Sentences with phrase «human liberty in»

That's the manifestation of expanding human liberty in America.
Even Lewis Hanke, twentieth - century doyen of Latin American studies, made the sermon into a Bolivarian grito de libertad, «the first cry on behalf of human liberty in the New World.»

Not exact matches

In «A Tale of Two Popes» and «Papal Eco-Hysteria», we have contrasted Francis and John Paul II and quoted from the latter's seminal encyclical «Centesimus Annus», which probably contains the most clear - headed thinking on human liberty and economics that has ever emerged from the Vatican.
But do we recognize that this Light is that of the Word made flesh, of God made man, that is, of a divinity that does not crush the human, but assumes it in all its liberty and weakness?
Because there is only a small amount of academic literature on religious freedom (including virtually no mention of it in the four major academic human rights journals) the State Department should make a short - term commitment to provide seed funds to better understand the linkages between religious freedom, national economics, political development, and other fundamental liberties.
There are a number of organisations that specialise in promoting human rights and religious liberty, three of whom contribute to this column inChristianity:
Let us not underestimate the role of the international human rights project in training a spotlight on the appalling violations of human life, liberty, and dignity that occur every day in many parts of the world.
But we have dramatically reduced poverty, shown ways to build institutions that respect human rights and liberties, virtually eliminated famines, found ways to prevent and remedy diseases, dramatically increased the longevity of people everywhere, and come to include more and more persons in the «circle of exchange.»
To other Bloomington residents, the sexual preference amendment signaled a victory for human justice and civil liberties in keeping with the spirit of American democracy.
This «moral reading» of the Constitution calls on judges to act as moral philosophers: «equal protection of the laws» should mean what best promotes «equal concern and respect» for all humans; «liberty» in the «due process» clause should mean autonomy in matters important to personal development, and so forth.
In 1992, in the Casey opinion which confirmed America's unlimited abortion licence, Kennedy wrote that «at the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life»..In 1992, in the Casey opinion which confirmed America's unlimited abortion licence, Kennedy wrote that «at the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life» the Casey opinion which confirmed America's unlimited abortion licence, Kennedy wrote that «at the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life»....
I critique how we do church, just as we ought to critique how we do family, work and politics in order that individual human liberty is not violated.
«The president's policy respects religious liberty and makes free preventive services available to women,» Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in the statement.
In both Lev 25:44 - 46 and antebellum chattel slavery, the principle immorality is the reduction of a human being to mere property and the corresponding deprivation of liberty.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation — We hold these truths to be self - evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
He has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating its most sacred rights of life and liberty in the persons of a distant people, who never offended him, captivating and carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither.14
We live in an age whose chief moral value has been determined, by overwhelming consensus, to be the absolute liberty of personal volition, the power of each of us to choose what he or she believes, wants, needs, or must possess; our culturally most persuasive models of human freedom are unambiguously voluntarist and, in a rather debased and degraded way, Promethean; the will, we believe, is sovereign because unpremised, free because spontaneous, and this is the highest good.
The signatories declared themselves to be in solidarity in their unequivocal support of the dignity and right to life of every human person, marriage between a man and a woman as divinely ordained and the foundation of civil society, and religious liberty as an essential component of human freedom.
Recent history shows quite clearly that when the conflict becomes acute in a totalitarian society it is the Christian Church which alone can successfully stand up for human liberty and conscience.
The framers recognized, in other words, that humans» unalienable liberties entail transcendent obligations.
I will call these formative rights the rights to private liberties, where the term «private» means here that the freedoms in question can be defined without any explicit reference to human association.
There is a basic incompatibility between Islam's belief in all encompassing doctrines that embrace religion, private and public life and the American principles of liberty of belief and speech and the absolute separation of state and church affairs For Americans belief is a private matter, not so for Islam, where theocracy rules over all human affairs.
If the framers of the Constitution had been more morally courageous in identifying slavery as an evil, or if the later compensatory amendment had rooted liberty in a common human nature rather than on weaker procedural grounds of equality under the law, then perhaps the expansion of protected classes and arbitrary rights would not have advanced so stridently.
In the forthcoming Victories of Reason he will go even further, contending that the most significant advances in knowledge, liberty, human rights and material well - being — what we like to call progress — stem not from Greece or the Enlightenment or modernity but from Christianity itselIn the forthcoming Victories of Reason he will go even further, contending that the most significant advances in knowledge, liberty, human rights and material well - being — what we like to call progress — stem not from Greece or the Enlightenment or modernity but from Christianity itselin knowledge, liberty, human rights and material well - being — what we like to call progress — stem not from Greece or the Enlightenment or modernity but from Christianity itself.
So high is this God's valuation of human liberty of conscience that, even though He has launched a divinely commissioned religion in history (in two Covenants, Jewish and Christian), He would not have either of these religions imposed by force on anyone.
Only the Jewish and Christian God made human beings free, halts the power of Caesar at the boundaries of the human soul, and has commissioned human beings to build civilizations worthy of the liberty He has endowed in them.
This is not to say that we can not come to impassioned, principled positions about how to vote, particularly when dealing with issues as important as sexual assault, bigotry, racism, responsible foreign policy, religious liberty, and the dignity of human life at every stage in its development.
When the self is committed to the Second Good, its stock of memory, intelligence, relationships, health, and wealth becomes the instrument for the concrete achievement of security, justice, liberty, or fraternity within the domain of personal relations and in the larger world of human institutions.
In truth, however, like Aquinas, Kant could have had it both ways, postulating a divine perceptor who would not displace but rather sustain, enlarge, and explain the liberty of the human self.
These two revolutions in the understanding of human nature and society constitute «liberalism» inasmuch as they introduce a radically new definition of «liberty
Its two revolutions — its anthropological individualism and the voluntarist conception of choice, and its insistence on the human separation from and opposition to nature — created its distinctive and new understanding of liberty as the most extensive possible expansion of the human sphere of autonomous activity in the service of the fulfillment of the self.
Anarchy and license are not the kind of liberty in which human life is fulfilled.
It is hard for us to enter into this mindset, living as we do in the pluralistic twenty - first century, where religious liberty is widely accepted as a basic human right.
Because a world tone - deaf to the supernatural — which Newman saw coming — would be a world in which Catholics were seen as «the enemies... of civil liberties and of human progress.»
The libertine guardians of the sexual revolution brook no dissent from the idea, so famously articulated in Casey vs. Planned Parenthood, that «at the heart of liberty is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.»
Second, slavery is not «wrong» merely because it is illegal or because it is «socially unacceptable»; rather, for the same reasons that r@pe and murder are inherently «wrong,» slavery is inherently wrong because it causes demonstrable harm and suffering in the deprivation of a fundamental human right to basic liberty and bodily autonomy.
It also means Lincoln (sorry, Bob), who understood, as Jefferson did, that slavery was an intolerable injustice — because rights to life and liberty exclude the right to property in human beings.
The subsequent experiment in «ordered liberty» was achieved because, while some saw their liberty secured by God and others by their status as human beings alone, all agreed to be bound together for the sake of that liberty.
For this tradition nourished over the centuries the slow emergence of the ideal of a civilized politics, a politics of civil conversation, of noncoercion, of the consent of the governed, of pluralism, of religious liberty, of respect for the inalienable dignity of every human person, of voluntary cooperation in pursuit of the common good, and of checks and balances against the wayward tendencies of sinful men and women.
During the five years that the Earth has trembled beneath our feet, its vast human masses splitting and reforming, we have begun to be conscious of the fact that we are in the grip of forces many millions of times transcending our individual liberties.
«In the names of reason, science and liberty they had proved, rather effectively, that good societies need God to survive and that when you have murdered Him, starved Him, silenced Him, denied Him to the children and erased His festivals and His memory, you have a gap which can not indefinitely be filled by any human, nor anything made by human hands.»
Kennedy is the same justice who gave out in Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) that «At the heart of liberty, is the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.»
Over the next months and years, the American people will confront again the question that Lincoln posed at Gettysburg: whether a nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to human equality can long endure.
If it is true that, bound by the collective interaction of its liberties, the human social group can not escape from certain irreversible laws of evolution, does this mean that, observed along its axis of «greatest complexity» (i.e. increasing liberty) the World is coiling upon itself with as much sureness as it is in other respects radiating outwards and explosively expanding?
These are only available provisions we feel are in keeping with human liberty and rights.
Christian addresses seven flaws in the atheists» arguments for the non-existence of «that Loser,» the «biggest fraud of all time, cosmic zero, ultimate no - show» — sexual liberty, reason and logic, good works, art, converts to Christianity, the human family, and life issues.
He thinks the growing movement to defend human rights and religious liberty, and the Christian - Islamic dialogue in particular, can produce something of real value, as the Christian - Jewish dialogue has: «Just as Christianity has evolved, then, there are reasonable grounds for thinking that Islam will do so, too.
The right to be human thus also implies the liberty to be religiously different, and thus difference is inscribed in these religious identities — even as they purport to emanate from the One Supreme being.
«For example, there is an ideal of human liberty, activity, and cooperation dimly adumbrated in the American Constitution.
To the extent that we are committed to the ideal of a secular society free of ecclesiastical influence and governed by toleration, liberty, and a conception of civic virtue; and insofar as we think of true religious piety as consisting in treating other human beings with dignity and respect, and regard the Bible simply as a profound work of human literature with a universal moral message, we are the heirs of Spinoza's scandalous treatise.
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