Sentences with phrase «humans will continue»

And it's also likely that humans will continue to appreciate interaction with other humans for business purposes.
Show me an Inuit who can survive in his habitat without warm clothing... Humans will continue to infest Earth because we're smart.
On the general issue of climate change my professional opinion is that humans will continue to drive the truck, as fast as possible, right over the cliff.
But the tension between wild things and humans will continue to build in the subtropical state, where spreading development puts people — many of them newcomers or visitors like the unfortunate Nebraska family at the Disney resort — in contact both with thriving indigenous species like alligators and sometimes with invaders, like Burmese pythons.
Whether humans will continue to evolve and rid themselves of the thrifty gene remains to be seen.
NASA simulated the changes assuming that humans will continue to emit carbon at present - day rates (a scenario scientists call RCP 4.5) and under an «extreme» scenario where nations increase their emissions (RCP 8.5).
True, humans will continue to call for every little shred of extra life.
But, hopefully, with education and awareness, humans will continue to grow up and continue to reject all of this religious nonsense.

Not exact matches

As companies increasingly automate these human resources functions in order to shift their focus to the strategic and motivational components of human resources management, the opportunities for outsourcing will only continue to grow.
Businesses like his Bloomberg News will continue to rely on human resources to build relationships and connect with their customers.
Sequencing in one 18 - year - old patient found several oncogenes, and her and her family will continue to work with Human Longevity to monitor the cells.
I will continue to serve as a consultant to the firm through the autumn and I am leaving the Point72 Human Capital function in very capable hands.»
Those who continue to cling to the fatally flawed infinite economic growth within a resource finite biosphere won't have much to cling to as we witness the outcome of the laws of basic arithmitic, physics, and chemistry on this planet overwhelmed by artificially supported human population and resource exploitation.
Through research, testing, media, and advocacy, Consumer Reports and Consumers Union will continue to push all automakers to ensure their vehicles are safe, regardless of whether a human or an automated system is doing the driving.
For people living in rural areas, where wait times for driverless Uber or any kind of public transit are completely unreasonable, yet don't have money to burn an extra $ 10k on their car to make it autonomous, will continue to buy old - fashioned human - driven cars with gas pedals and steering wheels long into the future — and will not accept not being able to drive their cars into cities.
From Veterans, to Opportunity Youth, to Refugees and Dreamers, Starbucks will continue to build on our culture of inclusion as we seek to inspire and nurture the human spirit — one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
Buyer persona development, as a disciplined human - centered approach, will continue to play an integral role in how companies can humanize their brand and content.
It will continue to evolve where the old ways of sales - centric and product - centric modes and language will give way to human - centered ways of relating.
With any paradigm shift, I'm doubtful, I believe greedy human nature, and genuine working capital advantages of going public will continue to make IPOs are useful indicator in the years to come.
First, the logic of Roe is so quintessentially unnatural that human reason, and the human heart, will continue to overrule it, both inside the churchgoing flock and out.
InvivoSciences will continue to contribute to the improvement of human health by establishing a new paradigm for discovering drugs that focus on diseases with limited treatment options such as cardiac fibrosis, scleroderma, and lupus in a time - effective manner while remaining safe and cost effective.»
Human are being created throught the parents by mixing of the sperm and ovam as it is called «alaq / tin which we all are being created and it will continue till the end 4.
Once we shed the religious veil and we can have an honest discussion on why humans are how they are and what we can do as a group to get along we will continue to have warring factions.
Sadie Sadie The slaughter on both sides will continue until either Christians and Muslims realize that they are the same and are in fact human beings, or one of the Prophets actually comes back and set things straight.
Evangelical Catholicism draws the will, the energy, the strength, and, if necessary, the stubbornness to continue defending and promoting the dignity of the human person from the power of the gospel.
Humans have evolved and will continue to but we can use laws to keep control of ourselves and not a fear in a god that doesn't exist.
The human Genome Initiative, begun modestly in 1988, will expand to a $ 200 million - a-year project by 1993 and continue into the next century.
---- Which is why it's curious why God continues to create human beings, and place them in areas of the world where christianity does not exist, and they will never hear the word bible, much less read it.
Being limited by our human state, we have not ever properly known all of Its laws no matter what some human wrote or said, and we will continue to have issues understanding until we do.
Thus, if in dealing with the problem of the various human races, their appearance, their awakening, their future, we start from its purely biological roots, it will lead us to recognize that the only climate in which man can continue to grow is that of devotion and self - denial in a spirit of brotherhood.
The longer we as human beings continue to shirk responsibility for everything we all do, the longer the world will be afflicted with pain and suffering.
The economization of politics is extremely damaging to human society and the natural world, and if the process continues, it will be disastrous.
Benedict Rogers, East Asia team leader at religious freedom charity Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) said the vote is an «extremely significant development, which will in all likelihood mean a continuing crackdown on human rights generally, and religious freedom in particular».
«It has been predicted from a study of the pattern of church attendance over the past 100 years that if trends continue there will be virtually no Christian institutional presence in Britain by the year 2050 (David Hay, the Biology of the Human Spirit).
actually you do nt have to prove the many deities or Gods that they really exist, because they really had existed in their times, They are part of the evolutionary process for us humans to transcend to higher consciousness.To simplify the analogy, when we were young and we are in the lower grade school, we were taught simple subjects not advance literatures but simple stories even mythicals, The same with religion, thousands of years ago when there was no science yet, primitive people had a religion, of course man made faiths to conform with their state of mind or intellect.But later atfter thousands of years we evolve into a more educated people and so new concept of God again was presented to them, another man made concept, and this go on and on, until a few thiousand years ago.monotheism, Judaism, christianity, islam, buddhism, etc also evolved, But with the accelerated evolution, these faith again is threatend with obsolesencs because of of scientific developments and education.In panthroteistic faith, the future religion needs to conform to evolutionary process, This proves that God is always there guiding the change.And it his will that made this a reality in history since the begining of the universe 13 billion years ago, and this will continue to exist until He will completely fulfill His will to infinity, Thats PANTHROTHEISM, the futue, man made religion under His guidance through scientifiic evoluition after the Bi Bang
We observe that there is no sphere of human society that is left untouched — working class, middle class, upper class, all have done, continue to do and will do evil things.
The original purpose of human existence, and the existence towards which we are headed because of what God has done and will continue to do until the last day, is to worship and glorify God in holiness.
The preoccupation with human power will likely continue, both for reasons of the enhanced impacts of human power in a shrinking world, and growing social conflict.
Until we can separate humans from businesses we will continue to have these issues.
And when he is through he stomps off stoically, knowing that the job will have to be endlessly repeated as long as humans continue to occupy the house.
We will learn more, as we continue to observe other species across multiple human generations.
Will we continue to pursue a form of fertility treatment that has led to vat after vat of incipient human life?
The existence of the churches is not in jeopardy; they are and will continue to be for large numbers of persons the only accessible institutions that will meet their need to be affirmed in their identity and sense of belonging in both a human and a divine dimension.
They will continue falling into a state of Panic / hysteria, as long as they continue to believe that a corrupt legal system and human legislation, can change the hearths and minds of a corrupt and perverted people.
If the world continues to accept disappearing tree - cover, land degradation, the expansion of deserts, the loss of plant and animal species, air and water pollution, and the changing chemistry of the atmosphere it will also have to accept economic decline and social disintegration... such disintegration would bring human suffering on a scale that has no precedent...» 7
I can understand this feeling on the part of people who have been brought up to accept the conventional notion that heaven will be a place of meeting with those who have died and who wish to have assurance that continuing conscious personal existence after death is guaranteed to us humans.
But on the other hand, when in talking about sin one talks only of such sins, it is so easily forgotten that in a way it may be all right, humanly speaking, with respect to all such things up to a certain point, and yet the whole life may be sin, the well - known kind of sin: glittering vices, willfulness, which either spiritlessly or impudently continues to be or wills to be unaware in what an infinitely deeper sense a human self is morally under obligation to God with respect to every most secret wish and thought, with respect to quickness in comprehending and readiness to follow every hint of God as to what His will is for this self.
It is the abiding Word of God alone that tests and accompanies all study of Scripture; it challenges and encourages us to continue on this road, critically weighing all human words about God's Word, with the expectation and certainty shared with the church of all ages that the «jewel» of the gospel will not be lost in a new and still unknown future.24
That is, when men had learned to understand God as a person and his will as a body of moral teaching, they continued to recognize his supreme importance for human life, but his actual present effectiveness became a matter of belief rather than of immediate apprehension.
I will continue to denigrate the belief that human's are just alien souls trapped in human bodies trying to get free.
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