Sentences with phrase «humans using rats»

Most of the studies to date have been done for humans using rats or rabbits, but there is very little research available for treating pets.

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Indeed, the animal rights movement's fury against the speciesist use of animals» a necessary element for human flourishing, particularly in medical research» has increased to the point that scientists are now under threat of death by the most radical liberationists for daring to experiment on rats or monkeys to find cures for cancer and other human afflictions.
High dosages of reb A fed to rats reduced sperm production and increased cell proliferation in their testicles; however, another study using rats and humans demonstrated lack of reproductive toxicity.
«Basically, anyone who uses these products is a human lab rat,» says Dr. Arthur Grollman, a professor of pharmacological sciences and medicine at the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Rats are often used to study how mammalian brains work and many effects are similar in human brains.
«Every time we learn something new about how breathing, cardiac function and sleep are controlled in babies — even in baby rats — we have the chance to think about how these findings may be used to reduce the risk of SIDS in human infants,» Dr. Leiter says.
I am unsure why you disagree with using data / results from studying other animals that are known to be similar to humans — I see studies all the time that correlate results in other species (eg, to demonstrate the carcinogenic properties of something, they give it to rats and watch for tumors).
«We have now found a potential mechanism, and at this point in our research, we need to test human participants in a blinded, placebo controlled clinical study — the same technique we used to study the behavioral effects of acupuncture in rats,» says Eshkevari, a nurse anesthetist and licensed acupuncturist.
Grégoire Courtine at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland and colleagues previously restored movement to rats with spinal injuries similar to those causing lower - body paralysis in humans, by using a cocktail of chemicals and direct stimulation of spinal nerves.
A technique that involves genetically engineering brain cells so that they fire in the presence of certain drugs has been used to treat epilepsy in rats, and it could soon be tested in humans.
Ricardo Chavarriaga at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne says that while the set - up is a good use of two technologies, linking them will not be meaningful until the human's intention corresponds to the rat's action.
Using the supercomputers at Almaden and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the group simulated networks that crudely approximated the brains of mice, rats, cats and humans.
Most animal studies of the disease are conducted with laboratory mice that have been genetically engineered and bred to model ALS, but for this research, investigators used rats with ALS because they more accurately portray the disease's variable course in humans.
Using procedures established by Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease research, rats received resveratrol once a day for seven days in about the same concentration as a human would receive from a healthy diet.
Steve McMahon at Kings College London and colleagues used ultraviolet - B radiation to burn a small patch of skin in rats and 10 healthy humans.
• A Columbia University team headed by Silviu Itescu used human bone marrow to build new blood vessels in the hearts of rats.
Using a method that creates networks from these messages it was possible to identify «blocks» of messages with similar functions that were strongly associated with diseased cartilage; notably these same blocks of messages were found for diseased cartilage from both rats and humans.
And interestingly medications that are used to treat depression in humans work in these mouse and rat models.
Stem cells taken from human embryos have been used to make paralyzed rats walk again.
The virtual world used in the study was very similar to virtual reality environments used by humans, and neurons in a rat's brain would be very hard to distinguish from neurons in the human brain, Mehta said.
All funded projects currently use stem cells from mice, rats, or primates, or adult human stem cells.
The technique used to assess addiction - like behavior in rats can also be used in humans, so if similar results are found in addicted people, the researchers hope the technique may help identify people most susceptible to addiction and be useful for predicting the efficacy of oxytocin treatment.
What's more, the technology works not just for humans but for almost any higher species and is being used to make high - resolution maps of mice, rats, various plants, and even sheep, goats and pigs.
When the Novartis team used a more specific reagent to measure GDF11 levels in the blood of both rats and humans, they found that GDF11 levels actually increased with age — just as levels of myostatin do.
«More broadly, our work supports the view that rats may be used to model fundamental aspects of human memory.»
He added that the existence of episodic memory in lower animals has implications for research on human diseases that affect memory, including Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases, since the majority of research on the brain — and the drugs used to treat memory diseases and dementia — start out based on insights into how the brain works in rats.
It highlighted differences in the structure and make up of human NMJs compared with those of mice and rats, which are routinely used in studying neuromuscular diseases.
A technique that involves genetically engineering brain cells so that they fire in the presence of certain drugs has been used to treat an epilepsy - like condition in rats, and it could soon be trialled in humans.
Future research Because there are few salivary gland stem cells in the human mouth, the scientists plan to continue using rat salivary glands to refine the process, but eventually hope to use stem cells derived from human bone marrow or umbilical cord blood to regenerate salivary glands for humans.
«It's not obvious to me how these results from high doses in rats can tell us anything yet about normal levels of human mobile phone use,» he says.
They have found this can greatly increase the time that transplants survive in rats and mice, although the use of the technique in humans is a long way off.
His team have begun recolonising the primate scaffolds with human cells that line blood vessels, the first step towards human - scale biolimb development, and have started experiments using human myoblasts in rats instead of the mice ones.
To assess the effects of preconception alcohol use, Sarkar, with doctoral candidate Ali Al - Yasari, MS, and their colleagues, conducted a study, funded by the National Institutes of Health, in rats, whose basic processes of glucose function are similar to those in humans, Sarkar said.
«Previous studies of cardiac microtissues primarily used harvested rat cardiomyocytes, which is an imperfect model for human disease.»
Pigeons and rats, for example, are known to orient themselves using odor maps, or «smellscapes,» but sighted humans rely more heavily on visual landmarks, and so the study turned up some surprising results.
Other scientists have connected the brains of rats and monkeys, and transmitted brain signals from a human to a rat, using electrodes inserted into animals» brains.
In the study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the scientists used both rat neurons and human neurons created from induced pluripotent stem cells.
The George lab has made seminal contributions to the field including: discovering a novel population of neurons in the brain of humans, rats and mice that are involved in nicotine dependence, identifying neuronal ensembles responsible for nicotine and alcohol addiction, and unveiled the cellular and molecular changes associates with long term use of nicotine, cocaine, methamphetamine and alcohol use on the brain.
This might be alarming to people but experts say rats can handle more radiation than humans, even if the latter frequently uses their cell phones.
Using human stems cells and segments of rat intestines, scientists engineer bowels that are capable of absorbing nutrients.
In this study, we have used a multidimensional approach including high - magnification and super-resolution microscopy, cerebro - spinal fluid (CSF) mass spectrometry analysis and ELISA to investigate the Aβ pathology and its associated cognitive impairments, in a novel transgenic rat model overexpressing human APP.
The study used three cell types: human motor neurons derived from induced pluripotent stem cells, rat cortical cultures, and human breast cancer cells.
They were able to erase a memory by recalling it while the rats were under the influence of a drug call U0126, which induces limited memory loss (humans can't get it — it's only approved for use in other animals).
The first meaning is usually intended in literature that deals with rats or mice, while the second meaning is usually intended in studies of human EEG recorded using electrodes glued to the scalp.
Antiserum was cross adsorbed using bovine, chicken, horse, human, pig, rabbit and rat immunosorbents to remove cross reactive antibodies.
For such study, we have used the McGill - R - Thy1 - APP transgenic rat, which is unique compared to other rodent models in that the AD - like phenotype has been achieved with a single genomic insertion of a mutated human APP transgene; minimizing off - target genetic corruption and therefore being closer to the human disease [32].
The Czech Centre for Phenogenomics provides expertise and services to the biomedical research community which study the function of genes in biological processes and / or human disorders in vivo using mouse or rat models.
But, rather than studying the entire nervous system of a single model organism, Professor Graybiel has studied one brain region — a portion of the basal ganglia known as the striatum — in mice, rats, cats, monkeys, and humans using a whole range of technologies from microscopy through electrophysiological recordings to genetics.
Human stem cells successfully used to generate functional pituitary tissue capable of secreting hormones when transplanted into rats with hypopituitarism
Up until now, clinical studies have been using rats as subjects, but more recently some intensive independent research was done on humans as well.
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