Sentences with phrase «human vitality»

Reich's theory is based on the belief that emotional repression blocks human vitality not only on the mental / emotional level but also on the physical level and that cells hold memory of traumatic events.
Reich believed that sexual and emotional repression blocks human vitality not only on the mental level but also on the physical level.
Those nourished in such a climate can be expected increasingly to cease participation in any churches that seem to degrade human potentialities, neglect personal needs or stifle human vitalities.
Here then the meaning of God's love in relation to human vitalities becomes a central issue for Christian theology.
With his Personal Paleo Code, he applies his years of clinical expertise, common sense and the medical evidence to guide the reader to recovery from illness and optimal human vitality.
In this mock documentary from New Zealand, we follow the lives of aging bloodsuckers who need a little human vitality to give them fresh blood and a new lease on life.
She has a talent for imbuing the most mundane of objects with a definitive human vitality: a coffee cup that might suddenly push itself off the edge of a table, or the arm - like handles of a swimming pool ladder that might wrap themselves around one's neck.
For Adams, trees combine the noble stillness of landscape with an almost human vitality.
In religion the fall of mankind out of its primal union with God becomes the pre-supposition of all human vitality.
Karl Barth, in his highly influential Commentary on Romans, wrote: In religion the fall of mankind out of its primal union with God becomes the pre-supposition of all human vitality.
In this discussion of humanitarian love we see again how agape uses the human loves, incorporating them into the human vitalities and the will to belong.
Satisfaction of our longing for «vision» is essential to human vitality.
As a genuine faith springs from inner strength, such a belief adds immeasurably to human vitality
I think «Human Vitality and Efficiency Under Prolonged Restricted Diet» by Benedict is the one you meant to refer to.
As a parallel for the skull in The Ambassadors, which reminds us that death lurks in the midst of human vitality, this distorted head is a reminder of dominant notions of beauty within the buzzing activity of the Black beauty parlor.
Post-modern challenges to embodiment and human vitality: a view from the street and the therapy room with Gustl Marlock
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