Sentences with phrase «human practice»

So maybe it isn't surprising that humans practice dominance by means other than overt aggression.
Wild bird populations, like many wild animal populations, are under extreme pressure worldwide, mostly from human practices and habitat destruction.
Compare that to most human practices that usually take days for results to return.
Mass media news is descended from this basic human practice of sharing and spreading information, but modern high technology and the political economy it serves have altered its nature.
But I see the most promise in a hybrid of digital and direct experience, in which children and young adults get out in the wet, wriggling, fluttering world — whether a wilderness or Thoreau's «swamp on the edge of town» — and then use the Web for that deeply human practice of communicating the things that catch our attention.
However, if the subjects of study are concrete networks of human practices by which communities of faith attempt to respond to God faithfully, and if they are practices which mediate an understanding of God, then the movement of theological schooling is more like an engaged meditative gaze than it is like problem solving.
It is likely that humans practiced shamanic healing for many millennia.
The point of this observation is to acknowledge that all sciences, as particular human practices, never finally transcend the humanity of the persons who engage in them.
«Because we have modified the landscape and been the dominant force for so long, the wildlife patterns we value depend on human practices,» Natural England's Kirby says.
Though irrigation is one of the major human practices that alters the Earth, it is not often accounted for in current climate models or climate change projections.
The same is true for humans practicing Cobra Pose.
Eventually, humans practiced artificial selection, breedings dogs for behavioral traits on top of physical characteristics.
Haim Steinbach's interest in the fundamental human practice of collecting is explored through his placing of objects from a variety of contexts on shelving units, which range from handmade constructions to modular building systems.
The Court of Appeal disagreed, stated that the trial judge's decision was appropriately based in «the timeless human practice of sharing intimate information within relationships», as well as the expectation of privacy when sharing intimate information and the public policy reflected in legislation that protects the privacy of personal communications in the internet age.
... in which children and young adults get out in the wet, wriggling, fluttering world — whether a wilderness or Thoreau's «swamp on the edge of town» — and then use the Web for that deeply human practice of communicating the things that catch our attention.
Yes, I would say that the scapegoat instituted by God was intended to reveal the human practice (crime) of scapegoating humans.
The big idea prohibits any and all human practices, including fashion, getting in the way of worshiping God.
More convincing would be the claim that the divine oath was but an unthinking carry - over of human practice.
I invented a Skin - to - Skin newborn carrier as my «statement» to the world that separating mother and baby, was a cruel and human practice, but hesitate to say so openly.
Farming as humans practice it — with tools and complex planning — has only been around for some 10,000 years, but basic elements of agriculture include strategic crop harvesting and dispersal.
-LSB-...] like any human practices, those of religions are not exempt from ethical questioning.
We humans practice yoga to reduce stress and tension, improve concentration, increase flexibility, and lift our moods.
Now I've moved back home and currently have a human practice in Fort Smith, AR with Seubold Chiropractic Clinic.
From Animal Data to Human Practice.
Now if I could just find a human practice just as good.
Veterinary Care While holistic veterinary care is not new to the pet scene, it is gaining popularity at a similar rate to the human practice.
These works explore constellations and emphasize the human practice of telling stories and passing on myths in order to navigate culture and belonging in the world.
Join Meredith Turnbull for an artist response to the life of objects: their relationship to human practice; and their intersection with ideas of artistic discipline; and the dimensions of time and space.
Materials for Gowda can be at the same time complex metaphors and ends in themselves, forgetful of their many cultural and spiritual investments attributed by human practice, but charged with a potential spiritual tension of their own, serving as relics of worlds unraveled and building blocks for other, new ones.
Within our individual works, we explore the metaphor of the exoskeleton in its relation to the human practice of camouflage and self - defense.
Strong, progressive policy must be implemented to address ocean issues, and reform the human practices that are the very root of these problems.
Climate changes like global warming is the result of human practices like emission of Greenhouse gases.
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