Sentences with phrase «human organism including»

In addition, since this unique holistic approach, apart from reducing body weight, positively energizes and influences entire human organism including the immune, nervous, circulatory, endocrinal, digestive and all other systems, often those who were willing to follow this plan also managed to reverse coronary heart disease or diabetes, recovered from cancer, depression, arthritis and other chronic diseases.
Please do not believe those who promote drinking coffee to prevent AD (even if there is some truth in it) because caffeine in coffee and other products is a poison and leads to many dangerous effects on human organism including brain and nervous system:

Not exact matches

But the technique is much more powerful than that — it basically gives scientists the ability to rewrite specific chunks of an organism's genetic code, including that of humans.
Evolution — including what Mr Ham would call «micro-evolution» resulting in variations within a species (like the degrees of melanin concentration in the human species) takes longer than a couple of thousand years in a complex organism.
Evolution explains the diversity of the planet's organisms, including the germs and the parasites that have caused so much human misery.
If this is the case, it follows that there can be no soul apart from a body, and that in particular the death of a human being involves the disintegration of the whole organism, including its organizing principle, the soul.
Evolution explains the diversity of the planet's organisms, including the pathogens and the parasites that have caused so much human death and misery.
A form of gene editing called CRISPR makes it easy to genetically engineer any organism, including human beings.
This does not mean that something very like self - conscious human purpose is to be found in amoebae, but it does mean that there must be some continuity between an amoeba's response to its environment and the response of higher organisms (including human ones) to theirs.
The oxygen that is today removed by living organisms, including humans, is replenished by plants.
These germline, inherited mitochondrial DNA insertions are seen over a wide range of organisms, including humans, plants, yeast, malaria parasites and nematodes.
publishes basic, translational and clinical research specifically about immunology across all organisms and model systems, including humans.
Their work has made it increasingly clear that for all the popular attention devoted to genome - sequencing projects, the epigenome is just as critical as DNA to the healthy development of organisms, humans included.
The advent of the nucleus — which differentiates eukaryotes (organisms whose cells contain a true nucleus), including humans, from prokaryotes, such as bacteria — can not be satisfactorily explained solely by the gradual adaptation of prokaryotic cells until they became eukaryotic.
«All living organisms, including humans, must continuously transport and redistribute molecules around their cells, using vital carrier proteins,» he said.
These include the safety of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and foods grown with pesticides, the use of animals in research, whether climate change is mostly due to human activity, and whether humans have evolved over time.
Selfish elements live in a wide variety of organisms (including humans), and have devised a variety of methods for getting themselves passed on.
To reinvent carbon dioxide fixation using such enzymes, Erb and colleagues carefully selected 17 enzymatic compounds from nine organismsincluding bacteria, archaea, plants, and humans — bringing them together in a single, collaborative pathway.
Such instruments allow a human to see blood cells as well as animal sperm and single - celled organisms, including the «animalcules» that Leeuwenhoek observed.
It's «entirely possible» that the new finding has implications for female mate perception in other organisms, including humans, says neurobiologist Harold Zakon of the University of Texas, Austin.
During her Ph.D., she worked with ancient DNA from a variety of organismsincluding whales, koalas, and maize — before settling on humans, to study their evolution.
This new technology has major implications not just for plant biology, but also for cellular biology research in every type of organism, including humans.
«This suggests there are factors [or components] in the blood of young organisms, including humans, that can rejuvenate an old brain and make it work more like a younger one,» Wyss - Coray says.
The common thread is his attempt to understand how natural selection has caused organisms, including humans, to become the way they are.
To facilitate understanding of the immune system by showcasing innovative advances in the expanding field of immunology, drawing from studies in all organisms and model systems including humans.
The editors encourage submission of original research findings from all areas within the broad field of immunology from all model organisms, including humans.
The study found that 8,600 families of genes are shared across deuterostomes, a large animal grouping that includes a variety of organisms, ranging from acorn worms to star fishes, from frogs to dogs, to humans.
«This study adds to an important body of work that has shown the ubiquity of a circadian clock across species, including humans, and its role in metabolic regulation in cells, organs, and organisms,» said Dr. Michael Sesma, Program Director in the Division of Genetics and Developmental Biology at the of the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of General Medical Sciences, which partially funded the research.
Codon usage bias is found in nearly all fast - growing organisms, including bacteria and yeasts that cause infections in humans.
The researchers don't know what these proteins do, but they found them in a variety of microbes, including plant and human pathogens, as well as in cellulose - degrading and bioremediation organisms.
When they compared S. typhimurium's 4300 genes to those of eight other gut - wrenching microbes, including ones that infect birds or reptiles and not humans, they found about 350 genes unique to the microbes that infect warm - blooded organisms.
All organisms, including humans, carry «extinct» genes that no longer work.
Most organismsincluding humans — experience daily rhythms driven by a body clock.
While 40 percent of genes match those of other organisms, including humans, the other 60 percent represent new mysteries awaiting explanation.
Indy codes for a protein that resembles a membrane protein found in many organisms, from bacteria to mammals, including humans.
The research was carried out with fruit flies, but has implications for other animals, as many organisms, including humans, also have part of the Oskar protein.
«Times of scarce resources would have been challenging to all organisms in the area, including early human foragers.»
These new discoveries, which the scientists believe hold true for other organisms with flagellated sperm, including humans, may lead, among other things, toward an understanding of why only a quarter of IVF pregnancies carry to term.
The interactome, which describes all the biological interactions in an organism, could include anywhere from 100,000 to 250,000 interactions in a human.
MHC genes are well - studied in many organisms, including humans, and have been shown to play a role in how individuals choose mates.
The latter are the bacteria that eventually gave rise to eukaryotic organisms, including humans.
Additional experiments, including gene knockdown, surfaced prohibitin as a likely infection aide; prohibitin is a multi-functional protein found in human cells and in many other organisms.
«This is how genetics has been understood for over a century in diverse organisms including humans, most animals we are familiar with, and many plants.»
«Mendel conducted classic genetic experiments with peas that revealed the fundamental of inheritance in many organisms including humans,» explains Ethan Bier, a professor of biology at UC San Diego whose graduate student, Valentino Gantz, developed the method.
While the scrawny gene has so far only been identified in fruit flies, very similar genes that may carry out the same function are known to be present in all multicellular organisms, including humans.
Secondly, highlighting the potential relevance of current findings to all diploid organisms including humans was the observation that in one compound heterozygous animal, the Xpd allelic relationship could shift from Adominant arecessive to Arecessive adominant with respect to different phenotypes in a time - dependent and tissue - specific manner (see below and Table 2).
The resulting oxygenation of Earth's atmosphere profoundly affected the evolution of life, leading to more complex organisms that consumed oxygen, which were the ancestors of all modern oxygen - breathing creatures including humans.
The granted projects focus on several human diseases including leukemia and Alzheimer's disease as well as the study of biodiversity of organisms as diverse as barnacles, mycorrhiza and rabbits.
Methods: The PNNL mass spectra data used by the team included samples taken from a diverse set of more than 100 organisms, including humans, the common house mouse, and the metal - reducing bacterium Shewanella oneidensis.
Homeostatic control of synaptic function has been demonstrated in diverse organisms, including flies, rodents, and humans, yet the genes and molecular mechanisms governing these processes remain unclear.
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