Sentences with phrase «hunch proves»

It could of course still turn out eventually that their wild hunch proves correct.
This lets users buy or sell shares in different election results, and reap a financial pay out if their hunch proves correct.
But when their brains were examined two weeks later, Shatz's hunch proved correct: The LGN's layers had failed to develop.
But the area's geography and water resources looked favorable for early habitation, and her hunch proved correct.
The hunch proved correct: the treated cells remained inactive after progesterone exposure, indicating that CatSper was not directly involved.

Not exact matches

As is I got a hunch we're letting Theo have his ST spot and replacing him at RW with a Fekir type (player with promise rather than proven ability).
Of course there is no way to prove this, but it's my hunch.
My hunch was that by tea time we would have seen the back of it, and so it proved.
When testing was complete, the first hunch of the Malaysian team proved right: «Sure enough, results from Rafe's genetic analysis showed that the frog from Peninsular Malaysia was genetically too distant from the Siberut Island Frog to be considered the same species, so we decided to describe it as a new species.»
To prove anything beyond a hunch, Acuna - Soto knew he would need good forensic science.
While Mitchum's lab had a hunch that cytokinin was key to this takeover, proving it took some creative science.
He had a hunch those swirls were part of a bigger structure, and a computer simulation proved him right: In aggregate, the swirls could twist the sun's magnetic field, causing it to launch a huge spinning funnel of gas.
He proved that hunch right with a chromosome test to determine a developing baby's sex from a sample of maternal blood.
Despite their hunches, researchers have been unable to prove that the visual system measures distance with angles because they couldn't separate angular declination from other visual cues.
«We've not been able to prove it, but it's our best hunch for now.»
CULTURE SHOCK If their hunch was correct, the scientists wondered a few years back, how could they prove it?
Proving their hunch, the researchers found ascarosides in the secretions of every nematode they examined, and a few subsequent experiments showed that the small compounds also acted as signaling molecules in the species» they investigated.
Sandra Bullock is one of those stars who just seems nice, and earlier this week she did something that helps prove our hunch.
Recent studies have now proven my hunch right, ironically linking the use of sunscreen to cancer.
Our idea was that, if we could finally prove our hunch that women are more attracted to a man who is comfortable showing his emotions, then we could finally help to bury the belief that society is against men being emotionally vulnerable.
(While I can not prove it, that is my strong hunch).»
The terms and conditions page told us everything we need is to know and proved everything that we had a hunch about.
So, rather than acting on a hunch, better focus on proven tactics that do work, and the content with greatest value.
That's difficult to prove, of course, but his study does give empirical backing to Pendoley's hunch: that there are better ways to help our young people transition to independence than we are currently providing.
In fact a future comparison test will likely prove our hunch that it's the best in the class.
CNET editor Chris Paukert found during a subsequent drive that the six - speed manual transmission model proved the hunch.
My hunch seems to have been proved correct.
Are you really, really serious about allowing the build - up of CO2 to a level not seen since Antarctica first acquired its ice sheet, just on your belief, or suspicion, or hunch, contrary to what those that have actually studied these things think they know, that this «control knob» might not be doing much; just because scientists have not managed to prove, to your satisfaction, that consequences like the above are certain, rather than just very well possible?
Hunches and quips are not science and do not prove or disprove anything.
Long term investigative enquiry no longer starts with a hunch, but a hypothesis which «will» be proven.
When an Iowa State professor of mechanical engineering followed his hunch about spider webs, it paid off: he proved biological materials can rival metals in conducting heat.
While you may have had a hunch, call tracking proves it.
Key Accomplishments • Introduced computer instruments in an environment working solely on manual instruments to gauge calibration problems in auto transmission vehicles • Acted as the prime source of information in an accident, by providing key information on which side the fault was • Diagnosed an engine failure based on a hunch (derived from a sound coming from the truck engine when the ignition was switched on), saving the vehicle and the people inside from a major fire hazard • Handled 32 road calls in one day, during Blizzard Jonas, and proved invaluable in ascertaining that all vehicle owners got home safely
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