Sentences with phrase «human justice»

Human justice by itself can never guarantee that truth will triumph.
How can they be made to serve human justice and peace?
Upon the completion of this internship, she will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Human Justice from the University of Regina.
To other Bloomington residents, the sexual preference amendment signaled a victory for human justice and civil liberties in keeping with the spirit of American democracy.
He got a BA in human justice from the University of Regina, and four years later successfully completed his first year of the JD program at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.
The many workshops and creative collaborations she has held with community residents have centered on building social movements, developing community relationships and expanding and deepening awareness of human justice issues among participants.
When John Paul II in Dives in Misericordia invokes the saying «summum ius, summa iniuria» (the greatest justice leads to the greatest injustice), which Cardinal Kasper cites twice in the book, he's not referring to perfect divine justice, but the excesses of human justice absent love.
Me, I prefer human justice, and I'll shoulder my fair load of responsibility for my actions.
Human justice tends to be cold and impartial, because our own partiality is so imperfect and limited to permit fair adjudication.
We can summarize the biblical development in this way: the Bible sees the issues of human justice arising in the history of the Christian community as the people of God seek to bring peace and reconciliation to all men, and to show a special concern for the hurt, the needy, and the weak, Before God every Christian knows that he is the hurt, the needy, the weak person for whom there could be only condemnation, if there were no mercy in God's righteousness.
If it is our highest human task to «establish justice in the gate,» as the Torah prescribes and the prophets exhort, we also need a fairly sophisticated notion of what human justice is.
Those who emphasize human justice sometimes see ecological sustainability as the cry of those who benefit from the present structures of society and who want to distance themselves from the abuses of power within it.
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Thus, we see a claim which makes sense of all the martyrdoms of our time: Martyrs today no longer die explicitly for Jesus Christ nor for the freedom of the Spirit as was the case in the first two periods we had considered, but they die for human justice, i.e., an urgent new action is needed to defend those who are overwhelmed by the weight of totalitarianism.
«He is an icon of justice and we will continue to be a role model to all those human beings who believe in human justice, morality and inter religious tolerance.»
It is only as this fact is more fully recognized and wrought into our living that we shall have any semblance of human justice in our society.
Human justice could never suffer eternal punishment for finite sin, however grave.
The Oresteia's three plays tell the story of the origins of human justice.
Could it be that the writers (and some of us readers) want to avoid a choice between the amateur and the professional, between the representative of human justice (the streetsmart cop) and the person devoted to divine justice (the priest)?
To lie when a man was on trial for his life, and the truth or falseness of the charges being investigated could cost him his life, was to strike a blow at the very heart of the system of human justice.
Love is so much beyond the pettiness of human justice — it is divinely just.
The point here is that human justice, no matter how imperfect, is what most differentiates us from animals.
Christians can not be satisfied with the cruelties of human justice, despite the temptation to do so:
Concern for ecological sustainability and human justice for the poor and oppressed are, as I have already indicated, closely linked.
For example, in one of the better chapters, entitled «Human Justice and Animal Fairness», the reader is introduced to Maasai systems of gift - giving, game theory as applied to chimpanzee behaviour, canine sensitivity to fairness, rules of play among wolves and rats, before a brief detour into Martha Nussbaum's development of Rawlsian justice theory leads us to an extended discussion of Aquinas» understanding of justice as a virtue, acquired and infused.
«The Road Ahead for the Church» (November 29, 1961) offered the thesis that the churches should play down their historical creedal affirmations — the Trinity, number of sacraments, apostolic succession, the deity of Christ and so on — and work for the abolition of racism, a renewed dedication to human justice and freedom, and greater understanding among the peoples of the world.
Really see where Keown is coming from though, revenge and justice are very appealing to many of us humans
Therefore educators and policy makers in the Arab world should communicate these concepts pragmatically as well as theoretically, starting with formulating a new vision for education in the Arab World, a deep and continuous revision of their curriculums, setting standards for equal chances in professional development, and making serious efforts in creating an educational philosophy not only for gender equity, but rather for human justice.
Safina shows how the environment's problems drive very real matters of human justice and well - being and our prospects for peace.
These authors describe the structure of loyalty as being determined by the history of the family group, human justice, and its myths.
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