Sentences with phrase «human livelihoods»

"Human livelihoods" refers to the ways in which people support and sustain their lives. It includes the various activities, resources, and means that individuals and communities use to meet their needs and make a living, such as jobs, income, access to food, education, healthcare, and a safe environment. Full definition
Over the past 15 years, California and neighboring regions have experienced heightened drought conditions and an increase in wildfire numbers with considerable impacts on human livelihoods, agriculture, and terrestrial ecosystems.
«Is it absolutely necessary to drive every last penny out of it at the cost of human livelihoods
This glamorous night (which I term the «AHAHDAs» \ aaa - haa - daas \) gathered the nation's top eight canine contenders to the Beverly Hilton (also host to the Golden Globes) to showcase their remarkable merits in improving human livelihood.
But in a part of the world where human livelihood depends on the forest, this experiment at integrating wildlife protection into the mix is a big step in the right direction, Stuebing says: «It looks sustainable, and biologically, I really think this model will work well.»
In other words, the ability of marine ecosystems to thrive and support human livelihoods.
The ocean covers 71 % of the Earth's surface, and is linked to human livelihoods in numerous ways.
Bioinvasions, the expansions of species into regions outside their native range, threaten biodiversity and human livelihood worldwide.
«This brings back what we call ethnoarchaeology — comparing past human livelihoods with those of the modern direct descendents.
This flyer notes that climate change impacts and risks are global in their nature, geographically diverse and are increasingly being felt across a range of systems and sectors essential for human livelihood and well ‐ being.
The report also highlights the potential of the region's natural resource base to support development and sustain human livelihoods.
«In most parts of the world, water storage will be fundamental to the viability of human livelihoods,» says Richard Taylor, CEO of the UK - based International Hydropower Association, and who dismissed the new findings.
Available strategies and actions can increase resilience across a range of possible future climates while helping to improve human livelihoods, social and economic well - being, and environmental quality.
Indigenous knowledge was used to appropriately manage fire and maintain ecosystem vitality (and the services that human livelihoods depended on) for millennia, and it was free.
Over the past 15 years, California and neighboring regions have experienced heightened drought conditions and an increase in wildfire probability with considerable impacts on human livelihoods, agriculture, and terrestrial ecosystems.
said Eva Kjer Hansen, Minister of Environment and Food, Denmark, «Food loss and waste is a huge challenge for global food security, human livelihoods and the conservation of the environment that calls for global responses and individual action.
«Marine aquaculture provides a means and an opportunity to support both human livelihoods and economic growth, in addition to providing food security,» said co-author Ben Halpern, executive director of the UCSB - affiliated National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS).
«Our study indicated that forest restoration after natural disasters should not only consider the forest itself, but also take into account the animals inhabiting the ecosystem and human livelihoods
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Many societies have taken measures to cope with historical weather extremes, but new, more intense extremes have the potential to overwhelm existing human systems and structures.18 More frequent and more severe extreme weather events are more likely to destabilize ecosystems and cripple essential components of human livelihood, such as food production, transportation infrastructure, and water management.
Furthermore, dry soil conditions may lead to an increased probability of wildfires (Thonicke et al. 2001; Thornley and Cannell 2004), impacting human livelihoods, ecosystems, the carbon cycle, and air quality (Kloster et al. 2010).
vulnerabilities of particular geographical areas such as coastal and riverine areas vulnerable to flooding and continental locations where changes have particular impacts on human livelihoods; most vulnerable are likely to be populations in areas where subsistence is at the margin of viability or near boundaries between major ecological zones, such as tundra thawing in polar regions and shifts in ecosystem boundaries along the margins of the Sahel that may undergo significant shifts in climate;
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