Sentences with phrase «human society going»

We've neglected the maintenance that has to go into keeping human society going.

Not exact matches

I think the human race and society — how we govern, how we raise our kids, how we think, how we communicate — is going to fundamentally change well within the next 30 years.
Obviously, moral codes are going to be similar wherever thee is a society of humans living together.
The implementation and monitoring of human rights enforcement going beyond mere legislations but insisting on the creation of national structures, institutions and organs of society which play a given role is stressed.
The metaphor is Adam Smith's, who went on to observe in The Theory of Moral Sentiments that «the pieces upon the chess - board have no other principle of motion besides that which the hand impresses upon them,» whereas «in the great chess - board of human society, every single piece has a principle of motion of its own, altogether different from that with the legislature might choose to impress upon it.»
It is you that want to change the «fabric of society» bob same s e x marriages have been going on since before any of the now popular religions existed Bob gay people have existed since humans have existed Bob.
Any idea of going back to the pattern or world - view of traditional societies either primal or medieval or even early modern is doing violence to the historical nature and social becoming of human beings.
Any student of the Græco - Roman world at the beginning of our era who tries to penetrate beneath the surface of the political, economic and military history of the period and discern what was going on in the minds of men, becomes aware of a widespread expectation of a turn for the better in human affairs, even the dawn of a golden age, after the violent convulsions which had disturbed society for a century or more.
In The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order, Francis Fukuyama says our society went seriously out of whack in the 1960s, chiefly because of the change in sexual roles and in employment patterns forced by the rise of the information revolution.
Even if we can not know the answer to all of society's ills, even if we can not pretend to know how to solve the problems of crime and drugs and inflation and poverty, we can still proclaim that it is obviously and unquestionably a moral wrong to maintain a penal system based on vengeance instead of rehabilitation; to allow human rights violations to go unchallenged (on either side of the iron curtain); to waste vast quantities of food and resources while others are malnourished and sick and poor; or to allow so many children in our own midst to go through childhood unwanted and unloved and even abused.
The Faith and Order statement then went on to point out how every social order is limited by the «continuing sinfulness of man» which are meant to protect human beings in society.
They also need to be in conversation with those who work professionally to understand what is going on in our society: above all, those who pursue human science disciplines with philosophical responsibility.
Walter Kasper explains that the statement that «God Himself is dead,» which goes back to an old Lutheran hymn, was taken back into theology by Karl Barth and Bonhoeffer, who agreed at least on this - that «the religious presupposition that is lacking in contemporary irreligious society» affords the human race the opportunity for a «true recognition of our situation before God.»
DV goes on to insist that civil legislation must give legal protection to human embryos: «The inalienable rights of the person must be recognised and respected by civil society and the political authority,» and these include «every human being's right to life and physical integrity from the moment of conception until natural death».
Shepard goes to great lengths to show the negative consequences of ordering human societies in ways that work against our genetic constitution.
(20) In our pathogenic societies, life - loving people everywhere long to experience a world of human beings and institutions gone sane!
Ideally it should go beyond the classical capitalist - socialist models, to develop a society appropriate for the multifaceted nature of human beings and their social and transcendent dimensions.
We feel with every fiber of our being that The All - Mighty Creator has caused destruction to societies in the past who went beyond the bounds of proper human behaviour.
That there is something of this going on may be true, in the same way that this has been a factor in the development of human history and societies in all of history and in all societies.
If I interpret the prospectus of the CMC correctly, the objective of the CMC namely to «impart to men and women an education of the highest order in the art and science of medicine and to equip them in the spirit of Christ for service In the relief of suffering and promotion of health», that is, the idea of a combination of training in professional skills, moulding the technically trained in a culture of human values and motivation, equipping them to utilize technology to serve «with compassion and concern for the whole person», the people especially the weaker sections of society, and giving spiritual reinforcement of that culture by the «spirit of Christ» and the motto «Not to be Ministered unto but to Minister» derived from him, goes back in tradition to the founder herself (Prospectus MBBS Course p. 5).
Over time humans in some societies have become cultural parkers, their infants are kept at home, or in a daycare with other infants (a nest if you will) while their parent or parents go out into the world to work (hunt / forage).
Rather than insisting that the current form of Western - type liberal democracy is the ultimate form of governance for all societies, we need to envisage other governance models that go one step beyond freedom and incorporate and uphold human dignity needs.
«Civil society groups have play a key role in holding government and parliaments accountable but without a strong civil society in Nigeria, the problem of high - level official corruption and other cases of violations of human rights would go unaddressed, and perpetrators would continue to enjoy impunity.»
Keeping atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases below 550 ppm, let alone going back to 350 ppm or below, will not only require a massive shift in human society — from industry to diet — but also, most likely, new technologies, such as capturing CO2 directly from the air.
In the complex societies of the early 21st century, this means that as humans go about...
Unencumbered by human frailties, Curiosity — like the rovers Spirit and Opportunity, which survived on the Red Planet years longer than expected — will be free to hunt for E.T. «If we find evidence for life on Mars, boy, are we just gonna go wild with speculation about how common it is in the universe,» says Lou Friedman, a former scientist with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena and cofounder, with Carl Sagan, of the Planetary Society.
Prof. Gordon Pipa, a senior author of the study, says that since it now seems to be possible that machines can be programmed to make human like moral decisions it is crucial that society engages in an urgent and serious debate, «we need to ask whether autonomous systems should adopt moral judgements, if yes, should they imitate moral behavior by imitating human decisions, should they behave along ethical theories and if so, which ones and critically, if things go wrong who or what is at fault?»
And so I wouldn't say it scares me, but I would say that there are going to be some really tough issues for society to deal with [regarding] where privacy and human dignity begin and the right of the larger group to protect itself ends.
Gone are the little white lies that used to make society run smoothly as the people of the world excitedly usher in technology that makes the human mind almost transparent.
«[We] hope that other countries considering going down the same road will take note of this decision,» said the European Society of Human Genetics.
«If you don't understand the linkages, you're not going to be able to sustain the flow of those benefits to human society,» Yang said.
The most comprehensive Aztec exhibition ever mounted provides a riveting portrait of a society obsessed with the natural cycle of life and death — a fiercely refined culture in which nobility and war, scholarship and human sacrifice went hand in severed hand.
«If we don't stop burning fossil fuel and cutting down our tropical forests — all those human activities that maintain our society — we're going to reach incredibly high levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.
Contributing to the cause of the Mars Society will assist us in continuing our on - going efforts to inspire and educate the world about the importance of human exploration of the planet Mars, as we have been doing since 1998.
At risk of going beyond the theme of this thread, I offer up excerpts from it because I think Orr's review speaks indirectly to the larger issue of how we as humans and as a global society are reacting to the findings of the earth sciences regarding anthropogenic global warming, climate disruption, and their ensuing ecological and socio - economic consequences:
Turns out, there's a scientific reason for why someone you've never met could look uncannily similar to you: Any two people taken at random are going to share about 99.5 percent of their gene sequence, according to Joseph McInerney, executive vice president of the American Society of Human Genetics.
However, the phrase «when you go black you never go back» still persists within the modern American society signifying that racism is a human vice that is going to take a little longer than anticipated to eliminate.
It is general knowledge that in communist societies no aspects of human life ever go unnoticed or unscrutinised by the cyclopic, tyrannous intentions...
«This demand on leading schools of education to spread more widely what they know about «learning» is only going to increase through this century as more and more quarters of society recognize their continuing role in «teaching» and the advancement of human development.»
etc»; your view on education is correct, but more then 95 % from «parents» are conditioned by the Past / Tradition, so their education is based on the Past, so you get secondhand Human Beings; you understand what is going wrong in our Society..
Research from the Society of Human Resource Management revealed that the use of social media in recruitment has gone up by 54 % in just the last 5 years, but that it's taking longer to fill open positions.
While recent evolutions of the program have seen it go digital and interactive, Michael says he expects the next progression of the program to offer an increasing number of programs catering to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musicians, as well as an exploration of the Asia Pacific region and human society and the environment.
Centuries go by, and vampire technology and society reaches its peak, a sign that it's doomed to fall... and fall it does, with the great vampire families crumbling into decay as the humans rise back into power.
As I know you are aware, spend a few hours in a shelter or humane society and your opinion of our fellow humans can't help but go down when you see the mistreatment many dogs (and cats) receive.
«Her story has not only helped to bring to light the plight of animals in our community it has also shown that we as a society are not going to tolerate abuse toward humans or animals.»
Dogs, once primarily regarded as utilitarian companions, going along with humans to hunt game or herd livestock, are increasingly regarded as family members in our modern society.
With just 11 weeks to go until China's Yulin dog meat festival, animal groups from across China gathered in Beijing to stand in solidarity with Humane Society International's global #StopYulin campaign to end the annual event, where an estimated 10,000 dogs and countless cats are brutally slaughtered for human consumption.
When humans went from mobile hunter / gatherer societies to sedentary villagers, they created a new ecological niche for neighboring wolves.
For the Humane Society, this means taking animals from both ends of the spectrum: those that are the most «adoptable» (well - trained and compatible with humans) and those who suffer from medical conditions that would otherwise go untreated at a municipal shelter.
I am very active with them they have a big back yard to run ans play and we go on at least one to two walks a day with the dogs and kids, Thanks so much ♡ any advice will help oh and the weim peeled in the house twice they said she was house trained but we got her from the human society so the don't know much about him, so how do I do that with a older weim not a puppy..?
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