Sentences with phrase «humanity over our sin»

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Must he preside over the death, not only of sinful humanity, but of this one who knew no sin?
Through his victory over sin and all its effects in both body and soul he is the centre of renewed control and direction for fallen humanity.
The eternal peace of humanity with God, received by faith on account of Christ's victory over sin, death, and the power of Satan, is dismissed as pie in the sky to be exchanged for the various approximations of peace and happiness that in good times this world also knows about and experiences.
The issue in Romans, in Jewett's reading, is not humanity's alienation from God because of sin and the ways in which sin is revealed through boasting over others and in which the law becomes implicated through the deep urges of the flesh.
Since it has arrived and Jesus has accepted it totally and in complete freedom of spirit, then the reign of sin and death over humanity instigated by the malice of the Devil is doomed.
Jesus» death was interpreted as an act of atonement and as a victory over the forces of sin and death that hold humanity captive.
Jesus Christ, is and it will be forever more the unique object lesson of living, the human being not ever, although we may be Christians we don't leave of to sin, for the very her writing she says Aerquémonos confiadamente at the throne of your handsomeness in order to reach forgiving in order to the perpetual help, in as much as not tenemos one God which not it can feel pity for of we, rather one which fué tempting all over, but without sin, according to the letter at the age of Hebrews, and the apostle John she says, whether various hubiere sin, solicitor tenemos in order to with the parent to Jesus Christ the that's right, not ever not any human being it will be the best object lesson not other than The Christ Jesus, nor Buddah bo Mahoma nor none, we don't follow to humanity rather at a God which fué tempting all over but without sin, not ever we owe put her scope in the humanity not other than in the.
If G - d is all knowing and knows the future why does G - d seem surprised when Eve sins, when Cain kills Able, why destroy humanity in the flood with Noah and start over again if he already knew this would happen?
Sin was the certificate of ownership which the devil held over the heads of humanity.
Much of the debate over environmental stewardship is rooted in a clash of worldviews, with conflicting doctrines of God, creation, humanity, sin, and salvation.
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