Sentences with phrase «human reality which»

Even more importantly, it brings an added dimension to marriage preparation — direct couple - to - couple sharing of the sacred - human reality which is the day - to - day experience of Christian marriage.»
Because these myths are products of actual human experience, they tell us something of the structure of human reality which nothing else can tell us.
Something knottily human perdures throughout all our rough commerce with the world, and it is this sturdy human reality which Cheever's fiction celebrates.
With a certain simplification of the state of affairs, which however brings out more clearly the decisive factor without falsifying it, we might say that formerly the object and situation of a man's action were simply data supplied by nature with which he was in contact and by simple human realities which recurred from generation to generation again and again.
At the surface level of the texts they have bequeathed to us, we search in vain for psychological insights or any attempts to correlate theological or ethical assertions with human realities which we label psychological.

Not exact matches

The post was in response to a report issued by Human Rights Watch, which advocated for an outright ban on autonomous armed machines before they become a reality.
Abzug's push for Women's Equality Day was, in fact, far more symbolic than many of the more concrete policies she made a reality in her six years in Congress, not to mention in the two decades prior to her election, which she spent as a lawyer fighting for human rights and civil rights.
Nevertheless, Cook believes that AR technology «amplifies human performance instead of isolating humans,» unlike virtual reality, for which people must wear big headsets to experience virtual worlds.
«Both Sriram (Ganesh) and I started our careers in virtual reality and human - computer interface, which gave us a hand - on perspective of opportunities in this segment from a developer perspective,» explains Das.
Contact with reality» which is to say, the actual operation of the legal system and its impact on society» is more likely to confront academics with the immutable truths of human nature than endless theorizing restrained only by the politically correct predilections of one's colleagues.
History tells us that the power of story, even a fictitious one, can send shock waves through society — transporting an issue no one can really solve into a human reality from which no one can turn away.
Yes — and I think there is something in our human nature that is about survival that while a good and necessary thing to have can when mixed with none of us being perfect lead us to perceptions and magical thinking which may or may not be in touch with reality.
Indeed, this Enlightenment view of nature and human nature is foundational for the industrial west (and now for everything from the global economy to the sexual revolution), in which the over-riding objective is, in the words of C. S. Lewis, «to subdue reality to the wishes of [human beings].»
As Taoist sees the world, the present world is that of arbirary and artificial reality, in which the humans strsuggle afainst each other.
Scripture often speaks of truths which are above the human intellect, trying to describe realities that we can not humanly fathom.
Rather, itis the reality of the union of Christ with the human race which is the template for the meaning of the sexes: the sexes were made for this, they point to it, they mirror it.
This introduced a tradition that thinks of God as that toward which the whole of reality, or at least of human history, moves.
Consequently one feels less inclined to reject as unscientific the idea that the critical point of planetary reflective consciousness which is the result of the forming of humanity into an organized society, far from being a mere spark in the darkness, corresponds on the contrary to our passage (by a movement of reversal or dematerialization) to another face of the universe: not an ending of the ultra-human but its arrival at something trans - human at the very heart of reality.
And it is because of this, it is because there exists in you this ineffable synthesis of what our human thought and experience would never have dared join together in order to adore them — element and totality, the one and the many, mind and matter, the infinite and the personal; it is because of the indefinable contours which this complexity gives to your appearance and to your activity, that my heart, enamoured of cosmic reality, gives itself passionately to you.
Since no way exists to judge which image is closest to reality he said, the only nonnegotiable fact is that Jesus had a human face.
First, since process thought concerns itself with the totality of human experience, it must necessarily take very seriously the fact of the religious vision and the claim of countless millions of people of every race and nation and age to have enjoyed some kind of contact with a reality greater than humankind or nature, through which refreshment and companionship have been given.
In Oriental Mysticism, Altizer observes that Heidegger, also, maintains that being is not an eternal reality equitable with the sacred or God; rather, it is a historical event involved in the establishment of Dasein, human existence.2 Heidegger comments: «If I were to write a theology, which I am sometimes tempted to do, the word being would not be allowed to appear in it.
Balthasar doesn't necessarily mean form in a strictly scholastic sense here; rather he means that reality which we, with our human minds, are able to grasp.
Or is the human race an infallible one so that any idea can be, move over should be, taken on faith of its truth no matter the reality of things and then acted on without concern of the real truth which was «WILLFULLY» overlooked?
The reality is that those really concerned about human dignity are those who are willing to place faith in moral absolutes which safeguard that dignity against the uncertainties of cultural trends.
But nothing less than the recovery of real Christianity, with its ineradicable emphasis upon human compassion, and its inexorable insistence upon the transience of this world and the reality of eternity, will ever put back into the disillusioned the faith, hope, courage and gaiety which are the marks of a human being cooperating with his Creator.
He offers a view of transcendence which is not identical with a particular metaphysic, but which leaves the human being in free play within the reality of his historical existence.
You can not contract out of life, and since God has personally visited the planet, you can not contract out of the reality which underlies the business of human living.
Vorhanden, which Heidegger uses of the peculiar mode of being characteristic of inanimate objects, as contrasted with responsible human Dasein, I have translated by «tangible», as in Bultmann the antithesis is not so much between Vorhandensein and Dasein as between the tangible realities of the visible world and eternal realities, very much like the Pauline contrast of kata sarka and kata pneuma.
The reality of human sexuality is a patent fact; and it would seem to be intimately tied in with man's total organic movement, which as we have seen includes his physiology, biology, and psychology, as well as his appreciative (and hence his aesthetic), valuational, and feeling qualities.
It is not so common as those undertakings about which the crowd shouts and clamors, for each participant is in reality alone with himself, but yet in the highest and most inclusive sense, edification is a common human concern.
Consequently, he sees the realities which he directly meets in his daily life as things which not God but another human being has made by his own deliberate planning.
Reason must attain the dimension of faith to seek answers to questions of ultimate import and which will not go away, such as the reality of God, the origin and destiny of man, the ultimate worth of human life, etc..
Wieman became increasingly hostile toward religious visions which set the source of human good in a transcendent reality.
The firmest substance of human happiness,» he said, «is but a thin crust spread over it, with just reality enough to bear up the illusive stage scenery amid which we tread.
Hinduism can help Christians in the West rediscover a sense of the mystical — an awareness of the reality of the Divine, who or which can never adequately be described in human language.
But if we understand the real problems of the real world in any depth, we will see that specifically human problems are not really separable from the larger reality in which human beings are embedded.
Moreover, if primacy is also or therefore given to the ultimate reality of the non-conscious, then it may thereby be placing its hope upon a reality which is indifferent to human affirmation and experience.
All of the stories from all of Man's scriptures are fully accounted for, and so revolutionarily superseded, by Pandeism, which demonstrates the logical probability of all of these nonuniversal propostions as simply reflecting the miscomprehensions of the limited human mind in attempting to grasp an ultimate underlying reality.
Does it not fail to take into account our moral achievements, our merits, our greatness, our reality as human beings, which must be respected?
It holds that a principle or principles of human rights must be independent of any comprehensive telos to which all human activity ought to be directed, that is, a telos defined by reality as such and, in that sense, metaphysical.
Furthermore, despite the emphasis by such theologians as Augustine, Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and Reinhold Niebuhr (with whom Schlesinger enjoyed a personal association) on the need to distinguish between divine and human authority, it is a gross distortion of all of their views for Schlesinger to impute to them the kind of relativism which makes the existence of God and the reality of revelation (the basis of all western religious traditions) so utterly irrelevant for public life.
The new reality which broke into human experience in the person of Jesus becomes more distinct not through new conceptions about a transcendent reality, but through the growing experience of the power of that reality to bring transformation and healing in daily life.
Our belief in God «is built up, rather, out of a number of metaphysical moves and claims which, when they cumulate into a full - blown understanding of reality, and of the human place in this reality, constitute a theocentric world picture.»
To be sure, classical realism is lost to us, a development due in part to increased awareness of the extent to which the human mind and cultural forms are the irreducible prisms for any apprehension of reality.
The concept of logos is accepted today as having affinity primarily with the world of the sciences, all of which, it is believed, give us a handle on ultimate reality and the meaning of human existence.
For Hartshorne, monads and God are realitieswhich make it possible for human consciousness to emerge and construct more or less adequate ideas and accounts of them.
«If that is the case,» responded Borden Spears, a senior editor at the Toronto Star, Canada's largest newspaper, «the news media are seriously distorting reality; the proportion of violence in human experience, which the press claims to reflect, is not that high.»
This thesis specifies the way in which religious experience is an expression, at the human level, of the basic deliverances of primary experience at all levels of reality.
Yet another suggestion of the total image concerns the way in which living and non-living realities are to be joined in human life and for human salvation.
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