Sentences with phrase «human utterance»

We can now trace the resonance of general principles in the metaphysics of human utterance.
In Buchler's system, a principle of ontological parity is a commitment which pervades the analyses in both the general ontology and the more specific metaphysics of what Buchler calls human utterance.1 For Buchler, that no one of three modes of human judgment is any more of a judgment than any other is also an exemplification of the more general principle of ontological parity.

Not exact matches

«Any time you look at any kind of real life piece of text or utterance that one human wrote or said to another human, it's filled with analogies, modal logic, belief, expectation, fear, nested modals, lots of variables and quantifiers,» Lenat said.
There are two aspects to the Sunnah: legislation given by the Prophet on matters not specifically detailed in the Qur» an, and traditions based on the actions and utterances of Muhammad as a human being.
By «God» I mean the pervasive personal presence, distinct from me and prior to me, who is the source and support of my existence; who through Scripture makes me realize that he has towards me the nature and name of love - holy, lordly, costly, fatherly, redeeming love; who addresses me, really though indirectly, in all that Scripture shows of his relationship to human beings in history, and especially in the recorded utterances of his Son, Jesus Christ; and who is daily drawing me towards a face - to - face encounter and consummated communion with him beyond this life, by virtue of «the redemption which is in Christ Jesus» (Rom.
The extent to which men of this generation are absorbed with themselves and permit that absorption to filter the accumulated masses of human experience and utterance is a formidable fact in teaching and in preaching.
If he could say this by virtue of human calculation, Iphigenia would surely understand him, but from that it would follow that Agamemnon had not made the infinite movement of resignation, and so he is not a hero, and so the utterance of the seer is a sea - captain's tale and the whole occurrence a vaudeville.
This is a potentially misleading statement — for his metaphysics of the human - self - in - process encompasses more than even what Buchler means by utterance (or judgement).
In Mauriac's embrace human compassion stifles theological conviction, rescuing it from becoming an oppressive utterance.
Even in the early works — Toward a General Theory of Human Judgment, Nature and Judgment — the so - called metaphysics of utterance is transcended by more general principles.
Buchler says at the beginning of Toward a General Theory of Human Judgment that his work is a «metaphysics of utterance
This is hardly so; but in any case the prohibition gives support and protection to authority, divine and human, and it shows an awareness of the potential threat to community order inherent in the very utterance of contempt.
Where this sense of the interrelatedness of history and deity is present and where its role is decisive to the utterance or the person, or to the understanding of historical event or human relationship there is prophetism.
A slightly smothering version of Asimov's first law (a robot can never harm a human), Baymax is activated upon utterance of the word «Ow», whence he appears to fix all ailments.
The miniature humans disrupt the grandeur of nature with their small stature and utterances.
Regardless of style, however, the lyrics are transformed through repeated readings and human - to - computer translation, exploring the «endless chain of subtly displaced meanings and altered utterances» in popular culture.
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