Sentences with phrase «humour which»

Even humour which is intended to serve a legitimate purpose may be considered inappropriate if it is directed at a subject matter or person in a manner which is unacceptable in light of norms governing judicial conduct or oversteps some other social or cultural boundary.
In some circumstances, any humour which undermines the seriousness of the matter, at least in the eyes of those present, would be unacceptable.
The second interviewee suggests that he expects only a limited expression, such as smiles, implying that humour which elicits open laughter may be too far at odds with court decorum.
Laughter is an audible, vocal expression, usually responding to humour which is very funny.
Judicial humour which demonstrates that the arguments of litigants, criminal defendants, lawyers or other court users have been «heard and considered» is likely to promote the feeling that procedural justice has been afforded to them.
By contrast, as Anesa discusses, judicial humour which is delivered in colloquial or everyday language is more likely to engage litigants, criminal defendants, jurors or witnesses.
I should point out that even Adam Smith, in his classic Wealth of Nations, once concluded that the state should give «entire liberty» to diversions such as painting, music, dancing and the theatre «to dissipate... that melancholy and gloomy humour which is almost always the nurse of popular superstition and enthusiasm.»
However, beyond the «joy of creation» and humour which suffuses his works as a necessary reaction to the extreme darkness of the terrifying period in Argentina in the 70's, there is always the ongoing exploration of man's relationship to society.
Combined with the use of a restricted viewpoint, repetition and flat narrative, my work seems more likely to generate feelings of futility, frustration and perhaps humour which, in some cases, might give way to a deeper contemplation of the systems within which we live.
An anarchic sense of humour which places you in charge of your very own building empire, pitting you against multiple others.
Thankfully the quests, characters and the Yo - Kai boast a healthy dose of humour which definitely assists in drawing you into this bizarre yet enjoyable game.
Intact females are generally more moody and emotional than the males, and also more dominant and demanding of time and attention but they can also be quick - witted and sassy with a quirky sense of humour which some individuals find very endearing.
This is a source of annoyance to UK authors including myself, because although I have good reviews from the UK, my novels include a good deal of irony in their humour which readers in the US don't seem to understand.
Thankfully, there's a recurrent streak of black humour which stops Green Room from getting too bogged down in the misery and emotional (plus very physical) torture, not the least one recurrent gag which earns the film a deep belly laugh, right at the best possible moment.
If anything, while Snatched tries to imitate comedies by Paul Feig and Todd Phillips, what it most closely resembles is an Adam Sandler comedy, with all the pain and clumsy humour which that implies.
The acting was pretty dull, it just lacked humour which is it's main content avoid, don't waist your money unless you want to see Natalie Portman in a g - string:), the only noteworthy part of the movie...
After the dreary arthouse po - faced Archipelago what a relief to see a home grown film which is movie - literate and bounces along with a deadpan humour which makes you chuckle quietly throughout.
>> After the dreary arthouse po - faced Archipelago what a relief to see a home grown film which is movie - literate and bounces along with a deadpan humour which makes you chuckle quietly throughout >> There was more and louder laughter for Archipelago than for Submarine when I saw it a couple of weeks ago.
The girls do a fantastic job with their unique brand of humour which gives this a current twist.
The screenplay is actually quite credibly conceived and executed with a fair amount of humour which is accentuated by the playing of the cast.
15 % for Acting: it's terrible and even bad attempt at humour which just isn't funny at all, our leads are good but overall it's just terrible.
Cat: I was a little nervous when we met but that vanished within minutes with Johnny's humour which put us both at ease.
I learnt Hausa which helped me enjoy the people of the North, while in the South, most people spoke English which enabled me to share their sense of humour which was always only just below the surface.
outh, most people spoke English which enabled me to share their sense of humour which was always only just below the surface.
Elena is patient, understanding, loving and has a beautiful sense of humour which shines when she teaches and the rest of the tutors all bring something different and valuable to the table.
As the pair walked down the corridor of Buckingham Palace, the monarch glanced at him slightly, in a moment of subtle humour which recognised the absurdity of the image and riffed on the way she is viewed by the public.
It is a snide, cruel, detached sense of humour which is identical to that you see online, especially from parts of the Corbyn support and the alt - right.
Connie has a great sense of humour which combined with her talent in design, is what makes her greeting cards so popular!
The skit clearly comes with some tongue - in - cheek humour which has to be appreciated, but does he get enough credit for the ability he adds to our squad?
We are speaking of humour which is enjoyed in love.
I do feel challenged by your comments about considering my audience and that is always important when it comes to humour which again I see you did well with your audience.
At its best this gives his work a wonderful sense of humour which can be as illuminating as it is entertaining.
It is realized in what makes our everyday life specifically human: in the patience that can wait, in the sense of humour which does not take things too seriously, in being prepared to let others be first, in the courage which always seeks for a way out of the difficulties.

Not exact matches

As for what happens to the brands — which currently include the Gap and Walmart — that haven't signed up by the May 15th deadline, WRC's Nova says without a trace of humour, «They turn into pumpkins.»
I got some of the best feedback on my personal style, which I'll share with you: it was to be more playful, to see the humour in things and to see the humour in other people having different opinions to yourself.
They often straight for the jugular, making a significant point about the Christian life while making you laugh at the same time; which is what good humour should do.
By «play» I do not mean just idle enjoyment, and certainly do not mean the cynical exploitation of sex which constitutes much of what passes for humour about it.
It's kind of already been said above by others and in other places, but if you need anything, this community is here for you with heart and humour (and likely some strong shoulders and thick heads too, which can come in very handy).
I appreciate what you are trying to do with addressing abuse and the manner in which you are attempting it with humour and the cartoons.
Now most people thought that it was the boisterous humour of youth which led him into such excesses; but he was really the mouthpiece of a devil, though it only seemed a drunken frolic in which on that occasion he was indulging.
The Spirit is God, otherwise he could not certainly foresee such distant events, which as to us are uncertain and contingent, depending on the tempers, humours, and lusts of men.
u really do put alot of effort into your humour... u should be a writer davy... or in custody... cant decide which
It's been a tough period for Arsenal fans, which seems to be the case quite often these days, but they haven't lost their sense of humour it seems.
BRITISH HUMOUR IS DIFFERENT These are classified ads, which were actually placed in U.K. Newspapers: FREE YORKSHIRE TERRIER.
Hard work, tenacity, loyalty and a good sense of humour are traits held by Ray Parlour, all of which make him a symbol of love and admiration for Arsenal fans across the globe.
A body not in balance is the result of all of the humours not being in balance, and thus, the recommendation for Diaby is that he be purged of all excess Blood, Phlegm, Bile and other Expulsions from the Body until his body is back in balance, with express interest shown on the Fluids produced by the Liver, which is the Source of Life, and, if not in balance, the Cause of Bodily Disturbance.
Mario Balotelli has apologised for his post on social media which provoked claims of racism and anti-Semitism, with the Liverpool striker saying his intention was to be «anti-racist with humour».
Some French humour, for those who have 45 mins or 3 / 4s of an hour, which ever seems longer!
Abi (of SewYou) is an amazing maker — I love her work, which has wit and a wicked sense of humour, as well as being beautifully made.
There's lots of personality and humour in their posts, which reflects the brand perfectly.
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