Sentences with phrase «humble life»

Adventures of Pip takes place in a kingdom known as Pixelonia, a land where individuals with more pixels live a life of luxury, while those with fewer pixels live humble lives.
BBC Springwatch presenter Kate Humble lives in Monmouthshire.
Kai's humble life of servitude (and secretly sharing glances with Asano's daughter Mika, played by Kou Shibasaki) is interrupted when Shogun Tsunayoshi (Cary - Hiroyuki Tagawa) and his delegation come to visit.
Flashing forward to the 1980s, we then observe Erik a.k.a. Magneto (Michael Fassbender, flawless as ever) living out his new and humble life as a smelter, keeping his mutant powers a secret.
She anticipates many humbling life lessons along the way, which she will...
Though salarymen worked extremely long hours and were expected to provide the utmost loyalty and sacrifice to their corporation, they were rewarded with thoroughly middle class lifestyles and promises of lifetime employment — a significant step - up from the very humble lives that most Japanese lived before World War Two.
I'm not so concerned with where the money came from as I am with him living a lifestyle that doesn't really follow what Jesus taught us about humble living.
It seems not a little strange that the faith which is most insistent upon the principle of Ahimsa and will not take the life of the most humble living thing, makes a definite place for putting an end to one own life.
«My father always suggested that I live a simple and humble life because life is not only for the present day, but also for a bright future.»
Dept. and looking for a nice, humble life partner with whom can spend rest of my life..
Opt for humbler living accommodations when possible.
Jeff Rosen, Humble's chief executive officer, and co-founder noted in a press release that «[he couldn't] think of a better partner than IGN» in regards to helping Humble live on.
Adventures of Pip takes place in a kingdom known as Pixelonia, a land where individuals with more pixels live a life of luxury, and those with fewer pixels live humble lives.
And once you've traveled it, you'll have some terrific and humbling life lessons that will keep you from getting stuck, circling the dial again and again.
This church wasn't there to help others it was there to make money... I believe that even after Christ's humble existance his disiples lived a humble life and on the their faith in God.
Men, women, and children, young and old have sought and found the grace of God in order to live chaste and humble lives.
It is a humbling life, and if I don't seem humble at times, I am sorry, it's hard to do and pretty impossible to fake, but it's the right way to be.
You said, «Let us Christians just lead our humble lives (those of course that are humble), and let the result of afterlife be enough.»
Let us Christians just lead our humble lives (those of course that are humble), and let the result of afterlife be enough.
That is why they were willing to invest most of the hours of their humble lives in preparing the way for modern science.
They spend millions on these exotic buildings and the clergy drive cars far nicer than anyone living a humble life should.
Just because what he is doing currently is being televised does not mean he doesn't live a humble life.
In his family such a choice was highly valued because they were very devout Christians and tried to live faithful, hard - working, humble lives.
So much of our theology must be held ever so lightly... this not only leads to more gracious and humble living, but also helps us when / if our theology changes.
We think of a church meeting, growing and reproducing within our humble living room.
And yet the 78 - year - old Penrose — now an emeritus professor at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford — seems to live the humble life of a researcher just getting started in his career.
I live a humble life style, have a big science background but currently work in the insurance industry.
I'm a simple man, I live a humble life.
OKC has a pace that suits my quiet, humble life and my love of Jesus - loving, masculine... Read More
Clever, kindhearted Kubo (voiced by Art Parkinson of Game of Thrones) ekes out a humble living, telling stories to the people of his seaside town including Hosato (George Takei), Hashi (Cary - Hiroyuki Tagawa) and Kamekichi (Academy Award nominee Brenda Vaccaro).
Clever, kindhearted Kubo (voiced by Art Parkinson of «Game of Thrones») ekes out a humble living, telling stories to the people of his seaside town including Hosato (George Takei), Akihiro (Cary - Hiroyuki Tagawa), and Kameyo (Academy Award nominee Brenda Vaccaro).
Moving from LA to Philadelphia, Adonis seeks out the tutelage of his old man's greatest adversary and eventual friend Rocky, who's living a humble life as a restaurateur and still mourning his beloved Adrian.
Denzel Washington plays an autistic lawyer who loves soul music and lives a humble life.
In the epic fantasy, scruffy, kindhearted Kubo ekes out a humble living while devotedly caring for his mother in their sleepy shoreside village.
Verdean (Sam Rockwell, Moon, Seven Psychopaths) has spent his professional life searching for (and finding) physical proof to support the Bible but is, of late, reduced to living in an old RV and giving lectures to faith groups — making a humble living from speaking fees and selling his books and DVDs.
I take my husband's reluctant sponsorship anytime and thankfully we are able to manage our humble life.
Sometimes the planters wanted nothing more than to make a humble living, and then there were men and women who wanted to own the world, as if it were a matter of the proper acreage.
I love having the choice to live a «normal» / humble life and I enjoy traveling.
Even though I still realize that I am monumentally privileged to make my humble living as a travel writer, visiting destinations that most people will only fantasize about, I admittedly abandoned my commitment to journaling.
The HF80JA model can, of course, also turn the humble living room into a full - on movie theater.
Needless to say, avoid the link below should you wish to live a humble life in spoiler free territory.
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