Sentences with phrase «human rights approach»

Development and Indigenous land: a human rights approach (2002) is a joint publication of HREOC and Griffith University.
An important development at the international level in integrating a human rights approach into poverty alleviation programs and activities has been the publication by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) of its Human Development Report for 2000 on the theme of «Human Rights and Development».
Where a conflict arises between Indigenous laws and customs and non-Indigenous laws a human rights approach requires that they be given equal protection.
A human rights approach is particularly relevant to the Draft framework for reporting on Indigenous disadvantage being developed in the COAG context.
These Guidelines provide a comprehensive human rights approach to poverty alleviation programs.
[79] On a human rights approach, it is more correct to describe native title rights and interests as «primarily a spiritual affair rather than a bundle of rights» [80].
A strengths - based approach to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a human rights approach.
Since the realization of most human rights is at least partly constrained by the availability of scarce resources, and since this constraint can not be eliminated overnight, the international human rights law explicitly allows for progressive realization of rights... While the idea of progressive achievement is common to all approaches to policy - making, the distinctiveness of the human rights approach is that it imposes certain conditions on the behaviour of the State so that it can not use progressive realization as an excuse for deferring or relaxing its efforts.
I also outline a continuing agenda for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, with a focus on a human rights approach using the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (the Declaration) as the guide.
Importantly, a human rights approach makes it explicit that redressing Indigenous disadvantage is not merely something that is desirable, but is a matter of obligation in order to guarantee a free and equal society.
To ensure the protection of rights and interests and the opportunity of traditional owners to effectively participate in decisions relating to their land, a human rights approach requires that the Western Australian Government act to protect Indigenous rights and interests in land until the resolution of traditional owner interests in conservation areas and appropriate negotiations can commence.
A human rights approach requires that policy and government decisions relating to the interests of Indigenous people be made only with their effective participation.
A human rights approach to achieving this respect and equality is an approach which seeks to empower the members of these groups so that their voices are heard and they can play a part in creating solutions that will work for them.
Central to the human rights approach to addressing disadvantage, and hence the campaign, is empowerment.
In accordance with article 27 of ICCPR which requires the protection and recognition of Indigenous interests in land and with the effective participation and informed consent of Aboriginal traditional owners, a human rights approach supports:
Working within a principled framework — As Tom has indicated, members of the campaign committee had to indicate basic agreement with the human rights approach as set out in achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality within a generation.
To provide sufficient government accountability for the outcomes of Indigenous affairs policies, through greater transparency in policy formulation and scrutiny; and to integrate a human rights approach to redressing Indigenous disadvantage into the economic policy making process, the following five, integrated requirements must be addressed.
This report identifies the necessity to adopt a human rights approach to reconciliation, as well as shortcomings in Australia's performance on human rights issues as they relate to Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
The «legitimation» of the validation provisions by the majority of the PJC is a political justification for discriminatory acts rather than a human rights approach to differential treatment.
This result, that substantive equality permits invidious differentiation on the basis of race, is inconsistent with a human rights approach.
This definition is consistent with the fundamental concern of a human rights approach that people or groups do not suffer disadvantage or invidious treatment because of their racial origin.
It provided an opportunity to many groups with an interest in the native title legislation, including the National Farmers» Federation and the Minerals Council of Australia, to participate in the process of reconciling their position with a human rights approach.
Under a human rights approach this differential treatment can not be justified as meeting either a formal or a substantive equality standard.
Indeed, where native title is vulnerable, as it is on pastoral leasehold land, a human rights approach would require the law to provide more protection in order to ensure equal respect for Indigenous customs and traditions.
A human rights approach to social outcomes emphasizes the importance of effective Indigenous participation and control of initiatives aimed at social development.
General Recommendation 23 of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (discussed at pages 85 - 86, above) provides a useful guide for a human rights approach to policy or legislative initiatives concerning Indigenous people.
For example, a human rights approach to economic development promotes protection and respect for culture within economic development strategies.
The report identified a number of key principles that are consistent with a human rights approach and may assist the Inquiry in making recommendations that provide a sustainable approach to the process of native title and mineral tenement applications.
The human rights approach is «more flexible and less technical on comparability but also has a more flexible justification defence», which leads to better results, as «if you don't allow a degree of flexibility, it leads to a tendency to deny that discrimination has taken place at all».
It is important to note that neither the reasonable accommodation approach, nor the competing human rights approach can work where the majority insists on its rightness and can impose its view through violence and intimidation.
«A human rights approach requires detailed examination of current practices and policies.»
Not everyone at the AAAS meeting, however, was impressed by the practical value of a human rights approach.
She considers the human rights principles relevant to a human rights approach to the benefits of science and what it means to respect the freedom indispensable for scientific research.
Budiani - Saberi D, Columb S. (2013) «A human rights approach to Human Trafficking for Organ Removal» Med Health Care Philos.
A human rights approach to scientific, engineering and health associations» Codes of Ethics The project team will develop a resource guide and training workshop on how scientific, engineering and health disciplines can analyze their codes of ethics through a human rights lens.
This seminar will explore just how individuals can use the Human Rights Act to secure improvements in services and how public authorities are using a human rights approach to achieve change.
She makes interesting points on the «mismatch» between the European Community law and human rights approaches to equality.

Not exact matches

Industry and civil groups in both Europe and America have proven more engaged in their approach to labour, environmental and human rights concerns in the textile and apparel industries.
GENEVA (Reuters)- China and the United States clashed on Friday at the U.N. Human Rights Council, where the U.S. delegation rejected a resolution brought by Beijing that it said sought to glorify Xi Jinping's «win - win» approach.
In a recent interview with Quartz editor - in - chief Kevin Delaney, the billionaire Microsoft founder argues that the right approach to our job - scarce future may simply be to tax the robots (OK, really the owners of the robots) that replace human labor.
Following presentations on the five Thematic Volumes, participants discussed policy implications and proposals for developing more effective approaches to integrating trade and human rights.
This is not to dismiss or marginalize the importance of civil and political rights such as freedom of expression and religion, but rather to adopt an integrated approach recognizing that all internationally recognized human rights are universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated.
The Prime Minister should encourage an integrated approach to trade and human rights to further human rights protection while also promoting economic and trade relations.
The report also suggests that integrating Canada's trade and human rights policies and programs requires a pan-Canada approach supported by strong leadership and consistent engagement from government.
Tim Cook, Apple's chief executive, has emerged as a prominent critic of Facebook's approach to making money from user data, calling user privacy a «human right
It is rather that in the incarnation of the Word of God humanity has been taken into unity with God; human life has been sanctified; and a way has been opened for all men in every century and in all circumstances to enter into their right relationship to the Creator (the relationship of sons to their Father) through God's gracious approach to them in Christ and the response of trust and obedience which God in Christ evokes from them.
Many of its arguments to this effect are derived from human rights «data,» which the Administration has used in turn to justify its support for the contra rebels... [W] e find the Administration's approach to Nicaragua deceptive and harmful....
John Paul II's approach to east central Europe was based on different premises: that the post-war division of Europe was immoral and historically artificial; that communist violations of basic human rights had to be named for what they were; and that the «captive nations» could eventually find tools of resistance that communism could not match, if they reclaimed the religious, moral, and cultural truth about themselves and lived those truths without fear.
The collective right to peace demands such a basic approach — in fact and law — that we can no longer afford to regard it merely as a sentimental concept or to confine it to an intellectual category of human rights.
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