Sentences with phrase «human system»

We are to seek a perfection that lies beyond the imperfections of human systems of law and order.
Despite this, many climate change impacts on the physical environment and ecosystems have been identified, and increasing numbers of impacts have been found in human systems as well.
Some impacts on human systems have also been attributed to climate change.
The conference offered a unique opportunity for scientists to exchange views on the consequences and risks to natural and human systems as a result of changes in the world's climate.
For human systems, existing studies focus on frameworks and principles of adaptation planning, but examples of implemented adaptation actions and evaluation of outcomes are scarce.
In a synthesis of social science and natural science, Ball examines the evolution of complex human systems — markets, cultures, governments, and the like — using principles of physics.
Then it will take a risk communication approach, balancing the «bad news» about climate change impacts on natural and human systems with the «good news» about potential solutions.
In most cases, climate (and thus climate change) affects human systems in three principal ways.
The stem cells can be converted into any type of cell in the body, enabling research in multiple human systems.
Given that most human systems were not around to cope with large changes of the past, how will our current systems cope with these future changes of a «similar» order.
These innovations promise precious insights into the functioning of the integrated human system.
We avoid potentially harmful ingredients in all of our products, but what's considered safe for a developed human system and a developing baby's is different.
I can say that human systems tend toward stability.
His imagery explores human systems imposed on the land.
Both abrupt changes in the physical climate system and steady changes in climate that can trigger abrupt changes in other physical, biological, and human systems present possible threats to nature and society.
The second thread links uncertain projections of future changes to statistical and process models of human systems to assess the risks posed by climate change.
As the embryo grows in your womb, you begin to feel more tired, as the baby is taking nutrients from your body to build complex human systems.
Analyses of the effects of global change on human health and welfare and human systems [Brochure, EPA]
As glaciers retreat, Demuth said the resilience is reduced, affecting both natural systems such as the way ecosystems function and human systems such as irrigation, hydropower and water for mining projects.
He was also «Principal Computer Scientist and lead of multiple projects focused on human system interaction with a recent emphasis on virtual and augmented reality.»
But Vander Ark notes that such prizes are usually focused on concrete technological innovation, not a complex human system like secondary education — and most are awarded on successful completion of the effort, not at the outset.
«This study is one of the first to quantitatively examine the loss of forested areas and other land cover changes in savanna environments,» said Richard Yuretich, program director for the National Science Foundation's Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program, which funded the research.
«Our method has wide range of applications in critical human systems, such as financial markets and military operations.»
«These similarities bode well for efforts to promote mitigation, adaptation, and resilience, as human systems continue to interact with a changing climate.»
Supported JCREW Supportability IPT team by reviewing logistics documents in preparation for Integrated Logistics Assessment (ILA)(e.g., Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) and Human Systems Integration Program Plan (HSIPP)-RRB-.
The point here is that climate change and climate engineering are linked in a basic sense, in that they are both generated from society, and are enmeshed in society; they arise from human systems and choices.
Edward Greisch, you need to quit slagging the Humanities so much, and defining things in terms of your «human system bias» — or maybe consult better dictionaries.
The development of more sustainable human systems requires that we turn to nature as a role model for more intuitive ways of doing things, and trees are the embodiment of stability and resilience.
A strategy my colleague Michael Braungart and I call eco-effectiveness proposes an entirely new destination for industry: technologically advanced human systems designed to generate a wide spectrum of wholly positive effects, rather than fewer negative ones.
Glenda Eoyang is the co-founder of Human Systems Dynamics Institute, a nonprofit human resource consultancy that helps leaders make sense of the patterns around them, and co-author of Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization (Stanford University Press, 2013).
The first step in such providence is to differentiate the three fundamental human systems, thus separating the three great human powers: economic, political, and cultural.
Do we follow Jesus and employ what he modeled and told his followers to do, or do we suppose that we should use political systems and other human systems commonly used to advance and defend our causes?
This is most likely caused by a fear of getting lost,» says Robert Gray, a Professor in Human Systems Engineering, who carried out this research with his team at the Arizona State University, USA.
Suspecting that the disease works differently in humans, whose brains are much bigger and more complex than those of lab animals, Brivanlou, along with research associates Albert Ruzo and Gist Croft, developed a cell - based human system for their research.
MEPPI will perform the design engineering work effort for the SMR - 160 digital instrumentation and control system (DCS) and Human System Interface (HSI), needed for SMR - 160 operation.
The research is part of the Lab's iCHIP (in - vitro Chip - Based Human Investigational Platform) project, which replicates human systems on engineered platforms to test the effects of toxic chemical and biological compounds.
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