Sentences with phrase «human understanding by»

Alternatingly playful and elegiac, musical and imagistic, this long - awaited second full - length collection by Katz addresses the limits of human understanding by examining the aftereffects of history and the complexities of parenthood.

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These newest results boost the case of the those who argue that immersing yourself in a fictional world populated by layered, complex characters can't help but increase your understanding of how the human mind works and make your fellow humans a little less strange to you.
The (until now) uniquely human ability to understand the complexities of language, multiplied by the speed of computational efficiency, results in a very effective response program.
This approach begins by using tools like advanced human genetics to unravel the complexities of disease and understand the fundamentals of human biology.
To make sense of this, it's important for designers of those solutions to know how to take human interactions (emails, chats, phone calls, social media threads) and tag them, by identifying emotion and sentiment, and other markers so the computer «understands» humans better.
«By merging our expertise in vehicles, technology and human - centered design, we've created a high - touch, patient - focused service that truly understands and is tailored to patients and their needs.
At The Shealy Group, our professionals also understand that these tasks can add to the daily tensions faced when running a business — tensions which we can alleviate by providing human capital management outsourcing for small - to medium - sized businesses.
By gathering a strong understanding of how this technology is evolving, giving it all the information you have about your products and services, having a human touch to back it up, and learning from all the data you gather, you'll be able to provide your customers with great support while staying one step ahead of your competition.
And I believe understanding this element of human nature — which I'll discuss in the next section — is key to building a life that: a) involves ambitious striving toward goals and having impact in the world, which contributes to a sense of meaning, and b) gives you a shot at realizing true happiness by avoiding a soul - sucking competitive rat race.
In the right set of circumstances, many multiples of that amount could incrementally flow into gold, a simple product that has been innately understood for millennia by human beings all over the globe.
Understanding that by nature, humans will often walk away from a system that is overly complex, modern brokers do an excellent job of supplying interfaces that are straightforward and user - friendly.
Lots of important social interactions are happening online and being captured by social media companies; the only way to understand certain elements of human behavior is with these partnerships.»
Lead nurturing best practice # 1: Understand and segment lists The two - way dialogues enabled by an AI persona with a human touch are great for real - time engagement with new leads, lead nurturing, engaging leads your sales team can't reach by phone and re-engaging stale or gone - quiet leads in your database.
It's nice to put a face to the name and see who the human on the other side of the phone or computer screen actually is — just make sure that your employees understand that by using their personal accounts to share company content and interact professionally, they need to remember that everything they post is a reflection on the company.
Yandex could also improve its commitments to users» privacy by clarifying its handling of user information, and giving users clear options to control what information the company collects and shares, and for how long it retains it, so that people can better understand the privacy, security, and human rights risks associated with Yandex services.
Context on not only how businesses are impacted by changing technologies, but also getting new contextual understanding of how the individual buyer and human experience is changing.
a) that the bible is an imperfect human representation of gods word b) that the bible is a mixture of mythology and divine inspiration c) that the bible was created in a way that people would understand at the time and intended to be updated d) that a pure message was corrupted intentionally by evil humans or spirits
Not for the communist atrocities those were caused by attempts to engineer society, based on a flawed understanding of innate human nature and a fallacious belief in humans beings as blank slates.
I've been able to accommodate faith and science, at least to a degree by Paul's words about our flawed human understanding and seeing through a glass darkly..
At the centre of our faith is this reality that in order to be understood by those identified as His people and perhaps more urgently to be understood by those who weren't yet His people, God became human.
One major reason that the military should not turn cases of military - to - military sex abuse, is that we have a right to be judged by our peers... who understand what the mil life does to the human mind.
rea · son — noun / ˈrēzən / a.Think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic — humans do not reason entirely from facts b.Find an answer to a problem by considering various possible solutions c.Persuade (someone) with rational argument — I tried to reason with her, but without success» I accept nothing on faith» can you prove we evolved from primates or that life started by random chance?
I'm not going to go so far as to say that her boyfriend converted her, like many people on here have... I understand it, as an agnostic and not an atheist... There is a human need that is filled by religion that is hard to be met elsewhere.
«All human self - understanding is determined,» says Gadamer, «by its inadequacy.»
We are failing to understand that human body can change by Gods permission.
The discussion does not assert that happiness is constituted solely by human communication, i.e., the Whiteheadian understanding is not a simple reversal of the private view of liberalism.
All of which is to say that this fourth view of nature and human nature contends we understand ourselves most truly by imagining neither that we stand apart from, dominate, and bend nature to our will; nor that we are some unnatural plague upon nature; nor that we are simply immersed in nature and lack both the power and the duty to superintend nature and possibly even improve it.
Understanding this new perspective on church is as difficult today as it was in the days of Jesus for Jews to understand a different perspective on Sabbath, but the basic principles seem to be the same: Church, just like Sabbath, is not supposed to be a bunch of human traditions which have become legalistic laws by which to judge one another's spiritual maturity.
One of the core points overlooked by unbelievers is that human understanding is not exhausted by mapping the world of nature.
Metaphysical realism, understood in a processive way, requires this triple sense of objectivity: novel human doings in need of guidance, long - enduring systems of belief that provide the schemata of interpretation by which that guiding can be done, and opportunistic skill in sculpting act and theory, fact and canon, into a coherent, fruitful basis for intelligent action.
But I believe we as humans can understand it one day by being curious.
Contemporary cultures had lost a vital understanding of the foundations of human dignity and were increasingly marked both by disillusion and by a mechanical and instrumental account of the human person.
By and large evangelicals don't understand or appreciate the Church calendar, or really an understanding that throughout Scripture and throughout human history God has used feast, fast and festivals to shape His people.
Im not understanding I guess... you object to my statement that the creator of the universe, as humans generally portray «him» — would have be superior intellectually to our greatest minds by a wide margin?
In Jeremiah's time the people's understanding of kingship was tainted by human kings who had led them to the point of imminent destruction and deportation.
People often can not understand the question of human nature because their way of understanding it is framed (whether they know it or not) by the ideas of positivist empiricism.
The revelational rap against apologetic theology is that it either engages in a sellout to the «world» (the self - disclosure of God being so utterly relativized by human wisdom that Christians are unable to tell atheists anything that they don't already know), or it is an exercise in various intellectual imperialisms, such as: «We can prove the existence of God» or «If human culture really understood itself, it would find that it is striving toward that which we already have.»
Given the enormous evils that have been inflicted on human beings and on the planet by those who have understood themselves to be followers of Jesus, is it not a mistake to continue this tradition?
The study of history is arid and incomplete unless it is understood as a work about (and by) individual human beings — and, moreover, a story whose substance and manner of telling are matters of moral significance.
Since those process categories have been connected with ideas of God inspired by the Bible, process theologians believe there is a chance in the twenty - first century to bring the long separated parts of human understanding into a new, coherent relationship.
Even the noble king could perceive the difficulty of such a method, for he was not without insight into the human heart, and understood that the maiden was at bottom deceived; and no one is so terribly deceived as he who does not himself suspect it, but is as if enchanted by a change in the outward habiliments of his existence.
Being limited by our human state, we have not ever properly known all of Its laws no matter what some human wrote or said, and we will continue to have issues understanding until we do.
But the underlying philosophy of personality in classical behaviorism is partial and therefore, by itself, an incomplete understanding of human beings.
This model invites students to see the New Testament as the product of a profoundly human process of experience and interpretation, by which people of another age and place, galvanized by a radical religious experience, sought to understand both that experience and themselves in the light of the symbols made available to them by their culture.
Concerning God, Clement pursued two fundamental principles: that God is beyond the reach even of abstract human language and therefore must be identified by what God is not, but that, at the same time, God must be understood as «the omnipotent God» (Stromata, 1.24): «Nothing withstands God, nothing opposes Him: seeing He is [42] Lord and omnipotent» (1:17).
Stephen Toulmin echoes these sentiments in an elegant statement on the cosmos understood on the model of our «home»: «We can do our best to build up a conception of the «overall scheme of things» which draws as heavily as it can on the results of scientific study, informed by a genuine piety in all its attitudes toward creatures of other kinds: a piety that goes beyond the consideration of their usefulness to Humanity as instructions for the fulfillment of human ends.
One can see recent standoffs in Geneva on so - called traditional values resolutions as manifestations of a conflict between two rival conceptions of human dignity: one, supported by most Western advocates, that focuses on individual autonomy; and the other, proposed by voices from the global East and South, that focuses on traditional understandings of human nature.
It is really hard to understand why some people accept behavior by a God that would never be accepted of a human.
Human beings are poorly understood by this purely individualistic model.
These understandings are what humans take for granted by virtue of being socialized into a particular imaginary.
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