Sentences with phrase «human purpose and meaning»

The most daunting problems facing our society — drugs, violence, racism, poverty, the dissolution of family and community, and certainly war — are all matters of human purpose and meaning.

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I specifically stated that yours is simply one of many possible ways for a human to find meaning and purpose.
They are found to be a very Rich & Powerful Groups and Mother of Groups that control lives of Millions... Now Finding Peace means that we should think on how to get those Master Keys or Super Master Keys of Super Powerful Groups that are to be gathered all in one Ring lock that works to getting them to work towards One Purpose only and that is on how to make Human Life better Globally and that by investing in them human populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet EaHuman Life better Globally and that by investing in them human populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet Eahuman populations worldwide not minding their Race or Faith or Political interests such will work towards Building Bridges between all Nations holding and calling one Message of Love and Sharing in some form of Brotherhood that works towards a Greener Planet Earth!?
When we use contraception, we orient ourselves against the good of life itself ¯ and, in the same way, when we use IVF to create a new human being, we treat that being solely as a means to our own purposes.
Steve... that's not necessary... let's read those writings as the product of human imagination as it seeks the meaning and purpose of human existence and never forget...» to err is human»... anything more is to turn them all into demi - gods.
Other people may have the question haunt them and wonder: «Gee, maybe there is one purpose, one Meaning, one goal for all life — or at least for humansand I guess I am suppose to find it.»
Does it mean that unaided human reason can not grasp the evident order, purpose, and intelligence manifested so clearly in the world of living beings?
Sex itself has a given meaning, a purpose which is natural and fundamental to the human species and which we can deliberately and unnaturally frustrate.
For Catholic schools to be a worthwhile enterprise for the Church, they must survive and flourish as institutions where pupils grow in a «personal relationship with Jesus» which includes following the teaching of Jesus, through His Church, that we should attend Mass every Sunday, go to confession regularly, say our prayers and be loyal to the magisterium - especially in its moral teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, and the meaning and purpose of sex and marriage, in accord with Humanae Vitae and Evangelium Vitae.
For others, the gospel is the assurance of meaning and purpose in human life and action.
the purpose why God allowed multiple religions to evolve and exist in the distant and even today is because our minds intellectual capacity has increased tremendously after we became civilized about 10,000 years go.Earlier when we were hunter gatherers our priorities was just to find food to survive, Then we became more knowlegible and our concern includes the intelle tual need to understand the meaning and purpose of our existence, so God allowed the founding and establishment of many religions by humans to conform with their intellectual, social and educational development, Since this is not static, it contiually diversify and change to conform with their times of existince, History showed that this is continuesly improving, so the future expects changes towards Panthrotheism in accordance to His will.
If it is true, as Holloway argues, that the very foundations of matter and the identity of human nature are aligned upon the coming of the Word made flesh, then a society which is uncertain about the existence of God and whether Man has any meaning or purpose must be subject to crisis, alienation and chaos even more inevitably than CiV is able to show.
«To speak of God's Kingdom,» says Wright, «is thus to invoke God as the sovereign one who has the right, the duty, and the power to deal appropriately with evil in the world, in Israel, and in human beings, and thereupon to remake the world, Israel, and human beings... When full allowance is made for the striking differences of genre and emphasis within scripture, we may propose that Israel's sacred writings were the place where, and the means by which, Israel discovered again and again who the true God was, and how his Kingdom - purposes were being taken forward... Through scripture, God was equipping his people to serve his purposes
This said, the crucial point at this stage of the argument is to recognise the connection between the purposes of the bodily organs and the meanings of the related human acts.
I do indeed believe, but I believe as one of a great company of men and women, from many ages, of all races and classes, rich and poor, simple and learned, who in one way or another have been drawn to find the truest key to the meaning and purpose of human existence given focal expression in Jesus Christ.
But I can point to the universal experience of all humans who have a yearning for something beyond our physical existence — for ultimate purpose, value and meaning.
Virginity is the ideal of the holy person not because he or she is filled with a deep hatred of the human body, but because Christ was ihidaya meaning that Christ had singleness of purpose to be the instrument of God's will and thought.
But it depends upon their giving up both their uncritical acceptance of the present ideology of modernization identifying it with Christianity and any revival of primalism in a militant and fundamentalist way in the name of their self - identity, and evaluating both modernity and tradition in the light of Christian personalism i.e. the idea of human beings as persons in community, and all natural and social functions as sacramental means of communion in the purpose of God.
In my view, only individuals are actual, and for our purposes that means that the final real entities with which we are dealing are momentary embodiments of human existence.
The new being, which Christians find manifested in Jesus, is working in the world, wherever there are human beings who are serious about the meaning and purpose of life.
In other words, one of the primary purposes of John is to impregnate the terms «Christ» and «Son of God» with new meaning and significance that can not be used of any other human throughout history.
The divine aim to call forth civilizations whose meanings and purposes are at one with God's purposes - for - them and whose histories accord with the divine activity succeeds, therefore, only where individual human beings, citizens of those societies, act and believe in ways transparent to the ways of God.
The church must be prepared to enter into common cause with any group, regardless of caste, color or creed, in the task of restoring meaning and purpose to human life, under whatever rubric this task might be conceived, whether it be called salvation or liberation, redemption or humanization.
It shows that as humans, se - xuality is an integral part of ourselves that holds more purpose and meaning.
It is the sheer excess — the disproportion of our human bondages and the absurdity resulting from this excess, the grotesque pointlessness of so much of it — that undermines my sense of ultimate meaning as transcendent willing purpose.
Humans have elaborated on those meanings and purposes beyond genetics with culture.
Everything created exists only because of the charity of God, of course; but human nature, uniquely, only has meaning and purpose at all because of the Divine Self - giving to the creature in the fullest way that is possible.
God's natural order can still be grasped at by the common sense of men of good will, but the full truth and meaning of creation, the separation of the sexes and of human nature, will only ever be in part and obscurely viewed when the determined and determining purpose of the mind of God is recognised in creation, holding all things relative to Himself — and to His plan to enter creation as its Lord and King.
It is because many of the terms lack meaning that squares with verifiable human experience (must be verifiable to others, as well, for purposes of proof; but inverse this requirement, as I did with language, and you end up with the following: if something can't be evidenced to others, there is a good likelihood that it is not what the individual thinks it is).
But possibly the more profound religious films are those that deal with basic human dilemmas and questions of meaning and purpose, but do not specifically announce themselves as religious films.
Is the biological matter that constitutes a human being so intrinsically devoid of value and meaning that it is permissible to use this material for some mundane and utilitarian purpose?
Do we only criticize scientists who draw inferences for the meaning and purpose of human life from their larger visions of the cosmos and our place in the grand narrative?
And even more fundamentally, if we are bearers of inviolable dignity and a basic right to life in virtue of our humanity, and not in virtue of accidental qualities such as age, or size, or stage of development or condition of dependency --- if, in other words, we believe in the fundamental equality of human beings --- how can a right to abortion (where «abortion» means performing an act whose purpose is to cause fetal death) be defended at aAnd even more fundamentally, if we are bearers of inviolable dignity and a basic right to life in virtue of our humanity, and not in virtue of accidental qualities such as age, or size, or stage of development or condition of dependency --- if, in other words, we believe in the fundamental equality of human beings --- how can a right to abortion (where «abortion» means performing an act whose purpose is to cause fetal death) be defended at aand a basic right to life in virtue of our humanity, and not in virtue of accidental qualities such as age, or size, or stage of development or condition of dependency --- if, in other words, we believe in the fundamental equality of human beings --- how can a right to abortion (where «abortion» means performing an act whose purpose is to cause fetal death) be defended at aand not in virtue of accidental qualities such as age, or size, or stage of development or condition of dependency --- if, in other words, we believe in the fundamental equality of human beings --- how can a right to abortion (where «abortion» means performing an act whose purpose is to cause fetal death) be defended at all?
GK Chesterton rightly noted that all arguments are theological arguments, that is to say, eventually all political and moral disagreements, if pursued for long enough, get down to the brass tacks of our basic assumptions about the ultimate meaning and purpose of human individuals and human society.
Christ came to unveil what it means to be fully human, and to reconcile us with our Father, and to save us, set us free, heal us, to walk us out into our created purposes and wholeness.
Grace means the way in which God deals with our human condition, his active purpose for the creation, his power to redeem and save history from its bloody tragedy, his offer of eternal life.
But it might also mean the attempt to clone human embryos for research purposes - and this, in fact, is where the real focus of scientific interest is at the moment.
The primacy of practical reason and of the summu bonum or supreme aim or purpose, has some validity, but should not be allowed to belittle theoretical reason, nor should the relations between human and divine values be allowed to reduce God to a mere means for the production of human good.
It means penetrating them in such a way as to be able to instruct the world concerning its purpose of serving human need, concerning its original foundation and the end toward which it moves.
At its heart would be the Christian proclamation that there is a sovereign God, incarnate in Jesus Christ and attested by the biblical revelation, and that this reality shapes the meaning and purpose of human existence.
«Mission» means «sending,» and it is the central biblical theme describing the purpose of God's action in human history, with the church being the primary agent of God's missionary action.
«The contemporary pope - hunting springs from a secularist movement which feels incapable of asserting a sense of purpose or meaning in any positive, human - centred way - as the great atheists of old such as Marx or Darwin might have done - and which instead can only assert itself negatively, in contrast to the «evil» of religion, by posturing against the alleged wickedness of institutionalised faith.
This does not mean that something very like self - conscious human purpose is to be found in amoebae, but it does mean that there must be some continuity between an amoeba's response to its environment and the response of higher organisms (including human ones) to theirs.
We say that Christ is «the key, the centre and the purpose of the whole of human history» (Vatican II, Gaudium et Spes, n. 10), as well as unlocking the very meaning of all creation.
Ayala goes on to argue that «science and religious beliefs need not be in contradiction because science and religion concern different matters», respectively «the composition of matter» etc, and «the meaning and purpose of human life» etc..
(5:24), he means specifically justice and righteousness in the Yahweh - Israel relationship, the justice and righteousness in human relationships which honor Yahweh, by which the life of Yahweh's people is fulfilled, and in adherence to which Yahweh's purposes in Israel may be consummated.
One would submit that bird - song and bee - dance fit with the natural, physical purposes of those species, whereas human language and artefacts which have sophisticated goals and meanings within human culture do not.
Religions endeavour to communicate a meaning and purpose to human life and relationships.
The Faith vision argues that the Incarnation of the second person of the Blessed Trinity, far from being primarily a response to human sin, is in fact from the very beginning the meaning and purpose of the Universe.
All Catholic teaching revolves around, and leads towards and away from, the fundamental truth that «God is love», and that love is the meaning and purpose of the universe, and the calling of every human being.
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