Sentences with phrase «humanistic education»

Humanistic education is an approach to learning that focuses on the importance of developing a person's unique abilities, creativity, and critical thinking. It values an individual's emotional and social growth, encouraging empathy and compassion towards others. It aims to nourish the overall well-being and moral development of students, helping them become well-rounded and thoughtful human beings. Full definition
This reflected the triumph of humanistic education in Europe from the Renaissance, where it replaced the medieval trivium as the first stage of higher education.
The close association of catechetical instruction with humanistic education has led many educators to question the value of this practice throughout the modern period.
In our acquisitive society it is now the fashion to insist that there is nothing so practical as theory (thus defending the study of «pure» and apparently useless subjects), and that a broad humanistic education is really the best preparation for ambitious young people today because their work as executives will require a deep understanding of human motives and the capacity, gained from a wide cultural perspective, to adapt readily to the new circumstances of a dynamic civilization.
The curriculum is largely uniform and based on «a long - standing Catholic tradition about what constitutes a proper humanistic education
To keep humanistic education in public universities is something that does not make sense in the logic of capitalism.
Holders of this position regard real humanistic education as a dispensable luxury of idiosyncratic and purely personal value, and that makes them, in turn, dangerous.
The text - based methods of humanistic education, which stressed internalizing classic modes of speaking and writing, were portrayed as antichild and authoritarian.
There is no reason that the internalization approaches of humanistic education can not be replaced by forms of teaching consistent with the best contemporary research on human development and learning.
The first was the rise of modern educational and psychological theory that attacked the basic assumptions of the humanistic education program with which catechetical instruction had long been associated.
In these times of need for both technical and humanistic education, the effectiveness of each is impaired by the divorce of the two from one another.
Most of them were established by churches for purposes of a humanistic education.
In some professional schools, liberal arts or humanistic education should continue.
A humanistic education aims at the complete person — a person made whole by an encounter with what is real.
During my term at the Charité I discovered that my scientific and medical training was sufficient to permit me to confront the technical questions of the benefits and risks associated with the emerging biomedical technologies, but that my humanistic education was lacking.
International statistics consider your universities the best in the world.1 Likewise, Italian researchers are esteemed at an international level for their humanistic education.2 So why don't U.S. schools also offer a Lyceum as a model for high school students?
This could be one of the most beautiful pieces of humanistic education and philanthropic actions to achieve the MDGs.
I am the product of a humanistic education, and I am grateful to be the kind of person it has made me.
With these lines we intend to show the prevailing need to establish a required voluntary service that facilitates from the humanistic education to a professional sector included in the social and human sciences, but that unfortunately most of their training is based on conglomerations of theoretical contents within the four walls of a classroom, isolated from the real and away context from the real goal of education.
Journal of Humanistic Education and Development.
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