Sentences with phrase «human liberation»

"Human liberation" refers to the freedom, equality, and empowerment of all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, or social status. This concept aims to remove any form of oppression, discrimination, or injustice that restricts people from living fulfilling and self-determined lives. It promotes the idea that every person should have equal rights, opportunities, and the ability to pursue happiness and personal growth without any limitations imposed by society or other individuals. Full definition
The people's movements for human liberation and human rights organizations, should get the support of religious forces in this common cause.
And yet the cause of human liberation deserves and needs more than a guilty plea by those conscious of their relative privilege.
This book, therefore, in spite of its emphasis on women's needs, is a book about human liberation.
It is in men - women groups that women's liberation can most fully become human liberation.
The open architecture of the internet still offers fantastic possibilities for human liberation.
This session of a consciousness raising group, fishbowl style, took place at a weekend Conference on Human Liberation.
I am glad that blacks and women and Latin Americans have, throughout the decade been demanding that theology be so formulated as to call for and advance human liberation.
A theology of human liberation involves more than men and women, black and white, rich and poor, working together under the old creation; it calls for growing together into the new.
The movements for human liberation inspired by secular ideals can also contribute to this common cause and religious forces can link with them for their mutual purification and benefit.
Whitehead's vision shows how in order to work creatively toward human liberation we need to relate the Divine vision to the context of oppressed people.
The all - encompassing demands of the Christian gospel include the absolute need to free the oppressed and to revolutionize the structures of society that prevent human liberation.
She has lectured and been a frequent consultant and leader at Marriage and Family Conferences, Institutes, Woman's Studies, and Human Liberation Programs.
«It is a choice for total change of life from self - concern to love of neighbour; from getting and accumulating to giving, from exploitation to mercy, from love of dominating power to service, from pride to humility; from injustice to justice; from seeing the world as man's to get the most out of it, to living in it as God's world, destined by him for total human liberation in the life of the person and in human community».
In any event, I wonder about the relation between Jesus» apparent silence concerning homosexuality and Jesus as the image of authentic human liberation.
The comprehensive human liberation Locke aims for requires the decisive repudiation of the Biblical description of the human condition.
His optimistic stance carries with it the danger of a quietistic indulgence of repressive regimes, a quietism which assumes the apparently natural inexorability of human liberation through the lengthy process of humanity's coming of age.
It has also been used to great advantage in singles groups, divorce recovery groups, young people's groups, parents groups, marriage enrichment groups, pre-marriage groups, marriage counseling groups, therapy groups of women and men, professional conferences, and as a demonstration at any workshop or conference on human liberation.
Popieluszko strived for human liberation in a given existential situation.
The Catholic Church with its near billion members, its global linkage and organization can be truly a multinational for human liberation of it orients its priorities in this direction.
But Paul may be saying more about human liberation and destination than many of us have realized.
We need to pledge ourselves to engage anew and with renewed faith in the greatest of all battles in the cause of human liberation, to the end that all human beings may lead the life that is alone worthy of being entitled wholly human.
As for theology, the word means speaking - of - God, which in Christian terms means speaking of the One who is Truth — the Truth Who makes us free in the deepest meaning of human liberation.
According to Zemmour, the results have been a violent capitalism masked by an overburdened, dysfunctional welfare state and solidaristic posturing; mass immigration and attendant multicultural ideology diluting the sense of national identity; internationalist politics aiming for the outright destruction of national sovereignty for the sake of a federal Europe; and an ever more ambitious social revolution true to another ’68 slogan, «human liberation is all or nothing.»
«We need to move toward a dialogical theology in which the praxis of dialogue together with that of human liberation will constitute a true locus theologicus, i.e., both a source and basis for theological work.»
One may quote the stirring words of Deane William Fern at the close of his essay «Third World Liberation Theology: Challenge to World Religions in Dan Cohn - Sherbok, World Religions and Human Liberation, (New York: Orbis, 1992), p. 19.
Christianity and Judaism must both fully embrace the new possibilities within modernity for human liberation and dignity, but they must also chasten modernity so that it remains a means, not an end.
St. Paul may have had an understanding of human liberation that is more radical than that of many contemporary feminists.
You shall not wrong a stranger or oppress him, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt (Ex 22:21): Freedom, as the Bible understands it, is not the static possession of a privileged caste, but a dynamic of human liberation that is in principle universal.
It is not enough to receive it as the occasion of an encounter with God (although it is) or as an invitation to join up with God's plan for human liberation (also true) or a host of other redefinitions of the nature of biblical authority.
Cone makes it clear that the church, in order to be authentic, must actively participate in human liberation.
Author of The Eucharist and Human Liberation (Orbis, 1979), Balusuriya suggests the adoption of an action - oriented liturgy committed to revolutionary struggle — a liturgy which unabashedly proclaims a dynamic relationship between the material and spiritual.
, Leave the Temple: Indian Paths to Human Liberation.
In this sense the Churches can be multinationals for human liberation, and together they could be one of the world's most potent networks for redemption from the greed, and violence of the present world disorder
If and when Christians rethink and transform the eucharistic communities to participate in the ongoing human search for a more just and peaceful world, the Eucharist will be one of the greatest sources and agencies of human liberation.
This is redemption, salvation, human liberation and fulfillment.
Human liberation is a fruit potentially made increasingly possible by the achievements of technological society, an ideal realizable by means of our growing capacity to transform nature so that without violating its transhuman integrity it might serve, genuinely and profoundly, our collective ends.
The finality of Jesus lies in the totality of his existence in complete freedom as the «Oppressed One, who reveals through his death and resurrection that God himself is present in all dimensions of human liberation....
Leaving aside wholly imaginary musing about the new possibilities for human liberation that might accompany infinitely expanded life spans — multiple psychological lives, multiple careers, multiple hobbies, and multiple spouses — the essence of the secular and scientific ideal is simply more time on this earth.
The awareness that we men also are exploited — by the present «success» system — and that we're also depriving ourselves of much of our person - hood (by the male rat race) makes it obvious that the basic issue is human liberation.
Though Barth failed to see how completely God's free love entailed human freedom, he did powerfully realize that human liberation is possible only if the God who creates and sustains this universe has the all - sufficient freedom and love to sustain that liberation.
Though Barth failed to see how completely God's free love entailed human freedom, he did powerfully realize that human liberation is possible only if the God who creates and sustains this universe has the all - sufficient freedom and love to sustain that Liberation.
Barth's testimony to the reality and sovereignty of God is a vital foundation if we are to hold out for anything more than the fleeting, tragic significance of human liberation.
Women's liberation can mean «human liberation
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