Sentences with phrase «human situation where»

This trailer — which is more of a single scene preview than a traditional jumble of «moments» — imagines a normal human situation where two police officers attempt to get details of the number plate of a supposed felon, and then replace the humans with animals.

Not exact matches

As human beings we learn to get comfortable in even the most unusual and unfulfilling situations, mainly because we have certainty in staying where we are.
In a workplace filled with humans, you will invariably run into a variety of situations where feelings get hurt.
The advocacy group argues for a ban on fully autonomous, armed machines, in fear that their development will ultimately result in a Terminator - like situation where robots end up killing innocent humans.
The answer, at least for the near future, is likely to be the same as it in nearly all of the current debates over robots versus humans — a hybrid situation where the machines make the humans better.
When robo - advisors first burst on the scene a few years ago, they threatened to replace human advisors in situations where not much human help was needed.
HUMAN SLAVERY Another difficult and impossible situation is where you have forced prostitution through organized crime syndicates.
It is experienced most clearly in the human or personal situation, where there are so many unknown and unpredictable factors that the scientific method, which has been so fruitful in some fields, has shown itself to be quite limited in its application.
Positive values result when the human personality is confronted with objects and enters into situations where there is some kind of correspondence between the person's nature and the nature of the objects and situations.
There are a lot of situations where the human being could not control, however, the universe is going.
In moving to the universal, it must abandon the concrete particular, for there is where we meet the human situation.
This situation is witnessed to by the fact that the only metaphysical issue where there is a virtual consensus among mainstream twentieth century Catholic thinkers, apart from the reality of human subjectivity mentioned above, is the claim that the discoveries of modern science should not have a significant influence upon metaphysics.
Niebuhr eventually came to the place in his Christology where he emphasized equally well the truth of the Christian faith and the relevance of this truth to the human situation.
First it requires us to find and describe what Tillich called the «boundary situations,» that is, those points where modern men and women reach the limits of their human existence, where they sense they are alienated from society and other people, or feel a lack of personal meaning, or fear being useless and having no worth.2.
The other element in the problem consists in the apparent silence of Jesus on particular concrete questions of conduct and on the issue of what is better and what is worse in situations where, given human finitude and sin and a fallen, distorted world, perfect action is not possible.
In a situation where human rights were violated and minorities tortured in the name of gods, Polycarp stood as a champion of justice, identifying himself with the weak and the oppressed.
Science itself is incapable of making moral judgments and it is not really too wild a step of the imagination to think of a situation where scientific knowledge is valued more highly than human lives.
But this much we can say with confidence: at every point of suffering and wrong, in every situation where man is being divested of his essential humanity, the judgment and the grace of God is operative through some human agency.
Bourgeois life is located in precisely the «boundary situation» where the irreducible human duality can not be denied.
There have been episodes in human history, unfortunately, where these expressions of this strident rhetoric have only led to very ominous situations in the history of humanity.
Underlying this approach is the assumption that human beings are inescapably religious in the sense that we continually find ourselves in situations where decisions and actions involve unprovable «faith» assumptions.
First, it requires exploring with people what theologian Paul Tillich called the «boundary situations,» those points at which modern men and women reach the limits of their human existence, where they sense a lack of personal meaning, or fear being useless and worthless.
Food is not fixed in time, yet we have been poor managers of our resources over the years as human civilization has progressed and today stand at a situation where sustaining our biggest source of energy has transformed into our biggest problem coupled with environmental degradation.
A: There are many hypothetical situations where human - robot interactions could lead to outlandish and sci - fi - like results.
We have developed, thanks to those large brains, to a situation where survival rates are incredibly high in the developed world, but it is still the case that human infants remain woefully underdeveloped when they arrive.
«Stimulating your child's brain during this time and providing situations where they can explore helps them to learn things that get them in touch with their environment,» says child and adolescent psychologist Robert Myers, Ph.D., founder of the Child Development Institute and assistant clinical professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine.
«For those few health situations where infants can not, or should not, be breastfed, the choice of the best alternative - expressed breast milk from an infant's own mother, breastmilk from a healthy wet - nurse or human - milk bank, or a breast - milk substitute fed with a cup...» [3]
To address the regulatory situation, the Food and Drug Administration held an informational session Dec. 6, where advisers weighed in on the safety, risks and needed regulation for the collection, screening, processing and distribution of human milk.
In their minds, it's not just a situation where a good idea has been poorly implemented — rather, it runs directly contrary to human nature, so it not only hasn't worked, but can't work.
«You have experienced an extremely difficult situation back home and you have the hope that you have arrived somewhere where you can be treated like a human being, but in fact they take you straight back to prison.
«We are all aware of the prevailing situation in our country today, a nation where human lives have been grossly devalued with daily reports of mindless bloodletting and yet there is supposed to be a responsible government whose primary duty is to protect the lives and property of the citizens.
«No one should be placed in a situation where they are cut off from human contact,» Pate said.
«If one got to a situation where town and parish councils began to really engage with the public - that citizens felt part of their responsibility as a human being would be to lead their own communities - one would have the beginnings of reshaping people's sense of what politics is.
It is worth noting however, that the period of dictatorships in East Asia, was during the Cold War when western allies were busy forming alliances as opposed to the situation now where they act as global watchdogs for human rights and respect for the rule of law.
He also says it looks like IS is playing a bigger part in Syria, where the situation is «extremely dangerous» and a «human tragedy».
«There are certain situations where human DNA analysis or standard fingerprinting doesn't work, maybe this is just another tool,» says Noah Fierer, a microbiologist at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
To gain insight in how prosocial humans act in an everyday situation where competition may also play a role, Massen and his team chose to test the willingness to share within a highly competitive field of work, namely that in which they work themselves: science.
«Humans are very social, and coming down from the trees to live on the African plains could have triggered a situation where higher cognitive abilities were highly favored,» Lahn says.
Northern Ireland remains the only part of the UK where women can not access abortion unless their life is endangered by pregnancy — a legal situation that is incompatible with the European Convention on Human Rights, according to a Belfast High Court ruling in 2015.
Dr Knox concluded: «From a situation where 80 % of our understanding of neuroscience was derived from tests on US psychology undergraduates, we're now showing how the human brain is not just amazingly complex in general, but also highly variable across the human population.»
Students get involved in various interactive simulations, so, for our Southeast Asia unit, they do a mock United Nations session where they look at Myanmar (formerly Burma) and the human rights situation there; at the same time, we go into depth about the history of these cultures so they have a background and a context for understanding current events.
Students get involved in various interactive simulations — for our Southeast Asia unit, they do a mock United Nations session where they look at Myanmar [formerly Burma] and the human - rights situation there.
No matter where he goes, terrifying situations involving humans and demons begins to unfurl.
When robo - advisors first burst on the scene a few years ago, they threatened to replace human advisors in situations where not much human help was needed.
Sadly, not all human shelters accept pets and we wanted to provide some helpful tips if you ever find yourself or a loved one in a situation where they need to escape with furry friends in tow.
«We don't want to be in a situation where we arrive somewhere trying to help animals and there's a human dying,» he said.
Situations where dogs especially benefit from Calm - a-Mile RTU is prior to any stressful event (nail trims, veterinary visits, car rides...), to enhance training and obedience skills, prior to therapy dog work (the humans benefit from it too!)
«As opposed to the situation in human medicine, where treatment regimens are often based on large, well - designed studies, we often have little information to turn to.
Great examples of how both humans and dogs need to figure out how and where they «fit» in the hierarchy of a new situation.
Apparently the situation has reached the point where the hospital will not let affected dogs or their humans through the front door in order to minimize exposure for other animals in the clinic.
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