Sentences with phrase «human scene»

The complexities of the modern human scene baffle and bewilder many men and women.
Compared with these eternal verities the present human scene gives no more than a hint of unimagined realities.
We have already seen earlier how the advent of Jesus Christ became the culminating point of Israel's concern with the historical human scene.
Christianity has had a wider geographic spread and is more deeply rooted among more peoples than any other religion in the history of mankind, therefore it must be of concern to all who are interested in the record of man and particularly to all who seek to understand the contemporary human scene.
Israel had abandoned the gods of ancient man in favor of the YHWH who addressed them in history, and now in the Israelite human scene there appeared a man who not only spoke the Word of God but who embodied it in flesh and blood.
My own response is to urge first a broad and humane introduction to the whole human scene, accommodated of course to the capacity of the student to grasp it.
We should learn something of the underlying purpose beneath the shifting human scene, and how we could cooperate with it; we should learn how we could make the best of this limited imperfect world and how men could best prepare themselves for the next stage of their existence.
It occasionally threatens to condescend to her, but every time it comes close, it subverts your expectations (as with a warm and very human scene when Dench reacts to one discovery about her son).
Trevante Rhodes as the adult Chiron is superb and his crush Kevin played by Andre Holland share some of the most human scenes that we've seen on film in years.
Over the last two decades Wolfgang Tillmans has redefined what photography can look like within a fine art context, with his deceptively casual images of everyday human scenes and objects.
It is as though human sensibility has been dulled by repeated shocks, and has even come to accept the most revolting barbarity as an inescapable part of the modern human scene.
But the very fact that overman is something toward which we are moving, rather than an aspect of the present human scene, is an indication of how perilous the negative potential in Nietzsche's vision is.
The history of Christianity, therefore, must be of concern to all who are interested in the record of man and particularly to all who seek to understand the contemporary human scene.
Though science has reached phenomenal heights in our time, it has at no point invalidated anything basic to Christian faith, and at no time in human history has the revelation of God in Christ shone upon the human scene with greater clarity and power.
For, as I hope to show in a later chapter, moral standards ultimately depend upon something transcending the human scene.
For any army of men and women who are conscious, despite their own defects, of cooperating with the Mind and Purpose which began, and will end, the human scene, can not be lightly dismissed as a crowd of «do - gooders.»
Just as the Virgin Birth, and the physical Resurrection of Christ are and were requirements of his literal Divinity and uniqueness upon the human scene, so also this type of development to which we appeal can not take place, except in a Church which claims the infallible magisterium on earth of the same Jesus in the name of his Divinity, and can manifest a line of consistent and coherent, definition because she has done so.
Only the human scenes and characters must have human qualities.
For moral standards ultimately depend upon something transcending the human scene.
If positive values tend to confirm relationships and negative values to fracture them, then the particular ways in which changes take place in the human scene will depend upon the systems of value which pertain.
All we have to do is take in the human scene to see that when Noah and his family got on the ark, something was smuggled on board with them, tucked away in their hearts, and that is the seed of violence.
This concern with the human scene finally led attention to be focussed on Jesus of Nazareth, a man of history, who lived and died as other men do, and yet one in whom the God of Israel confronted men in a unique way.
It is essentially a way of faith, by which man, in whatever generation he lives, is summoned by the Word of God to concern himself with the human scene, for this is God's concern.
The Renaissance and the Reformation reversed this long process which had led to the resurgence of ancient religion in a Christian dress, and they made way for the emergence of the new world with its renewed emphasis on the human scene.
In the earliest material God was pictured in human form, and described as if he made personal appearances in the human scene from time to time.
In turning men away from the mythological concepts of the gods, to the YHWH who was known through His Word, Israel seized upon the most important phenomenon in the human scene to become the metaphor for faith.
Moreover, the faith that YHWH was the Lord of history meant that in contrast with the mythological cultures, where the gods were little interested in human affairs, the spotlight of divine concern was pointed directly to the human scene.
The incongruities themselves illustrate the manner in which through trial and error men came to apprehend the truth; and the defects and limitations of which we are aware serve as background to the growing light which, as if evoked by them, shone upon the human scene.
The term «parable» covers a variety of literary forms, but all of them, as we meet them in the gospels, turn upon some familiar aspect of the human scene, depicted with economy of words and with unfailing realism.
The God whose Word he hears and seeks to obey, is the God who spoke through the human scene in a way which culminated in the advent of the man Jesus.
Such a structure gained effective entry into the human scene first in Israel and is most clearly represented by Jeremiah.
«13 Even with the best tools, we will always be confronted by the fact that the interpretation of human motives involves ultimate theories of the nature of things which can be tested only as they progressively illuminate more and more of the human scene.
Possibly the decay of the Middle Ages arose from the clash of a high impossible ideal drawn from Christian sources with the actualities of politics and the human scene.
These intensive analyses of the human scene by historian, social scientist, political scientist, and anthropologist, do not cover up the brutal, tragic record.
Biblical faith, on the contrary, is centered in the existence and activity of a deity who is infinite in wisdom, power, and love, but who nevertheless cares personally for each of us, a God whom we can approach in prayer and from whom we can receive help and strength, a God who is always acting within the human scene and is known to us by his acts.
(Partly, too, because the (super) natural ability of the superhorse offered them an escape from the human scene of annus horribilis 1973 — Watergate, Vietnam, Roe.)
Generally speaking, the more the sense of history developed and turned Israel's attention to the human scene, the more the elements of ancient mythology were discarded.
And if there was no point in time when man first fell into sin, what does it mean to speak of man in his fallen state, and how did sin, if this is still the proper term, come to enter the human scene?
The Yahwist turned the spotlight not on the sanctuary, but on the human scene of historical event, as the sphere in which the will of the God of Israel became manifest.
The Bible, therefore, leads us to pay proper attention, not only to the significant events in the period of origins to which it gives first - hand witness, but also to the human scene of our own day.
He proclaimed a new way of faith, by which man, in whatever generation he lives, is summoned by the Word of God to concern himself with the human scene, for this is God's concern.
There is no need to elaborate here the various features of the human scene, such as war, race - riots, family friction, crime, drugs and all the rest, which make it eminently clear that the world of men as a whole stands in need of renewal.
Now while we have maintained that the love which is central to the Christian heritage must not be regarded as wholly different in kind from the love which is basic to the human situation, it must at the same time be said that the advent of Jesus Christ not only demonstrated the highest level to which the activity of love can rise, but actually introduced into the human scene an impetus in the direction of love which was not there before.
In turning men away from the mythological concepts of the gods to the YHWH who was known through His Word, Israel seized upon the most important phenomenon in the human scene — language — to become the metaphor for faith «The Word became flesh.»
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