Sentences with phrase «human language expression»

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If you believe that Christian doctrine is essentially an attempt to capture dimensions of human experience that defy precise expression in language because of personal and cultural limitations, then the truth about God, the human condition, salvation, and the like can never be adequately posited once and for all; on the contrary, the church must express ever and anew its experience of the divine as mediated through Jesus Christ.
Mother - tongue translation «conforms to the insight of the incarnation, namely, that divinity is not a human loan word but rather humanity is the chosen language of divine self - expression
NOVA explores a range of intriguing new evidence for Neanderthal self - expression and language, all pointing to the fact that we may have seriously underestimated our mysterious, long - vanished human cousins.
To illustrate the importance of the «form of life» context for language he imagined the situation of a lion suddenly using familiar human expressions.
Jesus was The Word, i.e., God's expression of Himself in human language, the language of human personhood.
The dialogical relationship in love fostered among human beings becomes the appropriate language and sacrament for the experience and expression of the divine mystery.
Scientific language has replaced myth for the understanding of physical phenomena, but it has not replaced poetry and art as the expression of the human spirit.
Humans have always communicated their religious questions and expressions in the language of gesture and dance.
At the Liberty Science Center's Communication exhibit, visitors can explore the origins of human language, as well as how the brain responds to a range of words and sounds and how we bond using different modes of self - expression.
Let's say we can train a computer to do better than a human does looking at facial expressions and body language and everything else, right?
Toward this end, in the 1980s, Rosenthal started studying covert communication: the nonverbal language of vocal tone, facial expressions, posture and gestures that make up the bulk of human expression.
The researchers said human facial expressions are very similar to other species on the whole, more so than human language, which is unique to humans, but these findings suggest that even though they look the same, they may be produced in different contexts.
Humans often speak much more with our body language and facial expressions than we do with our mouths.
Forget all the interesting intricacies of eye contact, sensuous subtleties of flirting and nimble nuances of facial expression and body language — even the most exciting, well written and fabulous dating profile in the world can't get all that human stuff across.
He gives this mousy little clerk the hapless expression and submissive body language of the resigned patsy in a bleak human comedy, happy to toiling in the backrooms of city hall until he's hauled out to record an official meeting.
From Wikipedia: «Linguistic semantics is the study of meaning that is used for understanding human expression through language
So, according to you, s / he is using the understanding of human expression through language to its maximum advantage.
Hugging in dog language can mean fighting and that is definitely not an expression of affection like it's in human language.
If you can read human body language and facial expression, a little practice is all that is needed to learn the cat's facial language.
Dogs are highly expressive animals, and can often convey their sentiments through body language and facial expressions, just like humans.
«Wolf Kahn has taught me the dynamics and beauty of color and, most importantly, how color combinations and expression literally speaks their own narrative language, which when successful take the form of «evoking human emotion.
The tight composition, which focuses on the hands and gestures versus the model's face, references classic feminist critiques of body language and human expression.
Digitally erasing the show's host, prizes, and other narrative trappings, Pfeiffer hones in on the facial expressions and body language of the game show's contestants, elucidating their shared human vulnerability.
Painter, illustrator, graphic designer and graffiti artist, Rems 182's imagery unites violence, eroticism, and strength in both large - scale and smaller portraits characterised by a use of multiple perspectives that create a unique softness in each image that allows the various expressions to complement each other while revealing the complexities of human emotion Having a background as a graffiti writer his work combines both letter - based and complex figurative images, or as the artist himself explains: «I fuse my graffiti writer language with my modern figurative art experience in perennial tension towards abstract disaggregation.»
«It is neither a «style» nor an «epoch» in art history, but merely a new means of expression, a different human language — one which is more direct than that of earlier painting.»
Standing 120 cm tall and tipping the scales at 29 kg, Pepper has been designed to understand human emotions by making sense of characteristics like facial expression, body language, and tone of voice, and then responding accordingly.
Human beings are sensitive to body language, facial expression, posture, movement, the tone of voice, and more.
It is absolutely essential that you understand that bids for emotional attention can run the entire range of human expression from subtle body language to a heart felt hug.
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