Sentences with phrase «humble suggestion»

So I've come up with three humble suggestions on how to improve the draft and turn in a more - watchable, more - engaging product.
Mr. Stevens, if you're reading this, here's our very humble suggestion...
Here's my humble suggestion on how to modify the rules of traditional brainstorming to get the most out of your efforts:
Most of the college sports fans who read Michael Rosenberg's humble suggestion to the NCAA probably had a similar gut reaction.
And those are my humble suggestions.
A humble suggestion: instead of tapping your foot at midnight while the baby cries and your bottle warmer heats to the right temperature, why not heat some water before you go to bed and store it in a thermos?
If we here at Insider might make a humble suggestion, it would be that the campaign refrain from erecting any tents or inadvertently straying into a state - owned Lafayette Park.
I truly believe that if the teachers unions took these humble suggestions to heart, it would be a game changer.
Our humble suggestion?
But here's a humble suggestion: File your taxes, then take a vacation.
Those who want to hear more about the gameplay and my humble suggestions after beating the game, continue reading.
May I suggest he take whatever degrees in science he claims to have earned and make the humble suggestion that he line the hamster cage with their parchment because he has failed miserably in his pursuit of science.
As no other major OEM has cracked under display scanner tech, my humble suggestion to Samsung (and others too) is let the kinks be worked out.
So to that end I offer these humble suggestions for surviving young children.
My humble suggestion would be to look to Canada's real estate companies for assistance.
I can't tell you the solution to all these problems because I am not that smart, but I have a humble suggestion.
Here is a humble suggestion on advertising.
I have a humble suggestion about how to help these folks and other seniors in Canada.
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