Sentences with phrase «human salvation»

"Human salvation" refers to the idea of finding deliverance, redemption, or saving humanity from various problems or challenges they face. It encompasses the idea of improving the overall well-being, happiness, and improvement of human lives. Full definition
You are absolutely right; they believe that human salvation came through the womb of a woman.
Almost 40 years ago, in the September 1976 edition of this magazine, the then editor Fr Edward Holloway gave a checklist of the key issues: «the transcendence of God, the real spirituality of the soul, and the reconciliation of an evolutionary universe with one fixed nature of man, a true fall in that nature and a true leading on of human salvation by God, which climaxes in His literally divine and transcendent self».
God functions for Kaplan as the power that makes for human salvation or self - fulfillment.
Lombardo's primary goal is to provide a theological evaluation of three traditional understandings of the role of Christ's death in human salvation.
In marriage, God intends not only to alleviate human loneliness but to effect human salvation.
Rather, the new NIV here makes it possible for English readers to discover a more Catholic or Orthodox or truly Lutheran Paul, one who teaches that the problem with the Jewish law is its ethnic and temporary character and that human salvation concerns our real sacramental participation in divine life, real transformation, and ultimate resurrection.
Whether the totalitarian governments collapse or change their ways and whether the change comes soon or late, the epidemic of purges and the spreading disaffection of once enthusiastic followers reinforce the old lesson that power in itself is no cure for man's ills, and that human institutions are not equal to the task of assuring human salvation.
Sacks seems here to have become a Schleiermacher to the neurologists, locating human salvation in configurations of feeling.
Second: comprehensive understanding, i.e., proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom of God with broader meaning (cf. Luke 4:16 - 21), erecting signs of the Kingdom of God in this temporal world, inspired by God's Word, pointing to the eventual human salvation and the second coming of Christ the Savior.
Perceiving that a pluralistic environment demanded both civil tolerance and theological intolerance, he was convinced that any church that lacked a lively sense of its uniqueness and its necessary role in securing human salvation would fail in the religious marketplace.
There is no doubt at all that we find it in the historical Christendom which abandoned the real futurist eschatology of the New Testament and internalized human salvation, at the same time banishing the future of God to a world beyond this one, so that redemption is no longer seen in the kingdom of God, the «new heaven and the new earth,» but now only in the saving of the individual soul for the heaven of the blessed.
But Ghaemi provides exhaustive research and makes a compelling case for his point, which is perhaps best summed up by an aphorism from Martin Luther King, Jr.: «Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted.»
Must we conclude, as some recent critics have, that to insist on the necessity of the cross for human salvation is «to make God a divine sadist and a divine child abuser»?
Interpreting the metaphor, then, I can agree with Ogden that the meaning of the witness of the New Testament to Jesus of Nazareth as a unique and unrepeatable act of God in behalf of human salvation is that
One's view of the atonement will reflect one's understanding of the plight of humanity and what needs to be done to effect human salvation.
Consider this one: Christians might think that the dynamics of grace and faith in human salvation could only be worked out in Christianity — until they learn, for example, about the intricate, debates between the «cat doctrine» and the «monkey doctrine» in Bhakti Hinduism.
On the contrary, it has been more usual to apply it exclusively to human salvation.
In confining God's revelation to the written word, sola scriptura theology not only cut itself off from much of the rich trinitarian thinking since Nicaea, but limited revelation to the exigencies of human salvation.
In Eddy's theology, Jesus» virgin birth, crucifixion and bodily resurrection were the pivotal events in human history, absolutely indispensable to human salvation.
But the point of contention usually seems to be, in essence, the same: in reducing the claim regarding God's once - for - all act in behalf of human salvation to a re-presentation of the «original possibility of authentic existence» (1:146), it is argued, Ogden quite simply subverts the plain meaning of the New Testament proclamation of redemption in and through Jesus Christ.1
The Church claims to be the moral and spiritual guide of humanity, and to teach the truth concerning God and human salvation.
In contrast, Kaplan, to avoid reification of God, resists identifying God as a being or entity of any sort and allows the term «God» to represent creativity or the creative process insofar as it «makes for» human salvation or self - fulfillment.
God's universality must be demonstrated in the church of Christ whose concern is human salvation.
Out of the quest of social groups for an understanding of the connection between specific beliefs and actions, and the reactions of the universe, as well as the meaning of human salvation, religion grows and develops.
How is it possible to affirm, as Christians traditionally have done, that the violent death of Jesus is central to God's eternal plan for human salvation and, simultaneously, that God is not responsible for the murderous anger of Jesus's opponents, the savage brutality of the Roman guards, or the greedy betrayal of Judas Iscariot?
Nevertheless, in the very name of the Incarnation itself, and the majesty of divine wisdom contained within that economy of human salvation, we insist urgently upon the fact that the birth of Christ is the summit not only of theology and philosophy, but of the material sciences as well.
Finally, while the Bible focuses upon the history of human salvation, the whole creature is struggling toward consummation, striving to realize to the fullest degree the potentialities of the creative thrust that throbs within it.
A standard traditional definition of revelation is «the communication of those truths which are necessary and profitable for human salvation... in the form of ideas.»
Jesus came for all humans salvation, but only those who believed in him and lived by his teachings shall be worthy for entering the kingdom of heaven.
The reference point of satisfaction is not necessarily tied to one past holy event pointing to human salvation.
They also agree that the basis of Holy Communion is the once - for - all sacrifice of Jesus Christ for human salvation; that the act of remembering joins that unique sacrifice of the past to our present self - giving in worship and service; that the Holy Spirit, invoked by prayer, makes effectual the sacramental grace conveyed in bread and wine to the assembled community.
Pelagianism is theological shorthand for a theology that deemphasizes the role played by grace in human salvation and overemphasizes the role played by human free will.
Notably missing from the study is the Lutheran view of marriage as an order of creation that serves as a restraining dike against sin, but which does not and can not play a role in human salvation.
In the university which takes as its mission greater human completeness (integrity, wholeness), «the educational process is at the same time a soteriological process,» as Gerhard Spiegler has written in a related context; and while it must guard against the arrogant pretense that it is itself soter, it is nonetheless, as Spiegler noted, a «mediator of human salvation
These three things frighten and discourage me daily, yet I also know that they are generating powerful forces for unity and human salvation.
Believe it or not — given the time and the budget and the support — many of us would much rather be making games where we feel the unstoppable power of love as a force for human salvation, than games where yet another endless horde of terminator robots falls beneath our plasma cannons.
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