Sentences with phrase «human person -lsb-»

The Church clearly still wishes to retain talk of the spiritual soul as was evident at the Second Vatican Council and has been confirmed more recently by the Catechism of the Catholic Church: «The human person, though made of body and soul, is a unity».
Debate over this issue remains prominent among process theologians to this day and will be discussed more fully in the second part of this paper, but it should be remarked here that Hartshorne has consistently attempted to envision God, in this and in some other respects, after the model of the human person.
The two main agenda items were love of God, the theme desired by the 2007 Common Word initiative, and the dignity and rights of the human person, the theme preferred by Cardinal Tauran and prominent Catholic commentators.
Human rights, the favored language of secular progressivism, is undergirded by an implicit belief in the intrinsic dignity of the human person.
Then God's act in revealing himself is no longer an encounter between the divine Person and the human person, but an act worked upon a purely passive entity that insight equally well be a dog or a stone.
Since freedom of propagation and conversion involves not only matters of religion, but also of culture and political ideas, any restriction at this point will affect the fundamental rights of the human person in general.
If the pro-life side truly wins a basic point, for example, by persuading people of the dignity of every human person» then that principle will begin to inform other life issues.
The transcendent dignity of the human person in communion with the Creator is still capable of speaking to our depths — the more so to the extent that the fantastical mythology of «H +» is exposed as fraudulent and cleared out of the way, allowing us to notice that we have depths to speak to.
The Gallup - Purdue report, however, brings formation of the human person back to the center of the task of the university.
If we then understood philosophy as committed to rational thinking, we could see its necessary irrelevance to considerations of both the human person and the divine Person.
Our destiny is to be in God but whether this is negative or positive will depend upon the openness of the human person to the divine Love and the expression of that Love in and through the affairs of our daily living.
Fortunately, it is still possible, despite the march of humanity through history, to see the human person from the vantage point of Humanity 3.5.
«Guilt does not reside in the human person.
He was accepting the immortality of the soul; but he was also urging that a mere soul, without a body of some kind, did not constitute the genuine and complete human person.
The form in which men recognize God and the conception which men have of Him can not, to be sure, come into being without the cooperative participation of the creativity of a human person, but what is at work there is no myth - projecting fantasy but man's way of going forth to the meeting.
The specific structure of evil in the human person can not be explained as a result of the «moral censorship» of society.
«The immediate outcome was an offer by Sardar Patel and accepted by the Assembly that religious freedom in its full sense including the right to propagate religion should be written into the Constitution, not as a minority right but as a fundamental right of human person» (MMT, Social Reform amongst Indian Christians.
Now this passage deals only with the relationship between the individual human person and the state, which is the institution of fullest human community.
In Christian understanding the human person is both uniquely individual and a social creation.
The lie displaces «the undivided seriousness of the human person with himself and all his manifestations» and destroys the good will and reliability on which men's life in common rests.
Something deep and universal in the human person needs hope in order to live, and many things in our society masquerade as hope but are not.
The human person is, first and foremost, rational in nature, and fulfillment lies in fuller knowledge (plus, of course, the love that is merited by every truth one appropriates).
The ultimate truth is one, but it is given to man only as it enters, reflected as in a prism, into the true life - relationships of the human person.
Rolling Stone called it an «existential crisis» — a favorite term haphazardly applied to a diversity of experiences by critics who have no idea what to call the religious existence of the human person.
Endowment with reason and conscience, and hence that a human person is a rational and moral being, is commonly accepted by all peoples, whatever their philosophy, ideology or religion.
Sent forth from the natural domain of species into the hazard of the solitary category, surrounded by the air of a chaos which came into being with him, secretly and bashfully he watches for a Yes which allows him to be and which can come to him only from one human person to another.
And when he was thinking about human existence itself, he was intent upon saying that a whole human person was compounded of body as well as of soul; in the end, he said, the two would be reunited after the separation which death had brought about.
When one looks at them «in the factual context of the life of the human person,» one discovers their «fundamental dissimilarity in nature, structure, and dynamics.»
If, however, one regards the human person to be social by nature, then the function of the state is not to possess its citizens but to serve their social needs for each other.
b) the natural rights theories that based rights on reason and natural law, linked to the concept of the supreme dignity of the human person as a creature of God, who alone had sovereign right over all,
In that sacred space that stands between the individual and the Creator, no state, society, or other human person dares to intervene.
He urged young people to thank God for «the extension of democracy» based on the dignity of the human person.
Our belief in the equal significance of every human person, from the beginning, owed something to our Puritans and something to our Lockeans, and one part of that mixture can't truthfully be subordinated to the other in our national self - understanding at its best.
The universe inside is occupied by the human PERSON.
«Freedom,» he said, «is ever new,» and the Church will do her part in «building a world ever more worthy of the human person, created in the image and likeness of God.»
The President and others who recognize the shortcomings of the colonization of peoples by more powerful foreign nations would do well to heed the words of Pope Francis — for whom the President often expresses admiration — about the new form of colonization, holding foreign aid as a hostage when their nation's views reflect a different understanding of the human person, one held by many Americans as well.
When considering the grandeur and dignity afforded to the whole human person (body, mind and spirit) in the sight of God and Jesus» teachings on non-violence, a «moral thorn» exists as to the defensibility of boxing and MMA.
In this context a relation between human person and divine creativity, although complex, becomes a meaningful question to consider.
This is the phenomenology, particularly as practiced by Max Scheler, of which Wojtyla became a student, and which would in time lead him into novel, but orthodox, expositions of sexual ethics (Love and Responsibility), and into even more novel, though no less orthodox, expositions of the human person as the self - possessed locus of action and thought (The Acting Person).
It is now widely believed that the self - identity of the human self (or the human person) can not be that of a substance.
It was the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and Benedict again adverted to rights being grounded in natural law and requiring a transcendent horizon that illumines the dignity of the human person.
For the faith includes the truth about the human person and human communities, which nations ignore at their peril.
Part one will examine the extent to which both thinkers were influenced by the insights of contemporary physics in formulating their view of the human person.
Many persons today accept a holistic view of the human person not on biblical grounds but on modern scientific, biological, psychological grounds.
Given the stunning turn of events last November, however, we need to suspend our economic faiths for a time to reorient our thinking about the economy around deeper truths regarding the human person and the role of work.
4:14) Although we may never agree on the point at which a developing life becomes a human person, we are compelled to take nascent life seriously and to ask when it is no longer morally acceptable to experiment on or discard human embryos.»
We need to show how conservative sources of order are more dignifying of the human person and more conducive to economic prosperity than liberal plans and policies.
In this approach, the unity of the human person is maintained.
Gaia worship, as Hanby (and, I suspect, Andrew Kloster) and I would all agree, carries with it an anthropology that treats the human person as a kind of anthropollutant, which leads in short order to a eugenic «morality.»
Much of the damage that has been done to Catholicism in recent decades — by the abuse scandals, by the ongoing horror stories of mid-twentieth century Catholic life in Ireland, by forms of intellectual dissent that empty Catholicism of the patrimony of truth bequeathed to it by the Lord, by the counter-witness of Catholics in public life who fail to stand firm for the dignity of the human person at all stages of life and in all conditions of life — is a matter of self - imposed wounds, which Church authorities have an obligation to address.
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