will some day come to see mere human judgment as guaranteeing an unacceptable level of indiscriminate and disproportionate violence.
The most crucial learning to be sought in such a situation is the recognition of the fundamental difference between human judgments and divine judgment: that human achievements pass quickly while only the divine judgment is eternal and penetrates everything hidden.
David the android is programmed to acquire a kind of human judgment through indirect experience — for instance his education surreptitiously -LRB-?)
The situations change, the issues are not always the same, and human judgment falters.
Now back to the believers: 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments [including ispew et al], 16 for, «Who has known the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?»
The afflicted one was always assumed to be punished by divine wrath as well as by unanimous human judgment.
Thus, although nominally, stones and drones might act «in accordance with the law» (e.g. not killing etc.); only human judgment confers it with any legal, or ethical significance.
Setting aside the labels of «good» and «bad» — which are inescapably human judgments — Burdick sought to view invasive species with more objectivity and to explore what they have taught scientists about how ecosystems work.
But Neumann's model had one serious limitation, especially as poker caught on with the masses: Traditional game theory is best equipped to handle highly simplified situations, where players are perfectly rational; in the messy real world, human judgment remains crucial.
«I began to think that by comparing human judgment to objective reality, we were missing a bigger picture,» says Krueger.
Be a good listener and make a connection: As much as we'd like to think otherwise, most human judgments aren't based on reason, but on emotion, says Ditto, the UC Irvine psychologist.
Late 1960s In a series of experiments, psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky demonstrate the downside of the way humans make decisions, identifying several unconscious, systemic biases that consistently distort human judgment.
Paul Slovic, a founder and President of Decision Research and Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon, studies human judgment, decision making, and risk analysis.
Another area of the criminal justice system that relies on human judgment is the arraignment — when a suspect has been arrested but not yet charged and a judge has to decide whether to release or lock up the alleged offender until his or her next court date.
Quants have embraced objective models to forecast returns because they do not trust biased human judgment
-LSB-...] human judgment to pick stocks.
Actively managed funds employ human judgment to choose companies into which the mutual fund's shareholders» money is invested.
While these processes require the review of orders of magnitude fewer documents than exhaustive manual review, neither entails the naïve application of technology absent human judgment.
Don't forget, predictive algorithms are designed to approximate human judgment (via the seed set).
What's not similar in legal publishing is the degree of indexing, cross-referencing and just plain human judgment provided by the publishers along with the decision..
A weapon that can kill without human judgment would pose indiscriminate and excessive violence in the world.
Lawand said that «uniquely human judgment» may be necessary for interpreting the rules of international humanitarian law and asked if autonomous weapons systems could do that.
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