Sentences with phrase «human perfection»

"Human perfection" refers to the idea of reaching the highest possible level of excellence or achievement in all aspects of being a human being, whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, morally, or spiritually. It implies the ideal state of fulfilling one's potential and leading a life that is considered to be flawless or ideal. Full definition
Human perfection doesn't occur in individuals but will occur in some historical point in the future.
Despite Socrates» affirmation of his love of learning through dialogue with other persons, Plato apparently found it difficult to image his mentor and symbol of human perfection as really being influenced by others, even in philosophical dialogue.
In early stages, humanity conceived of human perfections as objects of worship and aspiration, preparing the way for moderns like us to make them real in our own lives, or at least to aspire to do so.
In theological terms, Volf's enterprise has some of the characteristics of eschatology, in that it addresses the theme of the achievement of human perfection in the context of a future whose dynamism gains its moment from the activity in society of the transcendent God.
The medieval field of alchemy — the attempt to change base metals into gold and to find the philosopher's stone capable of bringing about human perfection, even immortality — is ludicrous to the modern mind, a relic of a prescientific time.
In this approach God's perfection is described in relation to actual human perfections.
The Protestant Reformation was in part a protest against what seemed to the Reformers an overly optimistic Catholic doctrine of human perfection through the infusion of divine grace.
There is no necessity for human perfection or for blood atonement.
@SisterChromatid it's true that Christians have had a sorted past and have blame to share... but there is no new found human perfection in atheism... which has no creed.
Yes, there were other problems, bureaucrats in Brussels, seeking human perfection though regulation, helped to strangulate a previously more competitive Eurozone economy.
His problem, of course, is that, by refusing to use a car, he's surrendered too much space in order to fulfill an unattainable image of human perfection which is particular to him.
I am saying that we should use those close relationships to spur each other on towards a much deeper dependence on Christ, not human perfection
First, all religions and ideologies post love as the ultimate moral law of human perfection and, a community of love with its harmony is the final goal of human and cosmic relationships.
To this must be added the Reformation insight that the fulfillment of life and human perfection are impossibilities of human nature.
As the second Adam, he forms the pattern of human perfection.
«Holy Scriptures» he said, is the highest authority for every Christian and the standard of faith and all human perfection.
First, all religions and ideologies posit Love as the ultimate moral law of human perfection and community of love with its harmony as the final goal of human and cosmic relationships.
In fact, the chastity proper to marriage unites, reduces tensions, increases respect and deepens spousal love, so leading this love to its human perfection and preparing the spouses themselves for a love that is infinite and eternal.
Teilhard made it clear, however, that without the presence of another personal being — God — this human perfection would not endure as a utopian realm of freedom but would yield to the psychophysical compression that formed it and disintegrate «in self - disgust.»
The totality in Marxism is achieved by society's reconstitution of Christianity; in Teilhard the same alienation of the secular from the sacred is overcome, and the same totality is erected — but by extending the influence of Christianity into all sciences, social movements (including communism) and other agencies of human perfection.
The important point in the passage, after making due considerations for the agricultural imagery, is the secular notion of human perfection (or salvation, to use a theological phrase) which consists in the performance of good deeds, in love for neighbor.
To see El Guerrouj stretch, we were told, is to watch Beethoven crack his knuckles or to hear Caruso clear his throat: The mundane gesture portends an imminent act of human perfection.
Books The Science of Human Perfection: How Genes Became the Heart of American Medicine.
Cap started out as 90 - pound weakling Steve Rogers before one of those marvelous four - color plot devices turns him into the pinnacle of human perfection.
Considered to be the «Mozart» of computer coding by his peers, Nathan (Isaac) has created Ava (Vikander) an android robo - babe that could double as the personification of human perfection.
Drawing on an original 1967 video work by Danish filmmaker Jorgen Leth, The Perfect Human reworks and digitises Leth's observations on what it means to be «perfectly» human, employing an unseen commentator - observer to interrogate and analyse the video - subject's human perfection.
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