Sentences with phrase «hunched over on»

We are so used to sit hunched over on a computer all the day and as a consequence, our natural tendency over time becomes being like that.
The shots of him hunched over on the bench after almost every shift seriously make my day.
I feel that I have better control than I would with a baby bath tub where I have to hunch over on the floor bathing her (we don't have really much counter space to put a baby tub on because we have a small house).

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By removing hunches from the selection process, the models are able to identify stable businesses with strong fundamentals based on data, the types of companies that will withstand the ups and downs of the market over the long - term.
I am sure she was very grateful to me because there was nothing she wanted more for the last trimester of a cold winter pregnancy than to spend her Saturday afternoons perched on a metal folding chair in the backroom of a knitting shop, hunched over needles while Shirley rolled her eyes at our ineptitude.
Noah pulled a metal chair across the concrete patio and sat hunched over the water garden, silvery scales glinting as the fish darted beneath the water hyacinth... Ten minutes later all six were dead, floating glassy - eyed and white - bellied like sardines on the surface.»
And when you lick the bowl think about me slaving away on another literary analysis or critical theory paper, hunched over my computer, probably not even with matching socks on.
I've also read the entire introduction and scanned many recipes on the Amazon preview page it makes me ache to read your book curled up in bed, or hunched over my kitchen counter, instead of at my desk at work.
Further confirming this hunch is the list of the Top 10 Most Viewed Recipes on my sidebar; just crank your eyes over a few inches to the right and take a gander at that feature.
As much as I wish our work on the farm could be grouped into the «romantic picnic for two» category, in reality my husband and I spend most summer days hunched over the dirt, farming our little hearts out and ready to pass out from the 90 - degree temperatures at any given moment.
Pretend you are hunching over a campfire on the Texas plains after a hard day's ride.
I can still see her hunched over the sink with her yellow dish gloves on, a glass of red waiting on the windowsill.
For the last five days I have been on the couch, yes on my lonely couch hunched over sick as a dog.
Cause that's how you see stories of the police walking in on an active crime scene of a woman, hunched over a man on the floor with his chest ripped open, while she gnaws on his raw heart.
During last year's Final Four he appeared on the bench with a teal - blue - and - floral long - sleeved dress shirt under his jersey, and the first photo of him that surfaced post — ankle surgery, last April, showed him gleefully hunched over the handlebars of a Pride scooter, the uncool, basket - equipped transportation mode of choice for America's octo - and nonagenarians.
ATHENS, GA.: Sonny Martin is hunched over a wobbly wooden table in the corner of a dumpy off - campus bar on Broad Street.
Hunched over, with their ice picks resting on their shoulders, the shadowy figures of the Alpinists looked like gnomes preparing to tromp down into the mines.
Mulu's back hunched over from the tremendous weight and her muscles burned as she walked; the physical toll that this work was taking on her body evident with every step.
She also notes that it might be more comfortable in a standard cradle position if you didn't focus on lots of pillows so you don't hunch over, but rather you reclined slightly and had him lay on you, either in cradle position or vertical to you.
What he saw was his disabled wife sitting on a towel on the baseent floor, hunched over the bottom of the washing machine with a YouTube video playing in one hand.
It was considered obscene for a man to enter the delivery room, yet they wrote the guidebooks, doling out advice based on hunches handed down over generations.
«Shhh, almost done,» he says, hunching over Kai on the living room floor of their Washington, D.C., townhouse, while his wife, Elanor Starmer, tries to placate the fussy baby.
Mom just slips it on her arm, and the soft cushion securely props baby up for feeding without mom having to hunch over or strain her back.
When you're first getting the hang of how to breastfeed, you may be so focused on getting your baby to latch on correctly that you hunch over, straining your neck and upper back muscles as you look down.
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant Leigh Anne O'Connor told Romper that there is too much emphasis on trying to master a position and that as long as a mom isn't hunched over or uncomfortable and her baby is close to her, she can find the position that works best for her.
And I often find that taking that first small step up out of the pit — eating at the table instead of hunched over a plate on the sofa; snuggling with the kids instead of pushing them away; walking instead of doughnut - imbibing — seems to give me the energy to make an even better choice the next day, and the next day, and the next.
It's often easier on a parent's back than hunching over a bath tub, and the clean - up is easy, too.
If you're sitting up, having something to prop your feet up will help with your posture so you're not hunching over to baby (I struggled with this, but my mom stayed on top of me about it the week she was with us).
I recently did some informal research on moms» opinions of traditional breast pumps via Facebook mom groups, and the most common complaints I heard include: the noise, the weight, the discomfort, the many parts to clean, the way they force you to hunch over, and their dependency on an outlet.
When you slouch or hunch to reach your baby, it creates stress and strain on your spine, although you may find that you lean over to your baby without realizing you are doing it, until your start to get an ache in your back.
Expectant moms lean on, hunch over and even sit on them to help manage the pain of contractions.
He sat, hunched over, on the edge of the bed blaming everybody for his actions except himself.
The fluorescent lighting flickers as he hunches over a desk to click on a computer file.
Clinical psychology continues to depend on outdated, ineffective strategies of diagnosis and treatment — and surveys show individual practitioners often value their own experience or a «hunch» over scientific evidence, ultimately hindering their ability to effectively help patients.
The reason, they say, is that people could write equations on boards rather than see characters hunched over their screens, but I think they also thought that science is just intrinsically more interesting, and it catches your imagination more than computer programming.
I sat in my padded desk chair, hunched over, alternately entering notes on my computer and reading a book called The Story of the Human Body.
In a quiet, windowless auditorium in Bristol, in the west of England, Lucy Robson and her team hunch over their laptops as the seconds on a giant clock above begin to count down.
Late on a Saturday night, Geoff Marcy and Paul Butler are hunched over computer monitors in an office 12,000 feet below the summit, in the nearby ranching town of Waimea.
On top of that, hunching over a computer is a leading cause of back pain.
Slumping in front of a keyboard for hours on end can cause your spine to form an unattractive and potentially harmful hunched posture over time, says Jeremy Smith, MD, orthopedic spine surgeon at Hoag Orthopedic Institute in Irvine, Calif. «The spine has a well - balanced S - shaped curvature in order to stabilize and support us,» Dr. Smith says.
We get so focused on our tasks and screens that we hunch over, inhale from our chest, and breathe shallowly and rapidly; all of which unconsciously stimulates the fight or flight option.
AND you need exercises that avoid repetitive, grinding movements or exercises that put excessive pressure on the spine... the ones that lead to that hunched - over posture and lower back pain.
What's more, if you're constantly hunched over at the computer, the stress on your back muscles can throw things even further out of whack.
All day sitting hunched over at a computer desk to then drive home and lounge around on the couch watching television means that not only are many people missing out on well needed exercise but even more critically they are missing out on keeping the body mobile and agile especially in comparison to our ancestors and even the early caveman.
Try to avoid hunching over and internally rotating the arms, which is the default position for many people when typing on a computer, using a smartphone or playing video games, among other activities.
In a world where we all walk around hunched over and working on computers and smartphones, improving your posture is so important.
Hunching over laptops and smartphones for hours on end does your back no favors.
Slumping at your desk, reaching for your mouse, hunching over your keyboard, can all put extra strain on the shoulder, neck or back and may be the cause of your shoulder pain.
I'm currently on the pill and terrified to come off because the cramps I'm on for are 100 % debilitating and take me back to being a teenager with snot and tears streaming down my face while I hunch over the loo.
Forty minutes later, Robinson, hunched over a keyboard, typed «off - task behavior interfered with instruction time» into a form on the computer screen.
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