Sentences with phrase «hundreds of different ways»

When it comes to breastfeeding, millions of women have breastfed in hundreds of different ways throughout history — there simply is no by the book.
I did most of my research online and found literally hundreds of different ways I could boost testosterone naturally.
Even the simplest flames are complicated, a dance of chemical reactions in which molecules interact in hundreds of different ways.
Between the different types of cars and child safety seats, there are literally hundreds of different ways to install a child seat.
The great thing about taco or burrito bowls, as they're sometimes called, is that they are 100 % customizable and can be adapted hundreds of different ways to make them exactly as you want them to.
These can be customized in hundreds of different ways with a variety of barrels, scopes, magazines and muzzles, through to aesthetic changes such as your countries flag and more.
One of the great things about Linux is that you can do the same thing hundreds of different ways — even something as simple as generating a random password can be accomplished with dozens of different commands.
The same basic divisions — said in hundreds of different ways in dozens of meeting rooms in the Peruvian capital — have stalled any significant move to combat climate change, though it is already affecting farm output worldwide; adding to uncertainty over freshwater availability; hastening glacier melt; raising sea levels; and making storms, floods and droughts more frequent and more severe.
There are literally hundreds of different ways to prepare crepes, but the most popular way is to serve them as a dessert with sweet spreads, fresh fruits, ice cream, etc..
Leadership is such a complicated phenomenon that it's possible to describe it in hundreds of different ways.
Your comment is simply a little more stupid than the one I'm typing right now because you've likely had it thrown back at you in hundreds of different ways.
It is always tasty, can be jazzed up in hundreds of different ways and is inexpensive when you are feeding a large family like mine.
The final round is only 18 holes and this is coverage the people want — it's hard to understand how it keeps happening in 2016, when we now have hundreds of different ways to watch everything.
However if you open yourself to the idea that there are hundreds of different ways to be active, you might find a type of exercise you actually enjoy such as hiking, biking, roller - blading, skiing, running, dancing, power - walking, yoga, volleyball, softball, tennis, swimming, surfing, etc..
Why you need it: A high - quality multi-tool can be used in hundreds of different ways.
There are hundreds of different ways to work your arms, so choose your favorite arm exercises and get to work!
What's unique about IIN is instead of teaching you that there is only ONE certain way to eat, that there are hundreds of different ways.
There are literally hundreds of different ways to do a pull - up, but try focusing on these five variations (even within these there are multiple variations).
Whether it's for you or for a friend, flat & curling iron gift sets offer all the tools you need to style hair in hundreds of different ways.
Plaid is another fall pattern that can be styled in hundreds of different ways.
In reality, there are hundreds of different ways to start a conversation with someone.
There are hundreds of different ways to do it, so I chose the best books on the subject by authors who are creating best sellers on a regular basis.
There are hundreds of different ways to trade the Forex market.
Juicy Excerpt: If you read the comment that I put to the blog post, you will see that I believe that our discovery in 1981 that valuations affect long - term returns is akin to mankind's discovery of how to harness electricity to enrich our lives in hundreds of different ways.
There are hundreds of different ways to save money, but slashing your budget to the bare bones isn't always the answer.
There are literally hundreds of different ways to make money in the stock market — but too many people forget all the different ways that you can potentially lose money in the stock market.
Single - player game evolves based on players decisions and actions Deep level of character customization: Players will have hundreds of different ways to customize their look to truly help them define their character on the battlefield both on - and offline.
Deep level of character customization: Players will have hundreds of different ways to customize their look to truly help them define their character on the battlefield both on - and offline.
Sure, there are hundreds of different ways your interviewer may choose to ask them, but every interview question is actually just a variation of the 15 themes.
Even within a single market, like Houston, there are hundreds of different ways to put that capital at work.
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