Sentences with phrase «human occupation at»

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Now, she says, they could unearth evidence of prehistoric occupation at sites where no human fossils or tools have been found, expanding our knowledge of hominin history.
The evidence of early human occupation stunned Tom Dillehay, an archaeologist at Vanderbilt University in Nashville who led the new study.
In an accompanying commentary, archaeologist Wil Roebroeks of the University of Leiden in the Netherlands notes that the cliffs near Pakefield have been studied since at least the 1863, when Charles Lyell predicted that they would one day yield evidence of human occupation.
The researchers have so far found no remains of early humans, stone tools or other signs of occupation, but they think that Neanderthals made the structures, because no other hominins are known in western Europe at that time.
I think being able to fly for humans means being able to change our location, our circumstances, our occupation and what we eat and where we go pretty much at will and with a lot more control than birds have over their surroundings.
South Africa • Khomani Cultural Landscape, located at the border with Botswana and Namibia, is a large expanse of sand that contains evidence of human occupation from the Stone Age to the present.
His attraction to spaces that possess a residue of occupation and visceral sensation of human presence was amply met during his time at Guttenberg Arts.
It also looks at the complex factors shaping the region: the occupation of Palestinian and other Arab lands; ongoing conflicts; governance, human rights and institutional deficits; and shortcomings in terms of financing, science and technology, trade and statistical capacity.
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