Sentences with phrase «human system of thought»

No human system of thought can ever be ultimate.
The Department is one of the principal arenas in the University where students learn of the history, diversity, and ingenuity of human systems of thought and practice.

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The race between automation and human work is won by automation, and as long as we need fiat currency to pay the rent / mortgage, humans will fall out of the system in droves as this shift takes place... The safe zones are services that require local human effort (gardening, painting, babysitting), distant human effort (editing, coaching, coordinating), and high - level thinking / relationship building.
Twitter today is taking another step to build up its machine learning muscle, and also potentially to improve how it delivers photos and videos across its apps: the company is acquiring Magic Pony Technology, a company based out of London that has developed techniques of using neural networks (systems that essentially are designed to think like human brains) and machine learning to provide expanded data for images — used, for example, to enhance a picture or video taken on a mobile phone; or to help develop graphics for virtual reality or augmented reality applications.
Both saw their systems as falling within the general framework of psychoanalytic thought, but both rejected Freud's fundamental assumption that the essence of human development is the working out of biological drives and impulses.
Finally, although the spiritual awareness other thought increased, particularly in her latter years, the centrality of spiritual - value issues in all human growth was not emphasized explicitly in her therapeutic system.
From the perspective of theology as we understand it, all human divisions, systems, social and political institutions, all philosophical thoughts, find themselves on the same level, on the side of the created world in its corruption and promise.
The frequent presence of a «value vacuum» (Frankl) in the personality and relationship problems brought to counselors emphasizes Erich Fromm's conviction that every human being needs a «system of thought and action shared by a group which gives the individual a frame of orientation and an object of devotion.»
The primary answer is that modernist thinking assumes the validity of Darwinian evolution, which explains the origin of humans and other living systems by an entirely mechanistic process that excludes in principle any role for a Creator.
It must have been hell to thinking human beings back then... not knowing the basics of how our Solar System works... heck, we just figured out not that long ago that there is more to the universe than our galaxy.
People of power have devised a clever system of beliefs (religion) that takes advantage of the a part of the human psyche that is there to protect us from danger to enslave you from free thought.
Third, the context has shifted: in contrast to the traditional Catholic conception of the political community, and politics within such communities, as the means of achieving real if limited justice for human life in the world, and a corresponding theory of international relations, recent Catholic thought on war often treats the state as a locus of injustice and the goals of particular states as inherently at odds with the achievement of common human goals, while an internationalism defined in terms of the United Nations system is proposed as the best means to those common goals.
It seems in spide of all human advances, progression an the promotion of independence and individual thought, there are still many that are highly conformative to the point of arguing for a system and / or worldview which ultimately is destructive.
In His death, Jesus exposed the emptiness of the sacrificial system for what it was: a form of satanic enslavement by which humans think they are appeasing God for that which He had already forgiven them for.
They are certainly recognised in Western legal systems and... worldview (s); however... (human) consciousness... can not itself actively determine what is good and what is evil (and)... these freedoms are essentially thought of as mere individual prerogatives.»
Moses and angels are responsible for the Law and its sacrificial system — which is a reflection of human thinking, not God's need or want for blood sacrifice.
The claim of Christian belief is not first and foremost that it offers the only accurate system of thought, as against all other competitors; it is that, by standing in the place of Christ, it is possible to live in such intimacy with God that no fear or failure can ever break God's commitment to us, and to live in such a degree of mutual gift and understanding that no human conflict or division need bring us to uncontrollable violence and mutual damage.
Those who think on Marxist lines believe that all that is necessary to inspire and polarize the human molecules is that they should look forward to an eventual state of collective reflection and sympathy, at the culmination of anthropogenesis, from which all will benefit through participation: as it were, a vault of intermingled thoughts, a closed circuit of attachments in which the individual will achieve intellectual and affective wholeness to the extent that he is one with the whole system.
noun an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters.
Humanist: A system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on humans and their values, capacities, and worth.
Out of the billions of galaxies in the universe Out of the billions of systems and planets Out of the hundreds of gods humans have produced You have the hubris to think that your little god listens to your prayers And if you don't believe then that little loving god will burn you for eternity.
«6 Because to the Kantian, Cobb continues, «the end of the human race is the end of being as such,» any consideration of nuclear holocaust is «a difficult thought — one that falls outside the system
That Man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental collocations of atoms; that no fire, no heroism, no intensity of thought and feeling, can preserve an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labours of the ages, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noonday brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruins — all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand.
Either one accepts the basic Western ethical system of respecting other human beings as subjects and extends that respect to other creatures that are also recognized as subjects, or one asks much more fundamental questions about the assumptions of Western thought, rejects ethical thinking of this sort altogether, and develops a new sensibility more like the one Shepard finds among primal peoples.
A religious approach is the time - tested way of satisfying what Erich Fromm has called the universal human need for a «system of thought and action shared by a group which gives the individual a frame of orientation and an object of devotion.»
If human thought is regarded as fundamentally qualitative and valuational, if it involves a grasp of meaning and significance that can not be completely formalized, then it may not be possible to duplicate human technical reason in a purely mechanical system.
That man is the product of causes which had no prevision of the end they were achieving; that his origin, his growth, his hopes and fears, his loves and his beliefs, are but the outcome of accidental concatenations of atoms; that no force, no heroism, no intensity of thought or feeling, can presume an individual life beyond the grave; that all the labors of the age, all the devotion, all the inspiration, all the noon - day brightness of human genius, are destined to extinction in the vast death of the solar system, and that the whole temple of Man's achievement must inevitably be buried beneath the debris of a universe in ruin... all these things, if not quite beyond dispute, are yet so nearly certain, that no philosophy which rejects them can hope to stand.
The guilt, self doubt, and worry that plagued nearly every waking moment of my life for the past twenty five years, has been replaced with a new wonder, a sense of adventure, and a freedom that can only be had when one is no longer shackled to a belief system that threatens to punish you for every human thought, word, or deed.
He did not merely copy Democritus» physics, as was commonly thought, but introduced the idea of spontaneity into the movement of the atoms, and to the Democritus world of inanimate nature ruled by mechanical laws he added a world of animate nature in which the human will operated.9 Marx thus favours the views of Epicurus for two reasons: firstly, his emphasis on absolute autonomy of the human spirit has freed human beings from all superstitions of transcendent objects; secondly, the emphasis on «free individual self - consciousness» shows one way of going beyond the system of a «total philosophy».
But legal systems as such do not produce anything that corresponds to the biblical sensitivity which forcefully enjoins against the source of all violence, namely, the realm of thought and contemplation, the intangible but critically powerful world of human imagination.
But, uniquely, the rationalists (as we use the term) insist — albeit with the same tentativeness that is required by the fallibility of all human reflection — that some of the elements of an adequate philosophical system are properly speaking metaphysical, i.e., they make claims that are said to apply to any possible world because they are thought to be universally and necessarily true.
The organismic view of society on the part of process thought has much in common with systems theory, which holds that human societies are systems, at times sub-systems intertwined in complex ways and parts of a larger system.
I think this is unwise, personally, because the role of fermentable fibers, including RS, in the evolution of the human gut biome / immune system has been monumental and frankly irreplaceable.
There is something wrong with a scientific approach that thinks it has to be proven with randomized experiments that a paltry human - made substance doesn't match up with the elixir of human breast milk (thousands of ingredients in the right proportions for that particular baby to build the brain, body, immune system).
Using such visual thinking «operators» as rotating, combining and subtracting images, Kunda and her lab were able to program an AI system to match average human scores on a test of reasoning ability.
Implicit in my assertion that computers will eventually be capable of the same kind of perception, cognition and thought as humans is the idea that a sufciently advanced and sophisticated articial system — for example, an electronic one — can be made and programmed to do the same thing as the human nervous system, including the brain.
As California Institute of Technology neuroscientist Christof Koch noted in narrating the wiring diagram of the entire nervous system of Caenorhabditis elegans, we are clueless in understanding how this simple roundworm «thinks,» much less in explicating (and reproducing in a computer) a human mind billions of times more complex.
An irony: amid all this highfalutin braggadocio of how close we are to computers taking over the world and emulating human thought, I had to give my talk on the «social singularity» (progress in political, economic and social systems over the past 10,000 years) early because Rice University computer scientist James McLurkin could not get his small swarm of robots to work.
And perhaps most impressive of all, before the telegraph could even be considered a means of interpersonal communication, somebody — Samuel Morse — needed to think up a system by which the infinite variety of concrete, abstract, and usually self - serving statements that a human being might wish to share with a species - mate could be reduced to pulses of electricity.
«In addition, our computer - vision system can be applied to detect states in which the human face may provide important clues as to health, physiology, emotion, or thought, such as drivers» expressions of sleepiness, students» expressions of attention and comprehension of lectures, or responses to treatment of affective disorders.»
Most people think of human memory as a single system.
By chemically removing the gut microbiome in zebrafish in the lab and then repopulating the gut with two to three bacterial species, University of Oregon biologist Karen Guillemin has shown that certain microbes are especially skilled at suppressing the host immune system and preventing inflammation — a discovery she thinks may have implications for human health.
He imagined that by inventing an alphabet of human thought — a system of characters for irreducible concepts — and then combining these in a calculus of reasoning, mathematicians would be able to solve all scientific and moral matters.
Such scaremongering is especially painful to me because even though I do not think that government - approved GMO foods pose meaningful health risks to consumers, and even though I believe strategic genetic engineering can be an important tool to ease human suffering on our warming and resource - constrained planet, I share the concerns of many environmentalists about the homogenization and consolidation of the global food system — trends that are accelerated by the spread of industrially produced GMOs.
These biases create some immediate concerns about our increasing reliance on artificially intelligent technology, as any AI system designed by humans to be absolutely «neutral» could still reinforce humans» prejudicial thinking instead of seeing through it.
But it works well as it is, so we are also thinking of building a more complex system with such spin - memristors to test actual algorithms for specific cognition capabilities of the human brain.»
«The automated systems in today's cockpits assume many of the tasks formerly performed by human pilots and do it with impressive reliability,» says Stephen Casner, coauthor of «Thoughts in Flight: Automation Use and Pilots» Task - Related and Task - Unrelated Thought» and research psychologist at NASA's Ames Research Center.
Consciousness is one of the biggest themes in all of these films, and Hutter thinks that if consciousness is ever achieved, it's likely to be an emergent property of advanced AI rather than something that was explicitly programmed or activated: «In general I would say that if I have a system which is sufficiently complicated... if they display behavior we would interpret as emotions as humans, then there's a reasonable chance that it has emotions.»
«Better understanding of this ubiquitous biological system will change how people think about inactivation and recovery of these channels, and has the potential to someday impact human health.»
«Weather systems are large, and our inputs as humans are so small you'd think we'd have no influence at all,» says Ross N. Hoffman, chief scientist and vice president of research and development at Atmospheric and Environmental Research (AER), based in Lexington, Massachusetts.
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