Sentences with phrase «human world»

Such concentrations of persons and of techniques produce a foundation which will quickly lead toward a different kind of human world than man has known before.
But we don't know how that climate shift will play out in the complex human world of debt, financing, invention and war.
The obesity epidemic in the developed human world is mirrored by our closest social companion, the dog.
Unfortunately, in today's busy human world, dogs often can't get the human time they really need to thrive.
It supposedly connects the material human world to the supernatural home of the gods.
Your cat's view of our often complex human world can often be very different than what you ever imagined.
In the first case, may I remind you, that it is NOT the works that save, for then there would be no need of Christ coming into human world and undergoing everything that He did.
The hills and valleys of Central Asia have unique strategic, historical, and geographic value and their people are deserving of the freedom, stability, and security that humans the world over are entitled to.
They are still very in tune with their natural instincts and we force a very human world on them.
I've written repeatedly about how there are two utterly divergent human worlds at this remarkable juncture in our history — one in which lives and economies are enabled by technology and ample energy, and a much larger one without those assets (I use that word in a nonjudgmental way).
It is our challenge to work towards a more human world, that for Christians is the effort to move more towards values of the kingdom of God on earth as relevant to our times.
Continuing education and educating others is an essential component in helping dogs live in a very human world.
If a «real» physicist is to be a «real «metaphysicist he should be open to discerning that the evidence of the natural and human world leads quite specifically towards an understanding of matter and spirit which is consonant with the revelation of God made in Israel and most fully in Jesus Christ.
Christie Blizard on puppets, EDM, and making performance for parking lots for The Brave Human World
Take control of one of three factions as you battle for dominance of a post human world in Post Human W.A.R!
They're the sinews of a genuinely human world, connecting the past with the present, and the present with the future.
Dear people of the whole world regadless of your religion God / s never ask you to hate or kill another human
This not only helps to explain religion's primordial, irrepressible, widespread, and seemingly inextinguishable character in the human experience, it also suggests that the skeptical Enlightenment, secular humanist, and New Atheist visions for a totally secular human world are simply not realistic — they are cutting against a very strong grain in the nature of reality's structure and so will fail to achieve their purpose.
Just as the crucifixion / resurrection is what the eternal procession of the Son from the Father looks like when projected upon sinful human history, so the sending of the Holy Spirit (so that we share in the life of God, so that the mystery of the church exists) is what the eternal procession of the Holy Spirit looks like when projected on to that sinful human world.
In Pilgrim, she detaches herself from the ordinary, conventional human world, plunging into nature to wrestle with the question of nature's ethics.
Armed with science, sociology and pluralistic awareness, liberals sometimes seem to offer rational reasons why evangelicals should take less seriously their talk about God's self - revelation on behalf of a lost human world.
He begins with the godless presupposition of the estranged human world and the failure of language (a failure that even the greatest skeptic recognizes), but his speaking becomes a «God - ing,» the making present of the fugitive God.
Barnosky wants to spare nature by building an ever more efficient human world.
Full - size biped robot strikers debut at this year's competition as human World Cup teams play on in South Africa
Dr Ronald Jenner, venom evolution expert at the Museum, says, «Venom pervades the natural and human world everywhere on Earth and not always in the way you might expect.
In its purest form, Upstream Color can be viewed as a balancing act of textures and surfaces — the crucial discourse between image and sound to depict a state of pureness within our complex and achingly human world.
A medieval fantasy show that takes place at «the dividing line between the civilized human world and the unknown terrors of the outer savage kingdoms,» this paid gig rehearses in August and shoots in the fall in Utah.
This time around, which in our meta human world is circa 1990, Thanos amasses all the gems and places them in his infinity gauntlet (read: glove), and destroys half of the population of the universe.
With a distinct voice who can make alien worlds human (Saga) or human worlds alien (Y: The Last Man), Vaughan could make the alien Norrin Radd, who used to traverse galaxies seeking planets for his boss Galactcus to consume before he met the Fantastic Four, a tragically human figure.
Fortunately, Green's sequel doesn't have much interest in frustrations; this is a movie about unbridled joy, about transposing a cartoon veneer over a bleak human world.
Virginia Leishman's richly cadenced voice imbues this tale of a changeling child, caught in a hostile human world, with poignance, dignity, and magic.
Enrichment, along with positive training, helps dogs cope with the unnatural human world we thrust upon them and increases their physical and mental well - being, so they can live happy lives.
This doesn't mean we have to let our pets get away with murder, positive reinforcement will teach our furry companions what is needed for them to cope and live happily in our very confusing human world.
He wanted «Howl» to announce a break from the behavioral restrictions of our square little uptight human world.
These kittens have each other to help them cope with the stress of a new home, the loss of their mother & litter mates and a buddy to help them adjust to a scary human world.
Some Dogs have genetic propensities for certain behaviors that make it hard for them to adjust to a crowded human world without a little help.
According to Nintendo, the game features an ordinary human world alongside a fantasy world in a separate dimension.
Mindfulness: Finding Balance In The Gallery Eastern philosophies and religious traditions such as Tibetan Buddhism, the mind and body's relationship to consciousness, and the fundamental structures of healing in the natural and human worlds underpin INDUCTION.
- Shitty Naked Human World (1994) Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
I agree with the authors that taking a view measured in millennia is an appropriate, and underappreciated, part of assessing the impacts of anthropogenic climate change and the need for climate action; I also agree with their conclusion (and starting point) that a zero - net - emissions human world is a desirable target.
All the while, thousands of humans world wide are being forced to suffer the sonic torture inside our homes that is caused by these creatures from hell and what do we hear from our governing bodies?
Perhaps the humane, reasonable, sensible and wise regulation of these activities will make make it possible for the family of humanity to build a patently sustainable, distinctly human world order, one that adequately enough models key biological systems and physical structures of Earth.
It must require infinite patience in God to direct the kind of human world this is.
Ryan founded Embark to bring the insights from that research to dog owners and unlock the potential for Big Data to improve the lives of dogs and humans the world over.
Christie will be in residence at Dirty Dark Place for the entire month of April as part of the programming for the 2018 Backdoor Biennial, and two of her performances of The Brave Human World were presented during Fusebox 2018.

Phrases with «human world»

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