Sentences with phrase «human personhood does»

Without it, human personhood does not survive.

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«many pro-life advocates unwittingly allow this flawed anthropology (of our contemporaries) to prosper because they do not offer any proof or argument for the existence of the spiritual soul, which is the only rational ground for uniquely human personhood».
The ecological basis of life, rights of people and persons, of peoplehood and personhood are the concerns which have brought us to fight against the present pattern of development because it exploits and destroys nature and does injustice to nature and human's organic relation to nature.
The reason the abortion issue is so foundational is not because Catholics love little babies ¯ although we certainly do ¯ but because revoking the personhood of unborn children makes every other definition of personhood and human rights politically contingent.
«The good life can not be lived without self - control, but it is better to control a restrictive and hostile emotion such as jealousy, rather than a generous and expansive emotion such as love» (p. 239) Russell, unlike the authors of Human Sexuality, does not assume that empirical data could ever show that a particular form of sexual activity is good or bad or the development of personhood.
Where the question, «When does human personhood begin?»
This judgment should be based on enlightened self - interest: Would a vote to grant personhood benefit the rest of us, or harm us (for example, by preventing us from doing lethal experiments on this human that could add to our medical knowledge)?
Many pro-life advocates and resources can unwittingly allow this flawed anthropology to prosper because they do not offer any proof or argument for the existence of the spiritual soul, which is the only rational ground for a uniquely human «personhood».
Citizens United did not declare that corporations have «human personhood» - this is a gross misrepresentation based on demagoguery.
While human beings acquire legal personhood when they are born, juridical persons do so when they are incorporated in accordance with law.
«The Stolen Generations was a process that systematically attempted to erase both our Indigenous personhood, and nationhood, and in doing so it severely diminished our human rights.
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