Sentences with phrase «human presence beyond»

This enables the Agency to dedicate its resources to long - term, high - risk research and development and help establish a permanent human presence beyond low Earth orbit.
The invitation - only Pioneering Space National Summit, held in February in Washington, D.C., yielded a declaration that «the long - term goal of the human spaceflight and exploration program of the United States is to expand permanent human presence beyond low - Earth orbit and to do so in a way that will enable human settlement and a thriving space economy.»
«The opportunity comes from an increasingly capable China that might be enjoined in the international effort to create a beachhead in Earth orbit and extend human presence beyond LEO.

Not exact matches

By «God» I mean the pervasive personal presence, distinct from me and prior to me, who is the source and support of my existence; who through Scripture makes me realize that he has towards me the nature and name of love - holy, lordly, costly, fatherly, redeeming love; who addresses me, really though indirectly, in all that Scripture shows of his relationship to human beings in history, and especially in the recorded utterances of his Son, Jesus Christ; and who is daily drawing me towards a face - to - face encounter and consummated communion with him beyond this life, by virtue of «the redemption which is in Christ Jesus» (Rom.
Jesus met with opposition everywhere, because the evil inherent in the situation reacted against the presence of a goodness beyond human measures.
Thus, the kingdom is both presence and promise; both within and beyond human history; God's gift and man's task; we work for it, even as we wait for it.
Presently we are moving beyond any religious expression so far known to the human into a meta - religious age, that seems to be a new comprehensive context for all religions... The natural world itself is the primary economic reality, the primary educator, the primary governance, the primary technologist, the primary healer, the primary presence of the sacred, the primary moral value... The primary sacred community is the earth community.
They have accepted the fact that vast numbers of members of the human race have spoken or written about some such awareness, however it may have been conceived, of a presence which is believed to be more than human, and they have told us that they have experienced a power that seems to come from beyond, above, and below the level of human enabling.
The interpretation of resurrection as merely the persistence of human or divine memories in «minds made better by their presence» can hardly persist beyond the crumbling of the rememberers.
However, what if all our symbols and myths, our ceremonies and dogmas were unexpectedly and suddenly exploded, and to our awful surprise, we could see beyond these human inventions to discover not the Abyss but the real, actual presence of the living God?
«We are building Blue Origin to seed an enduring human presence in space, to help us move beyond this blue planet that is the origin of all we know,» Bezos wrote in the blog post.
The moon base will allow for sustained human presence on the moon's surface and help the agency prepare for future missions to Mars and beyond, explained NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale.
These situations are often fraught with tensions that go far beyond those raised by the presence of the dogs — officers are frequently dealing with aggressive humans as well.
Because in this world, death is a constant presence and the black pacts which you make with forces beyond human comprehension will forever haunt all those around you.
Because in the frontier world of Hard West, death is a constant presence and the black pacts which you make with forces beyond human comprehension will forever haunt all those around you.
Connected to human presence, it exists beyond subject matter.
The sense that the surface continues beyond its material presence was essential to expressing the infinite space into which human desire might reach.
Employing various mediums, each artist conveys earnest and intimate human feelings of longing beyond the body and its representative radiance, exceeding the limits of tangible presence toward meditative states.
Lam Hoi Sin uses a dating app to pursue interpersonal relationships that go beyond geographic restrictions; Cheng Ting Ting creates paintings depicting scenes of horse racing devoid of human presence; and Mark Chung uses found footage to create a large - scale installation arranged like firework displays.
Beyond what each artist possesses in their innate mastery of the craft of drawing, these artists» work exhibits an ability to take the simplest of materials — pencil, ink, and paper — to create singular instances of human presence, with a strong sense of beauty, wry humor, and emotional depth.
Her work suggests a stage prior to and beyond difference, in which everyone finds something they can recognize — the pulse of life, the trace of a self, something akin to the visualization of human presence.
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