Sentences with phrase «humbug feeling»

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That Thoreau was a humbug who is only kept in print by his capacity to capture the passing fancies of impressionable adolescents is neither here nor there to the editors of the Times, who apparently feel entitled to indulge their own impulse to throw an adolescent snit in protest against a nation that appreciates them insufficiently.
«Book and Activity Advent Day 19: Fairy Lights and The Christmas Humbugs Main Book and Activity Advent Day 21: Mini Felted Wool Wreaths and The Shortest Day»
But defining your values and using them to guide what you expect from your holiday (and life in general) will certainly up your happiness game, and it'll be much easier to make merry even when circumstances make you feel like bah - humbug.
It feels slightly humbug to point out that all native characters are in service to the white characters (just like during our colonial past!).
That gave con artists or carnival barkers like P.T. Barnum — whose spectacular career as the Prince of Humbugs is portrayed by Hugh Jackman in the recent blockbuster musical film — a golden opportunity to swoop in to make you feel better while they take your money or steal your soul or your vote.
I can not stand to decorate (My husband think I am a total humbug), but I bet I could replicate some of your decorations and feel like I did something really pretty.
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