Sentences with phrase «human project»

I especially appreciated the idea in the book that often the so - called violence of God is actually just the violence of humans projected onto God (p. 70).
From Leonardo da Vinci's exquisite pen - and - ink drawings of the human skeleton to the digital Visible Human Project in its three - dimensional glory, this fascinating book, now in paperback, documents more than 500 years of anatomical illustration in living color.
«Although reclaiming land from oceans has been an important human project for millennia, it seems that oceans are now «reclaiming» the land»
Acknowledged intentions, plots, plans, the entire human project - all are based on the technology of language.
Conceiving of the Church as a purely human project, they effectively dismiss the supernatural mystery which animates her being.
As the title of his lecture signals, Berlin's basic intellectual move was to distinguish between «negative liberty» and «positive liberty,» and then to defend the former as the only concept of liberty that could be actualized in the «real world» of inevitably conflicting interests, diverse concepts of the good, and competing human projects.
Dale Dougherty, the creator of Maker Faire, sees making as a way to develop one's full potential: «Fostering the maker mindset through education is a fundamentally human project — to support the growth and development of another person not just physically, but mentally and emotionally» (Dougherty, 2013).
The news coincides with the launch of a Kickstarter campaign to fund the completion of the first playable chapter of the Loading Human project
The industrial design legend Donald Norman talks about how humans project a series of expectations onto objects, and how designers need to understand these in order to make successful products.
Looking for anatomical accuracy, Nilsson used images from the US National Institutes of Health's Visible Human Project to create artworks.
«Although reclaiming land from oceans has been an important human project for millennia,» write Geisler and Currens in their study, «it seems that oceans are now «reclaiming» the land.»
The editor of Image, a journal of religion and the arts, has brought together essays by some of the finest writers around, including several regular contributors to these pages, to address the connections between religion and the human project.
When Christians are truly ready to validate Judaism, they will take greater responsibility for the repair of this world, engaging side by side with Jews in the human project of bringing the Messiah.
To set ourselves to reject the older gods, spirits, fairies is actually to renounce all «moral mysteries» and to claim the same power of radical redescription for ourselves: If Nature no longer offers any obstacle to human projects, no threat of violence against those who slaughter the cattle of the sun or cut down sacred groves, then the world is ours to remake as we will.
The obvious basis of this view is that for a Marxist religion is a human project (what else could it be?)
There is also the hiatus between his aspiration and his achievement — as in all human projects.
This transcendence which opens the human being to unlimited possibilities is a human project.
But the reading of the Bible is now especially urgent because our society is sore tempted to reduce the human project to commodity.
Not only does Ting offer the perspective of Christianity to explain «the inevitable imperfections of all human projects — even socialist ones — he also criticizes liberation theology for its idealization of the poor.
Indeed, a real universal human community is only a messianic desideratum, not a human project.
This transcendence which is the human person's openness to what is to come, unlimited openness, is in Marxism a human project in a definite historical situation, a human choice to remain open to the future as limitless human dimension, an absence of any final boundary.
Speaking of Jesus Christ is here only a way of saying that there is hope for the human project of building a world of freedom and love.
Only in this way, he contends, can science and technology, which threaten to turn against the human project, be brought back into the conversational circle of authentic humanism.
In the future, as in the past, the human project will be threatened, assailed, and brutally battered, but the human project can not fail.
God's righteousness, they repeatedly said, can never be identified with any human project.
If the previous view failed to understand the world as heading toward redemption, this one sees moving it toward being fixed as a human project.
On better days, I hold to the promise of the ever ancient, ever new, and only coherent truth that the human project can not fail, not finally.
Of the more than 9 billion humans projected to live on Earth by 2050, an estimated 70 % of them will be urban dwellers.
The model is based on data from the Visible Human Project, which froze a dead man and woman in blocks of gelatin in the 1990s and cut them into many thin slices to scan them.
In discussing the effects of one the last huge government - funded research projects, the Human
The HUMAN Project was initiated by The Kavli Foundation in 2014, in partnership with New York University's Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of Decision Making.
Pleading for his help to transport pregnant refugee Kee (Clare - Hope Ashitey, Exodus) and her escort Miriam (Pam Ferris, Gavin & Stacey) to meet the Human Project, Julian entrusts Theo with the most precious commodity known to man.
And so much of what a human projects onto a dog is reflective less of the dog than the human.
As it happens, we glimpse graffiti on the walls beyond the train tracks: a scrawl of handwritten letters proclaims the mysterious «HUMAN PROJECT» that is so important to the plot.
Theo's hippie blithe friend Jasper Palmer (Michael Caine) helps in saving Kee and guiding them to the Tomorrow boat that would lead to the Human Project.
Mother - to - be Kee is a bit «wicked», but we can't help but root for her to make it through to the good guys... the mysterious «Human Project».
Culture and civilization has a part of his human project which have a thorough goals.
As portrayals of the human project, the first two pavilions, of Artists and Books and of Joys and Fears, both housed in the Giardini's Central Pavilion, are outstanding.
Isolated against the sky these dark figures look out into space at large asking: Where does the human project fit in the scheme of things?
Pendleton calls the pairing a «radical juxtaposition,» and sees abstraction as having the virtue of «something ethical about being illegible, about the human project not being something that is readily reduced to «he's a that» and «she's a this.
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