Sentences with phrase «humanizes what»

When investors get involved in the community, it humanizes what we do.
Ashbrook and Albright argue that a central feature of human cognition is our predisposition to humanize what we perceive.
They humanize what has become a scientistic discipline and call philosophers back to the love of wisdom.

Not exact matches

Related: How to Humanize Your Brand and Build Social - Media Buzz When figuring out your marketing plan, you shouldn't just find a list of tips and employ all of them, or blindly try what worked for someone else.
But that doesn't mean he be let off the hook for humanizing a well - documented xenophobic, racist, and misogynistic serial liar, which is exactly what he did on Thursday.»
Guests explore their greatest challenges and failures, which makes for a very humanizing and yet somehow encouraging discussion about what business can be when the stakes are highest.
The totality of their humanized buyer experience including what has been covered in this Buyerology Trend series:
T - Mobile monitors the activity and the platform is a lens to what the fans like and an outlet to once again humanize a brand.
What is human - centered marketing and why it is important now • The three critical phases of a human - centered approach • How to research and develop human understanding of customers • How to use personas with human - centered marketing • How to understand human - centered experience scenarios and plan for them • How to humanize content and messaging to connect with customers
Executives can utilize buyer persona development to «humanize» the buyer segment, gain clarity on buyer goals, and determine what the appropriate strategies for customer engagement are.
We have not found a way to talk about sex and marriage, at least not one we're confident will humanize, which is what clarity about moral truth should do.
Is there some way that we can know what spirituality is life - giving and humanizing and what spirituality is death - dealing and dehumanizing?
Naturally, theologians like Shaull do not consider whether what they call the «humanizing» work of God is the same thing as what revolutions aim at.
Yet in Shaull's theological perspective, this problem would be basic; in fact he asks: «What are the specific elements of God's humanizing activity in the world?»
What Professor Whitehead says about the Greeks, however, applies in large measure to the Hebrews and to the early Christians — «The Athenians were slave - owners: but they seem to have humanized the institution.
Then we can focus on what we have control over i.e. our feelings, our thoughts, our conduct then if we have control over these then we determine whether we are humanized or not — not anyone else or any institution.
We may suggest what overhead industrial and international solutions we can devise, but we will not get far until we humanize our thought of folks.
«What makes our brand stand out is our appeal through time - honored cooking techniques which humanizes us, and we leverage that tone in our marketing,» Hoang adds.
When I saw her name in written form, I was afraid to say it out loud — to humanize her existence, to fathom what it means to walk without shoes, to know that she has been living a rough life and that her arms are powerful forces she uses to reckon the anger her own body can no longer tolerate.
To unravel exactly how ADAR1 is connected to disease severity at a molecular level, the researchers transferred multiple myeloma patient tissue to mice, creating what's known as a xenograft or «humanized» model.
But, what is a humanized mouse and why on...
Occasional passing shots of Orthodox men garbed in traditional heavy black coats and hats have an almost Edward Gorey-esque surrealness to them, and yet what makes the film so engaging is the thoroughness with which it humanizes and renders accessible the hermetic Hasidic community of Borough Park, Brooklyn.
And here, with Franco's film, we get to see the humanized side to this vampire - looking artist that Hollywood had no idea what to do with.
If the goal of the Darwin's great - great - grandson, Randal Keynes, the author of Annie's Box, along with the writers and director of «Creation» was to humanize Darwin and bury the iconic image of the stoic bearded man who walked with a cane and was slightly hunched over in his later years, then they brilliantly accomplished what they set out to do.
What's most striking about «Black Panther,» though, is that Coogler humanizes Killmonger to the point where many in the audience may be conflicted.
But what CHRISTINE does far better than «the other Christine Chubbuck film» is that it humanizes an elusive figure thanks in part to Craig Shilowich's script and Rebecca Hall's fully - realized, powerful performance.
At the film's press day, Collider sat down with the iconic longtime filmmaker to talk about why it was important to him to humanize Lyndon B. Johnson, why he wanted to win over Johnson's daughter, Luci Baines, what led him to want Woody Harrelson in the role, and the physical transformation the actor went through.
But what is certain about Three Billboards is that if this many people saw Dixon's arc as redemptive — and if we take the most charitable view, that it wasn't intended to trivialize the experiences of abused and tortured black characters in order to humanize a white character — then the problem is in the film itself, which allowed room for a reading that was counter to its intentions.
Directed by Stephen Frears and written by Lee Hall, this biopic look to what was almost a lost piece of recent history serves nicely to humanize the mythic Queen of England and give further insight as to what made her tick.
It's really humanizing to see a talent like him almost fall to pieces simply from not seeing what others see in him.
Some complained that it lacked action, but it did what every good Superman film has to do — it humanized Clark Kent.
Gillespie has said that he hopes to humanize Harding with the film, showing that the figure skater, who had a tumultuous relationship with her mother, had lived a story much more tragic and complicated than what the media portrayed in its narrative.
The people that are changing the world and having fun while doing it are the ones that recognize what an incredible asset the creative arts are to humanizing and disseminating science... If one day we figure out how to time - travel, the question will still remain: Who would you like to visit and why?
1) What is the responsibility of teacher educators in helping preservice and inservice teachers embody and enact humanizing and just pedagogies and practices that speak to students» lived experiences inside and outside schools?
For me, though, it was what humanized both Kim and her parents.
In what he describes as «an imagined biography,» Allen Say humanizes the troubled and determined American artist James Castle.
Herrmann humanizes every facet of the memoir, including what might in the hands of the wrong narrator come across as pedestrian remembrances of Ebert's Urbana, Illinois, childhood.
Even the fine work the writers do with humanizing the Templars throughout the game manages to get somewhat damaged toward the end of the story with what I personally believe to be a poor plot decision.
What moved me most was the way Quantic Dream humanized everyone's plight and even helped Jodie find her will to live again.
Sharing stories about how you've failed and what you learned humanizes your brand, makes you more relatable, and demonstrates that you are invested in learning and trying to improve — for yourself and your customers.
This humanizing of business via language and technology (which at its best, is what advertising really is) is what The Cluetrain Manifesto was also talking about, all those years ago.
In fact, this humble, humanizing perspective of Graham is exactly what attracted me to Meguro's work in the first place.
What we're looking at is the role of humanizing scientists — being more transparent, being more open and being viewed as more human.
They were a team that stood up to a prosecutor who had engaged in what the court called egregious misconduct; a team that listened to him and exposed the junk science that helped lead to his conviction; a team that humanized him before a judge with the courage to correct a grave injustice.
Everything here has been designed to humanize and simplify what would otherwise be quite a dry internet of things platform.
«The bio humanizes the candidate and is also a good chance for the veteran to state in their own terms what they learned in the military that is going to make them the candidate for this particular job.»
Your resume should clearly portray what a great person you are in the correct format to be read by humanized and the ATS scanning machinery that is so prevalent today.
Part 1: Effective Advertising: It's All About «HOODOO» Part 2: Write Ads That Sell Part 3: Match Powerful Photos With Powerful Headlines to Get Ads Noticed Part 4: Show What It's Like to Live in a Home Part 5: Humanizing Your Ads Part 6: Different Ads for Different Markets Part 7: Media Match: Make all Your Ad Media Work Together Part 8: Keep the Same (Good) Ad Running Part 9: Pricing: Take Your Sellers for a Ride Part 10: Getting Your Sellers to Pay for Advertising Bonus Tip 11: Research Your Advertising to Guarantee its Effectiveness
Video can humanize your brand because it helps the community «put a face to the name,» so use this as an opportunity to introduce yourself and explain what you are all about.
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