Sentences with phrase «human pregnancy»

When the low birth weight female rats subsequently became pregnant, researchers induced stress through common measurements performed during human pregnancy.
Firm adding energy - generating mitochondria to egg cells has already produced human pregnancies.
Unlike a normal human pregnancy, her baby belly blossoms in only a fraction of the time.
These pregnancies do not mimic natural human pregnancies, in which babies are the product of the combined genes of a mother and father.
Despite its simple premise, collecting video clips from popular culture depicting human pregnancy, it would be easy to write a book exploring its various dimensions.
At this time, it is inappropriate to perform germline gene editing that culminates in human pregnancy, and
Accordingly, studies of human pregnancy at high altitude have reported improved placental vascularisation with increased placental capillary diameter, capillary length and capillary volume [57], [58].
«In an effort to express our society's profound regard for human pregnancy and pregnant women,» the council urges Congress to prohibit....
I had started a postdoc working on human pregnancy, and many of my friends thought it was hilarious that a vet with a PhD in deer reproductive biology was suddenly working in a human maternity department.
What kind of mother did you have??? Where do you get off calling female humans nasty bitches??? Canine pregnancies are very unlike human pregnancies.
The result, published January 5 in Science Immunology, suggests that the protein, a receptor involved in immune cell signaling, plays a role in spontaneous abortions and other human pregnancy complications.
According to commentators reviewing Hunt's work in PLoS Genetics, the answers will be hard to tease out: Nearly one in five human pregnancies ends in miscarriage, half of which are due to chromosomal abnormalities.
This work, led by Dr Myriam Hemberger at the Babraham Institute and the Centre for Trophoblast Research in Cambridge, UK, is one of the first to look at the effects of age on womb health and it is expected to lead to new research into human pregnancies.
Dr Erica Watson tells us that studying this process helps us better understand human pregnancy.
Ferre, F., Uzan, M., Janssens, Y., Tanguy, G., Jolivet, A., Breuiller, M., Sureau, C., and Cedard, L. Oral administration of micronized natural progesterone in late human pregnancy.
Human pregnancy lasts approximately 9 months between the time of the last menstrual cycle and childbirth (38 weeks from fertilisation).
Breast growth and the urinary excretion of lactose during human pregnancy and early lactation: endocrine relationships.
There have been cases of human pregnancies that started out with ten, eleven, twelve or fifteen fetuses, but no instances of live births.
As for germline engineering that produces human pregnancies, a pastiche of laws and regulations around the world address that issue — more than 40 countries have outlawed that option, but many others, including the United States, have not, with some restricting the practice in others ways, such as not allowing federal funding for clinical trials that involve such work.
Kisspeptins circulating in the blood increase dramatically during normal human pregnancy, to several thousand times non-pregnancy levels, which makes them a novel predictive marker for assessing the risk of later complications.
«For human pregnancies, we have very refined growth charts, lots of historical information, lots of high - end diagnostic technologies that can be used to ask what's happening,» O'Connor says.
DOI: 10.4236 / ojog.2013.39 A004 3,469 Downloads 5,299 Views Citations This article belongs to the Special Issue on Human Pregnancy and Parturition Clinical Management
Science hasn't weighed in definitively as to whether canines have a sixth sense about human pregnancy.
Canine pregnancies are very unlike human pregnancies.
An international group of 11 organizations with genetics expertise has issued a policy statement on germline genome editing in humans, which recommends against genome editing that culminates in human pregnancy; supports publicly funded, in vitro research into its potential clinical applications; and outlines scientific and societal steps necessary before implementation of such clinical applications is considered.
But the researchers wanted to see how interferons might affect human pregnancies.
Evidence of a nesting psychology during human pregnancy.
The clinical definition of childbirth is «the culmination of a human pregnancy or gestation period with the birth of one or more newborn infants from a woman's uterus.»
Cortioctropin - releasing hormone in human pregnancy and parturition.
(2) Human pregnancy and lactation place additional demands on the body's glucose budget and low maternal blood glucose levels compromise the health of both the mother and her offspring;
Within a few months came the first claims — never substantiated — that human pregnancies were under way with cloned embryos.
«We can learn a lot from the fact that pregnancies are quick in the mice and you can do much larger experiments, but in monkeys we can do experiments that are much more relevant to human pregnancy,» he says.
«The more we understand about pregnancy in other species, the more likely it is that we can treat medical issues that arise during human pregnancy
SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA — The riskiest moment in any human pregnancy is arguably when the fertilized egg attaches to the womb wall and tries to establish a lifeline between embryo and mother.
But the summit's organizers concluded that actually trying to produce a human pregnancy from such modified germ cells or embryos, either through in vitro fertilization (IVF) with the sperm or eggs or the implantation of an embryo, is currently «irresponsible» because of ongoing safety concerns and a lack of societal consensus.
The shorter lifespan of mice means that they are useful for studying the effects of age on pregnancy but these results can not always be directly applied to human pregnancies.
The mice exposed to particles were also randomly assigned for exposure during one of four gestational periods designed to mirror the stages of human pregnancy: period 1 (0.5 - 5.5 days); period 2 (6.5 - 14.5 days); period 3 (14.5 - 16.5 days); or period 4 (0.5 - 16.5 days).
«This will add a new dimension to research into «liquid biopsies» and facilitate the clinical use of extracellular vesicles to inform the physiology and health of organs that are hard to access, such as the placenta during human pregnancy,» said Yoel Sadovsky, director of the Magee - Womens Research Institute at the University of Pittsburgh.
The research complies with recommendations to study the basic cellular processes of genome editing, keeping an eye on possible future clinical use but only so long as the work does not attempt to create a human pregnancy.
Nor is it clear whether maternal diet influences the outcome of glucocorticoid overexposure during human pregnancy.
ASHG believes that, at this time, given the nature and number of unanswered scientific, ethical, and policy questions, it is inappropriate to perform germline gene editing that culminates in human pregnancy.
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